Who recently quit at your store?

We’re probably going to lose the one semi-seasoned person in Electronics because all the new hires don’t do jack shit. He’s frustrated and I don’t blame him from seeing the messes they leave for him to deal with in the morning on top of sales planners and truck push.
Our ETL-HR became our STL this year and everyone hates her. As a result, in the last year we've lost:
-1 ETL-LOG (who was the best)
-1 ETL-Salesfloor (who was also the best)
-1 PMT (was fired, only there ~3 months)
-1 APTL (fired)
-2 GSAs
-2 POG TMs
-2 Hardlines TMs (at least, I can't remember)
-2 Beauty TMs (one was also flow team)
-2 or 3 Market TMs
- 4 Softlines TMs
-1 VM
-An instocks TM was strong-armed into retirement (as was one of the Softlines TMs)
-Half of the flow team I started with is gone as well
-The whole Ship from Store team quit at the same time and it was great
-I've lost count of how many new hires show up for one shift or orientation and just never come back
-I'm sure we've lost plenty of cashiers too, but none of the vets that I know of
-1 Backroom TM
-1 Receiver

It doesn't seem like a lot, but we aren't exactly high volume, so that's nearly half of the team.
Annnddd my favorite Hardlines TM quit 😣
And I'm sure at least 3 newbies as well. Still haven't seen one of our new softlines girls, but we may just not have crossed paths yet.
Q4 fun at my store will be seeing which of two ETLS can submarine the other first with the DTL for the big prize- an STL job. Round one was fascinating, the projected winner tossed her secret rival under the bus while covering her own butt big time. Let round two begin...😂😂😂😂😂😂
Update: Both ETLs lost. DTL was not happy with the way these two were running the show. Finally came on yet another visit, saw the shitshow deteriorating further, pulled them both in for a little chat (like they have with their subordinates), and no STL position for them. An STL has been reinstalled, and apparently they are lucky to still have jobs. Karma in action! 😂😂😂
Pretty sure we’ve lost a GSA and may be losing one of the Electronics newbies soon as they are finding Target is a whole different beast than they expected and keep getting coached. Several cashiers are threatening to leave before or during Thanksgiving so that’s gonna be fun, too.
Logistics folks and sales floor assignments don’t usually mix well. Logistics skill sets and sales floor demands are just too different, like fire and ice. ☹️
I do both on a regular basis as does our ETL-Log. And, well, she's an ETL, but other than that, she does a pretty good job. And we have a few other cross-over team members. But I agree that a lot of the members from each team would not do well with both. Even a lot of hardlines people at my store don't do well in softlines. "I don't do carpet" is a line I hear quite a lot from them, but you never hear us saying "I don't do tile."
Logistics folks and sales floor assignments don’t usually mix well. Logistics skill sets and sales floor demands are just too different, like fire and ice. ☹️
This was very true for this etl I knew it aouldnt las though I thought they would last passed chriztmas at least. To bad they had a good attitude to 🙁 was happy to em back buuuuut my store kills careers -_-
The guy who was the most helpful at the Service Desk got a new job so he now only works 4 hours a week. Super happy for him--he gets better pay and doesn't feel like dying everyday at work now. But the other people who I really trust to know more than me up there are super intimidating/rude, and they contradict each other on what to do. All the good GS people either quit or are currently looking to quit and the rest of us are basically fucked. Sorry, rant over
Can’t find my last post but including other stores as well
My Home
-ETL SF left
-FSTL termed
-Flex TM

Now other stores and district level
PMT at 4 stores
4 STL spots open - can’t remember the last store.

Store #1 Quit
-3 ETLs
Store #2 Quit
Store #3 quit

District Level and higher
-DTL quit
-VMD Promoted
-RVP gone

By now you can see that my district is pretty screwed.
Yep and our new ETL log is a newbie salesfloor ETL where we will be there first Log assignment.. I give her less than six months..
My ETL-log was an intern that studied fashion. She's actually been doing pretty well. I tolerate her more than the other execs.
Can’t find my last post but including other stores as well
My Home
-ETL SF left
-FSTL termed
-Flex TM

Now other stores and district level
PMT at 4 stores
4 STL spots open - can’t remember the last store.

Store #1 Quit
-3 ETLs
Store #2 Quit
Store #3 quit

District Level and higher
-DTL quit
-VMD Promoted
-RVP gone

By now you can see that my district is pretty screwed.
How many stores are in your district?? I thought mine was only 3, but I'm apparently very wrong. I don't think I've ever seen a district map...

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