Archived Why do people care so much about what they do at work?

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Whats the point of living, we're all going to die anyways?

...Seriously op? lol.
I was disappointed when I first realized working really hard did not get you ahead at Spot. It seems like the ones who don't care often are the ones that get the recognition and development. So I can't really explain why I still work so hard or care so much, I just do. I admit the ones who have given me a hard time & made fun of me for caring so much and trying so hard often get the last laugh. They become the TLs & brand TMs. I just feel...depressed.
Karma is coming.......and she's wearing RED STILETTOS!

Just wish she'd step it up a little sometimes.....
Like everyone else is saying I don't care if you flip burgers wait tables or are a cashier no we're not saving the world from evil villains and Godzilla but I believe what you do at work speaks to who you are as a person yes a lot of things are silly and stupid but if it's your job you try and do it we'll then there's no reason you shouldn't be proud of yourself

How would you feel if suddenly your doctor doing your heart surgery suddenly felt that way? Ya know I'm not saving the world by saving this guys life I don't care I'll do it the lazy way...
False equivalency using the heart surgeon, for a couple reasons. First, a heart surgeon is a career someone works a lifetime to obtain. If working sales floor at target is your life goal and you take pride in it then it would be an equal comparison.

Secondly, heart surgeons typically work for hospitals which are typically non-profit and therefore their work isn't enriching some shareholder but rather the value of the quality of their work goes directly to their "customer" the patient.
ok ok touché it was a bad example when you put it that way lol but was just trying to put a point across not everybody's dream is to save the world

Oh yeah, no doubt at all. And don't get me wrong either, I'm not disparaging anyone whose dream is to work retail at all. But, the vast majority of us working at Target, particularly those of us working sales floor are doing it just as a job.

I feel that pouring yourself into a career and taking pride in the work you do for that career does speak of a person's character. Not caring about a job though and not working your tail off at it, I don't think it's any big deal. As long as people take pride in something in their doing in their life and do it well, that's what counts. Target isn't a part of my life, as a career or otherwise, it's somewhere I go 20-30 hours a week because I have to make ends meet.
It's about making yourself feel good. It's not about Target. It's about your own self-satisfaction. No matter how small it is, there is something nice about knowing you can do things around your store. And by gum when you see some of the customers come in you'll know that sometimes what you do at your own individual store sometimes matters.

For me, however, it's also because I KNOW I'm a valued employee. I'm one of the few who has the most flexible schedule and who knows almost every department in the store. They can stick me in anywhere. A set of my co-workers nicknamed me the Omnitool because I can do almost anything that's asked of me. When I mentioned in passing that I was most likely going to leave my ETLs immediately tried to convince me to stay because there aren't as many people there that can do as much as I can. And yeah, that kind of makes me feel valued at my store. I mean, I still PLAN to leave but with what I'm doing right now, it can wait.
I honestly have no idea why I (still) work at Target. I guess maybe for my own survival. Too scared of change or a fear of even attempting to change. I just wish retail wasn't so stressful. Retail should not be stressful. It should be one of the least stressful types of work in the history of humanity. We aren't saving lives or anything that is special. It's just providing a service to humans. People come into the store to buy crap that they want or need or feel that they need or want. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. We aren't changing the world for the better or for the worse. As I stated earlier, there are only a few examples I can think of in which someone might be die as a result of your actions. If you work in pharmacy and mix up someone's prescription or work in one of the food areas and give someone something to eat that they are allergic to.
I know I'm a grump and the Debbie downers of Debbie downers but I really don't get anything from Target except numbers added to a bank account every payday. It's sad but that's how I see it.
I really could give a f$#* less about Target, but it reflects on me, as an employee and as a person. I am a good person who strives to do good things. That is why I care, that's just me though.
Oh, Dan........and in red stilettos, too.
You're so awesome 😀

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I honestly have no idea why I (still) work at Target. I guess maybe for my own survival. Too scared of change or a fear of even attempting to change. I just wish retail wasn't so stressful. Retail should not be stressful. It should be one of the least stressful types of work in the history of humanity. We aren't saving lives or anything that is special. It's just providing a service to humans. People come into the store to buy crap that they want or need or feel that they need or want. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. We aren't changing the world for the better or for the worse. As I stated earlier, there are only a few examples I can think of in which someone might be die as a result of your actions. If you work in pharmacy and mix up someone's prescription or work in one of the food areas and give someone something to eat that they are allergic to.
I know I'm a grump and the Debbie downers of Debbie downers but I really don't get anything from Target except numbers added to a bank account every payday. It's sad but that's how I see it.

I feel like that too. I'm just a lowly team member on the totem pole of target, but I get so stressed out. I'm a Shoe Brand team member (that doesn't mean anything, its a fancy title) yet I don't get hours. I get nervous because I'm an instocks member as well, and going into shes on a rescan day is awful because I know I haven't been in there in a week and a half to zone. I want to leave target, I know I deserve better and could be paid a lot more for my skill set, but I've worked retail my entire life, I don't even know where I would go. I still take pride in my work though, it keeps me from losing my mind and sitting around home being a bum.
I love my job. I enjoy it, have fun, and get a sense of satisfaction from it.
That being said, I've been told that I'm married to my job and that I put too much heart and soul into being "just a Flow team member". If that's the case, so be it.
I leave work everyday proud of myself. I never question if I did my best. I never ask myself if I could have done better because every day I give my absolute everything while I'm working. I love being and am proud to be Flow Team.

My dedication and work ethic are why ETL's come to me for suggestions, TL's fight over who gets my help, and my DTL makes it a point to come see me whenever he makes a visit. I may have a ways to go till I get promoted(AE14 restructure, headcount, no degree, etc. ), but I have the respect, support, and confidence of my leadership because of how I pour myself into my work.

"Why do I choose my job over a relationship? Well, because your career will never wake up one day and decide to tell you it doesn't love you anymore."
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