Archived When are yearly reviews?

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I think my first review was $0.14. However, I was hired in November and so I didn't have much of a track record to speak of. I believe I got either an E or an EX.

Hopefully this year I get an EX, I've been busting my butt for the past year, and most of my leadership have good things to say about me so we'll see.
Do they tell you your review results or you find out on ehr? how does it work?
You might be able to find it on ehr (or targetpayandbenefits) before they give you the review though. But only if they wait a long time to talk to you.
I got an IE score last year with a 70+ cent raise. Not sure how that happened
Because the minimum for each paygrade went up for any store that was below $9.00/hour for N3. Your raise this year should be around $1.00 because you were below the minimum last year.
Is it required for them to give you your review ? I asked because it has been a year now and my review still hasn't been given to me. I was told it has been filed but no one has sat down to go over my review with me .
Is it required for them to give you your review ? I asked because it has been a year now and my review still hasn't been given to me. I was told it has been filed but no one has sat down to go over my review with me .
If you are a team member it will be at least a couple more weeks and if you are tl it could be any day. Yes they will give it to you but they also don't go off of exactly one years since your last review its whenever your tl/etl has a minute to sit down and read it to you
Is it required for them to give you your review ? I asked because it has been a year now and my review still hasn't been given to me. I was told it has been filed but no one has sat down to go over my review with me .

It isn't done once you hit a year of service, it's done around this time every year. So if you joined up slightly after review time, you wouldn't have had your review until around now.
If you are a team member it will be at least a couple more weeks and if you are tl it could be any day. Yes they will give it to you but they also don't go off of exactly one years since your last review its whenever your tl/etl has a minute to sit down and read it to you

Just to be clear: I am talking about last year'a (2015) review.
Just to be clear: I am talking about last year'a (2015) review.
So you worked for Target in 2014, and the review that you should have been given in April 2015 never happened? Yeah you're not going to see it at this point...

Hopefully you have a different TL this year.
So you worked for Target in 2014, and the review that you should have been given in April 2015 never happened? Yeah you're not going to see it at this point...

Hopefully you have a different TL this year.

I don't expect to see it at this point -- and frankly, I don't care. I am just wondering if they can file a review without me being present.
I don't expect to see it at this point -- and frankly, I don't care. I am just wondering if they can file a review without me being present.
Accidentally, yeah I bet it can. All of the reviews were already finalized and filed. Your pay has already taken effect (at least it has for the people who get paid on the same schedule that my store does). The only thing making me actually deliver the review is the fact that the ETL-HR is telling me to do it. If she wasn't telling me to do it, I could probably get away with not doing it. Hell, I could even just forge my TMs' signatures and tell her that I did it.

Obviously I won't do any of that. I'm just giving possible explanations for your situation. Every official thing with your review has already been done, so it's just up to your TL to actually sit down with you.

Side note for those who were unsure about the raises this year - I have 6 reviews to deliver and all 6 of them were around $1.00. Highest was $1.19. Lowest was around $.90. If you have worked for Target for 8+ years or are in a store where the minimum has consistently been higher than my store, then your experience may vary. But yeah, even people who get IEs will end up with over $.90 raises.
ETL-HR once forged my name on a review after she found out I never got one. She became a DTL and was finally shipped off to Canada. I tried getting help but it was too late and she got promoted. The STL wouldn't touch it even tho he said it was tampered with.
Also kind of curious because a lot of stuff I've been reading says if you've started recently (I've been with the company less than 6 months, just stayed on from seasonal) that I'll be defaulted to a lower review rating which is fine, but do I still get bumped up to 10 since its the new company min or will I be at what I am at + the smaller amount from getting rated IE or whatever.
Also kind of curious because a lot of stuff I've been reading says if you've started recently (I've been with the company less than 6 months, just stayed on from seasonal) that I'll be defaulted to a lower review rating which is fine, but do I still get bumped up to 10 since its the new company min or will I be at what I am at + the smaller amount from getting rated IE or whatever.
You get bumped up to 10 and then you get your merit raise on top of that. As you said, if you've been with the company for a short time then you won't get much from your merit raise, but it'll put you above $10.
You get bumped up to 10 and then you get your merit raise on top of that. As you said, if you've been with the company for a short time then you won't get much from your merit raise, but it'll put you above $10.
Woohoo, thanks. This is my first actual job so it's been an experience thus far figuring out stuff like this haha.
What exactly should I expect during my review? I've never had one before, they didn't do that sort of thing at my previous jobs. I'm guessing it's just a literal review of my time at spot thus far but there has to be something else involved other than finding out if you got a raise. I've walked through the tsc a few times when one of our etl's was giving their tm's their reviews and they asked a few questions about what would make the department better but it had to do with starbucks/grocery. Is that basically it?
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What exactly should I expect during my review? I've never had one before, they didn't do that sort of thing at my previous jobs. I'm guessing it's just a literal review of my time at spot thus far but there has to be something else involved other than finding out if you got a raise. I've walked through the tsc a few times when one of our etl's was giving their tm's their reviews and they asked a few questions about what would make the department better but it had to do with starbucks/grocery. Is that basically it?

Every store does reviews differently. Some stores will tell you how much of a raise you got, ask you to sign the paper, and then give you the performance form and that's it. Others will go over it with you. Each Annual Performance Review consists of two parts: The actual performance review, which breaks your performance down into three areas and about 6 sub-categories for each of those areas, and then you are given a score of O(utstanding), EX(cellent), E(ffective), I(nconsistently)E(ffective), or U(nsatisfacctory) as well as an overall review grade. This grade determines your raise. The last page of the performance review is the narrative. In this section, your TL (or whoever wrote your review) will have written some comments based on both general store performance goals and your wins/opportunities. Finally, the pay raise page details your review and the accompanying raise. It will have your current rate of pay, review grade, raise, new rate of pay, and the date that rate of pay will go into effect.

Expect to have a sit-down conversation with your TL offstage for about 10 minutes to discuss the items in the review. Some TLs will use this as an opportunity for a performance status and set specific development goals for you for the next x months or weeks.
Every store does reviews differently. Some stores will tell you how much of a raise you got, ask you to sign the paper, and then give you the performance form and that's it. Others will go over it with you. Each Annual Performance Review consists of two parts: The actual performance review, which breaks your performance down into three areas and about 6 sub-categories for each of those areas, and then you are given a score of O(utstanding), EX(cellent), E(ffective), I(nconsistently)E(ffective), or U(nsatisfacctory) as well as an overall review grade. This grade determines your raise. The last page of the performance review is the narrative. In this section, your TL (or whoever wrote your review) will have written some comments based on both general store performance goals and your wins/opportunities. Finally, the pay raise page details your review and the accompanying raise. It will have your current rate of pay, review grade, raise, new rate of pay, and the date that rate of pay will go into effect.

Expect to have a sit-down conversation with your TL offstage for about 10 minutes to discuss the items in the review. Some TLs will use this as an opportunity for a performance status and set specific development goals for you for the next x months or weeks.
Thanks for the details! I was supposed to sit down with my TL this morning for my review but they assigned someone else to do it and they were too busy today. I'm just nervous about it because there's an undisputed rumour that goes around my store that suggests my TL gives out the worst reviews (regardless of how well you work, how hard you work and how often you meet expectations) out of anyone else in the store, so... Yay me.
Also kind of curious because a lot of stuff I've been reading says if you've started recently (I've been with the company less than 6 months, just stayed on from seasonal) that I'll be defaulted to a lower review rating which is fine, but do I still get bumped up to 10 since its the new company min or will I be at what I am at + the smaller amount from getting rated IE or whatever.
I got an EX last year and was also a seasonal hire. Don't expect to get low scores just because you haven't been there that long.
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