In all seriousness though @CaptainRevision , this is a pointless argument. I'm not saying your job doesn't have its difficulties, what I was trying to stress is that there is NOTHING wrong with your boss giving you a slightly unrealistic workload for you to strive towards. Even outside Spot in my new job, I get added responsibilities each day and have to constantly improve.
I used to believe this until I had someone giving me unrealistic expectations every single fucking day. Every day they were not met and that killed my morale and the morale of my team. Soon I started feeling like a failure and second guessing myself. I knew my numbers, I knew my processes, I utilized my team to capitalize on their strengths, I'm damn good at my job, but the added goals would not be complete. Some stress is good for you, constant unrealistic stress causes you to have issues in and out of work isn't.
If the ETL just happens to stumble here and read this - Fuck you bitch, you're fucking garbage. I wish you the absolute worst in life. You need to do everyone a favor and just end yourself.