Archived Who DIDN'T Recently Leave Your Store?

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Very grateful that all current my leads haven't jumped shipped. We are down 2 keyholders (STL and ETL-LOG quit right before Thanksgiving) and our current leadership has really stepped it up during the holiday season.
That's huge! ETL's are well compensated plus have benefits TM's don't.


Did all leave voluntarily? I think most of ours were forced out. By "forced" I mean some were told to "clean house" and not to do so in a nice way. If they wouldn't they got moved to areas they didn't want.

The same things that make Target a crap place to work for TMs is the same for ETLs: not enough support, not enough hours, not enough training, no accountability for equals and superiors, etc. ETLs are definitely paid more than TMs but I wouldn't say we're "compensated well" for the crap we have to put up with. At this point, surviving a rotation in Target is basically like getting badge that shows other retailers and management that you can put up with a ton of shit. At least in my district, that's why very few ETLs stay past 1 or 2 rotations. They're in it to get the experience and get out. There's very few benefits to making a career out of it. At the time I left, I was the most tenured ETL and I was only there just over a year.
My STL. Turns out she's besties with the DTL, and we thought she would be out on her ass pretty darn quickly after coming back from her LOA, but now we're not so sure...

The two cows who bully everyone are still here as well 🙄
Not even all of our leadership made it through the past holiday season. I’m still around, as well as some flow lifers, some cashier lifers, and a handful of other long term folks. At this point I’m counting the number of people I outlast, leaders included.
Not even all of our leadership made it through the past holiday season. I’m still around, as well as some flow lifers, some cashier lifers, and a handful of other long term folks. At this point I’m counting the number of people I outlast, leaders included.
I have a list. If the list drops below half of the original names, I start looking for a new job.
I made a joke to my ETL-Food about him being the only remaining ETL from three years ago, my ETL-HR has been there since then, too.

Both of these ETLs have been in Target for much longer, maybe 6-7 years. One Sr.TL has been with Target for almost twenty years. My team leader has been with Target maybe ten years.
If you're really a TL I'm glad you're not mine. You sound like a douche
I admire the fact that your feelings got hurt because of a conversation that didn’t even involve you. Yeah , I would make you cry if I was your TL.
Over the past 6 mos we've seen a complete turnover in the exec level, including STL.
It's now trickling down to SrTLs & TLs.
It's either the urge to purge or cleaning house.
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