Archived What is Target's weather policy?

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I am in va too. Pack a change of clothes, food, water, blanket, cardboard piece & a snow shovel. In case, you get stuck.

I also live in VA. I have a kit in the car that I pack every winter. They are expected for the snow to start somewhere between 3am-5am. Will have 6ins by 10am and a possible 18-24 when it is all over. I have to close tomorrow so it will be interesting.
The storm shifted north on one of the weather models so NYC and Southern New England should be on alert as well.


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The thing is, nobody around here knows how to drive in snow. So pretty much anything over one inch of snow means closures, accidents, and traffic.

Where I live, we get a lake effect, so we get a lot of snow every winter. People here are used to it.

But yet they still lose their minds when they're driving, especially near my store.
And so it begins... The snow has started coming down. I actually had to leave work a bit early to pick up my car from the mechanic. (Had to purge my savings to cover it too, fan-fucking-tastic). I drive a little FWD toyota so it was slipping a bit from the mechanic's shop to my house, but nothing major. We've already got a good 3-4 inches though, and it's only just begun. I've given up all hope of being able to get to work at 7 AM tomorrow. I'd have to dig my little toyota out from under 2 feet of snow, drive down a perilous and most likely unplowed road since it'll be too dangerous for the plows to operate until tomorrow. Not happening. I think we put up our BRTL and Sr. CTL in a nearby hotel so that they at least have someone to open the store, since of course we aren't closing. Why would we do that?

On the bright side, I've got some junk food, some movies downloaded, books lined up, and music queued. Tonight seems like a good night for some Mumford and Sons.
Curbside is shutdown from 8pm tonight to 8am Sunday morning. I got a notification (I used it once because $10 off lol) about it. So at least if crazy people are on the road, they have to bring their asses inside
I heard that our store is trying to get SFS shut off for tomorrow. I hope they do, because that will NOT end well for anyone involved. And like @dannyy315 said, please please PLEASE drive carefully!! The roads are slick and dangerous. No one will be judging you for driving 20-25mph. And if they do, fuck them. Please stay safe!
I told them I am not coming in tomorrow. I close p fresh 230-1030. I wont risk my life or anyone else life for target. It is supposed to start around 3pm for me. Not coming in for a few hours then leave when it gets worse; that is a waste of time and gas. Who knows how bad the roads and other drivers will be.

For those curious, we are supposed to get anywhere from 18 inches to 36 inches depending on your source. This is all with 25-45 MPH winds and wet snow.

I have been at my store for 6 1/2 years and the last time we had heavy snow (12+) was 6 years ago. It was hell then and if the forecast holds, it will be worse now
Almost everyone in my store called out today. My STL said he will be issuing final warnings to everyone that called out. He said Target doesn't have "exused call outs". He claims if he made it to the store..then everyone should have came.
Almost everyone in my store called out today. My STL said he will be issuing final warnings to everyone that called out. He said Target doesn't have "exused call outs". He claims if he made it to the store..then everyone should have came.

Tell your STL to google employee rights for inclement weather.

Actually just tell everyone to call hotline so your STL is done
doesnt matter if he worked for Target that long, a worker can't be disciplined if he or she will be in harms way due to weather conditions.

And there's a big ass evidence just sitting on the roads right now that can cause harm
Why would the STL/ETLs get upset about call ins? I love going in on a day like that. So slow that it hurts to not have those call ins to cut payroll and then us leaders can get a lot done when we aren't being needed by guests and team members all shift. I especially can get so much of my off stage HR specific stuff done on a day like that. I love those call ins. I mean there are a few absolutely needed spots that need people in for but other then that I'm fine with filling in the other areas with the leadership team on a dead day/night.
Almost everyone in my store called out today. My STL said he will be issuing final warnings to everyone that called out. He said Target doesn't have "exused call outs". He claims if he made it to the store..then everyone should have came.
Just ask yourself, would you rather have a final warning or a serious car accident?

And I don't know what state you live in, but tell your STL that the Governor of Virginia told people to stay home.
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Almost everyone in my store called out today. My STL said he will be issuing final warnings to everyone that called out. He said Target doesn't have "exused call outs". He claims if he made it to the store..then everyone should have came.

I would laugh in his face. Video of the governor saying stay off the roads, you win. State of emergency declared? He will told "umm STL, STFU!!!!"
Almost everyone in my store called out today. My STL said he will be issuing final warnings to everyone that called out. He said Target doesn't have "exused call outs". He claims if he made it to the store..then everyone should have came.

He/she is an A$$hole. When your local government along with your department of transportation, news crews and weather people say get off/stay off the roads due to bad weather, we stay off the roads. I dont have an exact law in front of me but there is no way legally someone can get in trouble for not coming in when roads are dangerous
Why would the STL/ETLs get upset about call ins? I love going in on a day like that. So slow that it hurts to not have those call ins to cut payroll and then us leaders can get a lot done when we aren't being needed by guests and team members all shift. I especially can get so much of my off stage HR specific stuff done on a day like that. I love those call ins. I mean there are a few absolutely needed spots that need people in for but other then that I'm fine with filling in the other areas with the leadership team on a dead day/night.
Taking lemons & making lemonade; mark of a leader.
If my STL said that to me, I would laugh in her face. It's simply not worth risking my life to come in for one shift, which will likely be a ghost town anyways because every sane person will be holed up in their homes in PJs and a cup of coffee.
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