Archived Why are you still with spot?

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I love my team 😀 The discount is nice too. I'm super sad about being sold to CVS though!
I was ready to quit as soon as I found a better job. My first store was kinda awful. Then I transferred. And my new store was tons better. But I was still making 7.82 and learning that some of our seasonal hires that we kept were hired on making more than me.
When they bumped the minimum to 9 I went up to 9.36. Which allowed me to geta little more comfortable with staying. (My last job I started at 9 and hour. I got an extra 50 cents for being able to take Spanish calls.)
My sister encouraged me to apply for an EIT opening in the district, and that's when everyone learned I had a degree. Never heard anything with regards to that and I had planned on not working for Spot past my next birthday (August).
Then they created a new position at our store since we got the home innovation remodel. My ETL SF recommended me for the job, so I applied. I got it and I started training this week.

I do want to see what I can do in this position. It'll look pretty awesome on my resume. But I'm not too sure if Spot is the right career option for me. Only time will tell.
I was ready to quit as soon as I found a better job. My first store was kinda awful. Then I transferred. And my new store was tons better. But I was still making 7.82 and learning that some of our seasonal hires that we kept were hired on making more than me.
When they bumped the minimum to 9 I went up to 9.36. Which allowed me to geta little more comfortable with staying. (My last job I started at 9 and hour. I got an extra 50 cents for being able to take Spanish calls.)
My sister encouraged me to apply for an EIT opening in the district, and that's when everyone learned I had a degree. Never heard anything with regards to that and I had planned on not working for Spot past my next birthday (August).
Then they created a new position at our store since we got the home innovation remodel. My ETL SF recommended me for the job, so I applied. I got it and I started training this week.

I do want to see what I can do in this position. It'll look pretty awesome on my resume. But I'm not too sure if Spot is the right career option for me. Only time will tell.
Visual Merchandising Lead? It's a lot of work, but you really do get to be creative and make the store look good. You're also paid at the SrTL paygrade without any of the LOD responsibilities. So that's awesome!
Visual Merchandising Lead? It's a lot of work, but you really do get to be creative and make the store look good. You're also paid at the SrTL paygrade without any of the LOD responsibilities. So that's awesome!
Thanks. I'm excited about it. I still don't know how to react because I've never been promoted at a job before. So people at work are like "congrats!" and I just want to go back to work.
like what many have said already, they are super flexible and really cool with whatever i set my availability to. i love how understanding they are!
I stay because my ETL is flexible with my schedule and he always understands if I need to take unexpected time off or change my availability for school. I also get along really well with most of the other Salesfloor TMs.
I'm beginning to wonder....short staffed AGAIN yesterday. Can't see how having 1+3 guests in line will get our survey scores green....sigh
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