Archived Why Do You Stay?

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I stay because Target has treated me well, I like 95% of my co-workers and I like the level of interaction I'm able to have with guests on a daily basis. That was something that I didn't have at my previous job and I honestly really needed the change.

Plus, I like to kind of personalize my interactions with guests to to break up the monotony by lightening the mood a bit using humor.

I also enjoy being told that my help is appreciated (I'm an SCO cashier) or being thanked for making the guest chuckle a bit.
Im retired now but my hours always got cut every spring for years. 2018 was the worst ever. The only way I survived was my wife works and gets 40 hours. But if it was just me I could never have made it and would have looked for another job.
My pay was never that great I only stayed because of the benefits (pension, insurance, 401k, discount, etc.) One time I got a comical 3 cent raise!
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Becoming a brand team member made me stay longer than I would have, now that that’s kaput im figuring out my next move and applying.
I personally have not been too negatively affected by modernization. The changes for me, while annoying, were easy enough to adapt to/deal with. But I'm one of the lucky ones in that regard.

My leadership team also really loves me, enough to accommodate for me in ways they wouldn't for many others. I can't reveal more details without giving away what I think might be a bit too much... maybe I'm being paranoid, but better safe than sorry.
I personally have not been too negatively affected by modernization. The changes for me, while annoying, were easy enough to adapt to/deal with. But I'm one of the lucky ones in that regard.

My leadership team also really loves me, enough to accommodate for me in ways they wouldn't for many others. I can't reveal more details without giving away what I think might be a bit too much... maybe I'm being paranoid, but better safe than sorry.
Mine adored me until we got new leadership.
Now I don’t care because I’m the primary caregiver for my child and can only work part time hours.
I’m just lucky things lined up for me the way they did.
My spouse and I barely qualified for MediCal via L.A. Care while they were getting a Masters Degree in Communications (they did it with straight A’s from the beginning to the end, I’m so proud of them!!) I need L.A. Care to cover my surgery completely and being a part-time cashier/front ends TM did the trick. I also have bills, rent, and groceries my spouse and I need to pay for with the wages on my end and the public loans on his end.

Now that they’re done with post grad school and I finally undergone surgery, they’ll being looking for jobs and I might either try to pick up a second job or look for a better paying job with more hours
Because all I need is a part time job. I get the days I need off. 401K. I have been treated pretty good. Only a couple times over the years have been I think treated bad.
Last year I decided I was ready to leave target after 6 years. At the time I was the Plano/Price change TL, working my way up from salesfloor to signing specialist(remember specialist positions? I miss those days). Only reason I ended up staying was because I was promoted to PML. At the time it seemed awesome, but now aftera year as a PML I am once again looking at other opportunities. I just dont have faith that spot is going in the right direction. And PML's are dropping like flies now that Leaders have been bumped to our pay grade and are eligible for bonuses that we arent eligible for.
I stay because of one good reporter who I have faith in that will do a story on targets dark-side. Her name is (612)673-7335. She has been writing positive reviews of target but I got in touch with her and asked her to do a story on what target is doing to employees now. She seemed interested and I directed her to this web-site. Call or e-mail her so we can get the truth out. She works in minneapolis.
I stay because of one good reporter who I have faith in that will do a story on targets dark-side. Her name is (612)673-7335. She has been writing positive reviews of target but I got in touch with her and asked her to do a story on what target is doing to employees now. She seemed interested and I directed her to this web-site. Call or e-mail her so we can get the truth out. She works in minneapolis.
Surprised that a Minneapolis reporter is considering this kind of investigative story. It will be interesting.
I stay because I love most of my coworkers, guest interactions, and what I do. I also love the flexibility, my daughter has had some serious mental health issues the past few years and my store has been awesome about when I've had to call off for her, or change shifts around to make it to appointments. I'm adjusting to my DBO role and I like my area, I figure I'll give it some time and see if things improve. If I do leave it will be for something non-retail so in the meantime I'll get myself certified in Microsoft Office, brush up on my 10-key, and apply elsewhere if/when I've had enough.
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