Archived Why are you still with spot?

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A lot of false promises, not being honest with myself, and not really looking. however I am talking to a career coach now and really looking for a career path, and I am out of this hellhole when I get the chance!
Looking to pick up a few extra bucks. However, like the discount and when the store offers up gift cards when they're hurting to make RedCard goals.
Benefits namely; hubby's a tech contractor so no bennies & sometimes there's long gaps between contracts, lack of openings in my field, schedule flexibility, discount & the folks I work with.
Well it used to be my girlfriend, but since she's leaving it's a mix between the money, just really liking the people I work with and they're really good at working with everyone's school schedules and I appreciate that. It's nice to work in a place where they treat you like a person as where to must retailers you're just there and they don't give a shit about getting to actually know you. Also all the free food. Today it's ice cream so there's no way I'm leaving.
Hate Food Ave and they aren't letting me out since we are severely understaffed so I'm with Spot because I'm just waiting for my background check to clear and move on to my next job that is not food service, Thank the Lord!!!!!
I'm with Spot because I need to save up for College so that I don't have to stay at Spot for forever. 🙂
I like the challenge. Without a college degree I have been able to move up and make a very decent wage. Currently I am at the ceiling without a degree so I have been making quite a few lateral moves in the last 5 years. Target is a good company imo. It has had some real challenges lately and I am worried about the direction a bit. But it has allowed me to gain a great deal of experience and there are quite a few companies that view Target favorably when listed on a resume.
I have a passion for electronics, helping people, and technology logistics. I started as flow just because I needed a job, but I grew to like my time with Target after moving to electronics. I actually go into work looking forward to the day.
My team is good, our leadership is decent, the pay is okay.

Mainly just the people I work with, and the fact that I never seem to have a dull day.
Despite the many frustrations and annoyances, I stayed because a) so many of my friends were there b) it worked with school/my schedule/availability and c) I'm damn good at my job. I don't enjoy retail, but something about the action of it all always interested me.

Now that I've gotten my degree and have my next job lined up, I've put in my two weeks and no longer have a use for it.
Flexible schedule, every other weekend off (although I realize not every position has this luxury), and my team is awesome...well, 90% of them are. I make more money with Target than I would at most comparable positions with other companies. Oh yeah.....the DISCOUNT.
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