Archived Why are bosses clueless?

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I understand that everyone has issues in their workcenter. But, what action or solutions have been communicated to upper mgt by all to improve or correct the issues? Try to come up with better ideas to do things. That's what we did at my store, we took Mmb revisions away from Plano & gave it to 2 part time tm's who were zoners, got them trained. They got revisions in MMB done in 16 hours instead of 24 hours. Boy, they are really enjoying what they doing . Because they are driving sales & getting product out.

Can this be something that corporate set a universal guideline on?

Let me make it clear, it looks like it is NOT just my store that's behind. Seems other stores are behind too.

Does that not seem obvious that it is something corporate need to change as a whole, instead of individual store levels?
I understand that everyone has issues in their workcenter. But, what action or solutions have been communicated to upper mgt by all to improve or correct the issues? Try to come up with better ideas to do things. That's what we did at my store, we took Mmb revisions away from Plano & gave it to 2 part time tm's who were zoners, got them trained. They got revisions in MMB done in 16 hours instead of 24 hours. Boy, they are really enjoying what they doing . Because they are driving sales & getting product out.

Can this be something that corporate set a universal guideline on?

Let me make it clear, it looks like it is NOT just my store that's behind. Seems other stores are behind too.

Does that not seem obvious that it is something corporate need to change as a whole, instead of individual store levels?
Communication from all stores to district on the Plano issues, so the district can tell corp to get it fixed.
@CaptainRevision I don't think every ETL/Plano TL for Target is Clueless. I'd be more inclined to say the TM's here who can't see the bigger picture are probably the ones who are clueless. Probably why they are Plano TMs and not Team Leads.

Stop acting like Plano's problems are special and no one else understands. Every workcenter has its problems and sometimes unrealistic workloads, but people DEAL WITH IT.

PS I'm done with this pointless thread, vent on just keep it civil.

Here you can talk to Morpheus:
That's what we did at my store, we took Mmb revisions away from Plano & gave it to 2 part time tm's who were zoners, got them trained. They got revisions in MMB done in 16 hours instead of 24 hours. Boy, they are really enjoying what they doing . Because they are driving sales & getting product out.

*SIGH* Once again, MMB revisions is the EASIEST revisions of all! I could done the same. It would be wrongful to compare that to the rest of the revision workload, especially those revs like in HBA, Baby food, soup cans (anything involve dividers and pushers, or tons of the little stuff you have to move), etc.
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That's what we did at my store, we took Mmb revisions away from Plano & gave it to 2 part time tm's who were zoners, got them trained. They got revisions in MMB done in 16 hours instead of 24 hours. Boy, they are really enjoying what they doing . Because they are driving sales & getting product out.
*SIGH* Once again, MMB revisions is the EASIEST revisions of all!
If you were at my store, the Plano team was very slow at doing mmb.
Maybe some planogram TMs are slow, or maybe they are too stressed out to work faster after they had to deal with the other crazy ass work, who knows.

All I know is, not to brag, but when I deal with MMBs I never have to worry about staying over. Going by hours of course, everything plus some extra ones are done at the end of the day!

But these other revisions for rest of the store, on the other hand, are harder and more unpredictable and always cause me to stay over.
I completely agree with you. My complaint is just that I am held to a high standard and if I drill my team any further, I'll have to get a shovel for their graves. I never have other leadership come to help us with projects while they're running out of time and to be asked "are you done yet?" Gets outlandish. Everyone needs support and it starts with leaders leading by example.
I don't need help ALL the time, but understanding that the team is doing everything possible without injuring themselves (and literally just shoving things into guests carts) can go a long ways..... that and having payroll to have bodies to do things (anything!)
They are constantly telling us at huddle how plano walks on water and is so wonderful and is setting major resets ahead of time. It's gotten so that other TMs just avoid going to huddle altogether so they don't have to listen to it. Again.

Sounds like Plano team is sensitive and needs constant praise on how important they are to the store 🙁

Don't let it get to you, if your Plano team is like mine most of what they set looks like crap and they don't bother to adjust things for differences in product. Can't put labels in correctly(see cosmetics transition). They will drop batches to fill, but if isn't in that pull, that spot on the shelf isn't getting filled. A couple of them just won't do it, three of them if they work together you can hear them cackling half way across the store. But they are gods, cause they are working ahead, but doing it half assed is how it gest done.

Again, me and my co-workers are very hard-working, we bust our damn asses off. Setting a 8- 10 hour planogram everyday by ourselves, (Or just as much as on Revisions) without any help! Taking breaks even is becoming an issue, because we often has to skip a 15 to get our shit done!

I don't understand your post. I know you are not trying to say that most Planogram TMs are like what you have described. Adding an additional comment saying "I am pretty sure there are many plano TMs are very hard working" would made your post more agreeable to read.

I can't speak to what I haven't seen. Your store may vary. And if your team is like my stores team don't let it get to you, you are not alone..
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I don't know what that comment adds to the discussion though? Of course there will be some lazy asses in every dept, but maybe I am getting sensitive, but I bust my ass off, sometimes don't take my 15. Work the 8-10 hours divider aisles while my boss has the nerve to sit in TSC all day long. Other TMs as far as I know also work very hard. And we are VERY accurate cuz we use PDAs to make sure stuff are pushed to the right spots.

Get other dept people to help us, some people (Flow, Sales Floor, etc) regardless they have a PDA or not, still come and push it all to the wrong places or overstock to the point of products all falling to the floor or all to the sides, truly ridiculous really.

So, again maybe I am sensitive, or maybe not, but when it comes to hard working and quality, I know our plano team do the BEST work that there is!
I don't know what that comment adds to the discussion though? Of course there will be some lazy asses in every dept, but maybe I am getting sensitive, but I bust my ass off, sometimes don't take my 15. Work the 8-10 hours divider aisles while my boss has the nerve to sit in TSC all day long. Other TMs as far as I know also work very hard. And we are VERY accurate cuz we use PDAs to make sure stuff are pushed to the right spots.

Get other dept people to help us, some people (Flow, Sales Floor, etc) regardless they have a PDA or not, still come and push it all to the wrong places or overstock to the point of products all falling to the floor or all to the sides, truly ridiculous really.

So, again maybe I am sensitive, or maybe not, but when it comes to hard working and quality, I know our plano team do the BEST work that there is!
Considering you did get the training guide from our site. Of course, you are the best trained.
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