It's not mine, haha. Just saw someone tweet that.I like your governor 😀
They should send there plow drivers up here to the NorthEast for some training. Up here the Plows are out all night long during storms like this. Its much easier to to keep up with it then it is to try and plo it all once the storm is overI'd have to dig my little toyota out from under 2 feet of snow, drive down a perilous and most likely unplowed road since it'll be too dangerous for the plows to operate until tomorrow..
Agreed, there have been at least nine deaths so far from people trying to travel with this kind of weather.He/she is an A$$hole. When your local government along with your department of transportation, news crews and weather people say get off/stay off the roads due to bad weather, we stay off the roads. I dont have an exact law in front of me but there is no way legally someone can get in trouble for not coming in when roads are dangerous
Me too. My town was originally forecasted to get a few inches, now we can get as much as 18. It shouldn't be too bad in the morning, but it'll be blizzard conditions by the time I clock out.I'm pissed because I have to wake up at 5am to call in.
My area is forecasted to get a between 2 and 3 feet. WE have at least 18 inches already.
What do I tell them? "Hi, this is brewhaha. I wont be coming in today due to the snow. It is too dangerous to be out on the roads" How does that sound?
That sounds perfect! Not worth getting into an accidentror stranded in a blizzard. Your life is worth more than the few dollars the store will make, even if Target doesn't agree.
My area is forecasted to get a between 2 and 3 feet. WE have at least 18 inches already.
What do I tell them? "Hi, this is brewhaha. I wont be coming in today due to the snow. It is too dangerous to be out on the roads" How does that sound?
My Matrix can't even get out the driveway.
And with FWD, it's not going anywhere.