Who recently quit at your store?

Yesterday, our newest A+A trainee took her lunch and then just peaced out, so now I have almost 80 hours of shifts to fill for the next two weeks. And we'll be lucky if we don't have a couple of TMs put in their notice this week.

Wonderful. 😱
And? It sounds like me and my store and I'm in the teens.

Plus, I'm awesome.
What does performancing out an STL or ETL look like? Never seen that at my store. How do you know if that’s why they’re gone? Just mysteriously disappear one day?

Usually you are told they quit (or retired, depending) but they didn't talk about it beforehand.
In the 3 years I've been at my current store, very few leads I started with are still at the store and literally none of them have transferred out. All have quit.

Kind of related to that: Is the rule about ETLs rotating stores not a thing anymore? My old store they were transferred at 18 months on the dot, but my store now has an STL and ETL that were there before me and I noticed they recently had their "start" dates changed to say fall 2017 instead of 2014/2015 when they actually started. The STL is driving my store into the ground and it seems like it'll never get a chance to improve.
Too many to count! With the remodel, many senior team members quit because of the issues that are currently happening. We've lost 5 key positions in a 3 week period.
Some people that were hired for beauty haven't stuck around too long. Guessing either they found the job too boring or they just didn't want to work with the main beauty person. Probably the latter.
Of course it's for you - I'm responding to the previous post, which is yours.

In spite of what so many people think and do, there is no need to quote the previous post.
What was it our parents used to say about following people jumping off a bridge?

I'll just step back and watch them.
After nearly 4 years of being loved, new ETL's are trying to performance me out.

But I am strong - like bull. I will see them leave first.


I had a similar situation. When I started all the original ETLs that were there loved me because they had seen me from day 1 and knew the kind of worker I was. They all left and all the new ones don’t know my history with the company and see me as just another guy.

That’s probably another reason why it’s so difficult to get promoted at Target. Not only do you have to impress multiple bosses, but every couple of years you get a hard reset and have to start all over practically.

I had a similar situation. When I started all the original ETLs that were there loved me because they had seen me from day 1 and knew the kind of worker I was. They all left and all the new ones don’t know my history with the company and see me as just another guy.

That’s probably another reason why it’s so difficult to get promoted at Target. Not only do you have to impress multiple bosses, but every couple of years you get a hard reset and have to start all over practically.
That is exactly why it is hard to get promoted. You basically have to prove yourself to every new boss what hard worker you are because even with the good stuff they hear about you, they still won't believe it unless they see it. And everyone who's leaving thinking other places are better? Yea working 15-30 hours a week part time with shittier pay than Target, good luck. I know many team members who quit and now want to come back to Target.
One of our Leads walked about a month ago, shortly after we introduced modernization. They weren't happy pre-modernization, but they were also a steady-as-the-Earth type and have a rock-solid pre-Spot stable employment history. Of all our Leads, they were one I'd least expect to do that.

We've had quite a few A&A TMs quit, too, and I'm afraid our S&E Leader will drive away the entire front end, but that's another topic.

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