Will Target lift the mask requirement?

I understand the PR part. But when I'm in the weeds in the front end because of callouts and lines of guests, what do you think matters more? The optics of both scenario should be considered.
If I may ask... extra cautious of what? You’re either vaccinated (safe) or you’re not.

I was so motivated to get my family vaccinated that the day it was allowed for 16 yr olds I pulled my youngest kid out of school and drove to a rural community 2 hours away that had them available.

I’d probably be wearing a mask still today if my kids were too young to be vaccinated. Or if I had immuno-compromised family members. But being blessed with a healthy household fully vaccinated, I see no need to wear a mask... except I guess to shield me from silent judgment from my coworkers.

What is left to be extra cautious about?
If your co/workers are still wearing a mask to protect unvaccinated family, Ill family, or are currently unvaccinated theme that’s one thing. But if we are going to start applauding our co-workers wearing masks as being “extra cautious” or “looking out for others” it’s getting into cringe territory.

Like, science be damned. CDC be damned. Let’s just wear masks for political correctness.

Or else risk being silently judged as unmasked people for being reckless (opposite of “extra cautious”) or selfish (“opposite of looking out for others”)

Like it or not, we are coming out of the other side of covid 19. Some people didn’t do their part. Some people were real selfish jerks during the height of it. But some of us did everything right. And what comes next is the masks come off. Even for the good people who sacrificed their part.

I've already posted on why I'm not going to stop wearing a mask but let me run it down really quick.
I don't work for Spot anymore.
I work with people who have disabilities, many of whom could die if they caught Covid-19.
At least a third of my crazy ass state aren't vaccinated so there is a chance I could catch it even if I am vaccinated.
I might not recognize what I have because with the vaccine it is supposed to be pretty mild.
I don't want to kill my clients or my co-workers, some of whom are also at risk.
There are also varients that are coming from other countries that the vaccine may not work that well against.
Right now in India they are making bonfires out of bodies just to keep up with all the people who are dying.
So yeah, we still have a ways to go before we are on the other side of Rona.
I wish that wasn't true but it just is.
I'm not fully vaccinated yet, so obviously it stays on for me. But even once I am, I will still wear it indoors in places open to the public. The vaccines are not 100%. Every day I hear about more breakthrough cases. And come cold and flu season, it's definitely going back on, if I even take it off by then.
The vaccine isn't 100%. What vaccine is? That's like not getting your kid the polio vaccine because it's not 100%. It's the same as all others, herd immunity is necessary for both those who can't get the vaccine and those who did not acquire immunity after vaccination. Or did you think kids get three rounds of shots for fun? Nope, it's because too many kids didn't get immunity after shots #1 and #2, and even the third round won't get them all.
The vaccine isn't 100%. What vaccine is? That's like not getting your kid the polio vaccine because it's not 100%. It's the same as all others, herd immunity is necessary for both those who can't get the vaccine and those who did not acquire immunity after vaccination. Or did you think kids get three rounds of shots for fun? Nope, it's because too many kids didn't get immunity after shots #1 and #2, and even the third round won't get them all.
Never said all vaccines were 100%. I said it's a reason I will still wear my mask indoors in public places at this time, as the vaccine program is in its infancy. Way too many people still unvaccinated.
Vaccines are vaccines are vaccines. You either trust the science behind the concept of a vaccine or you don't. Trying to cherry pick of "This vaccine good, that vaccine bad" is pretty silly since they all have the same concept - expose the body in a safe way to prevent catching something wild and powerful that maims or kills.

Does anyone remember when some parents were doing the "this good vaccine, that bad vaccine" and were trying to get mumps and rubella alone rather than as a combo? Does anyone remember why? Does anyone remember how it wasn't a misunderstanding or a mistake, it was bold face lies (one of which was a birthday party)? This is exactly the same, exactly. Lies and fear mixing together like a very yummy koolaid. And also the same, lies and fears mixing together to hurt others because of wild caught full strength viruses and people not vaccinated due to no fault of their own.
What’s with everyone being so worried about smiles? In my almost 2 years no one has ever mentioned smiling to me. Do I live in a weird bubble or what?
It used to happen to me sometimes when I was younger. I think some guys use it as a form of flirting?
8 out of 10 shoppers in our local grocery store late afternoon today were masked. Sign on door stated if you're vaccinated no mask needed. The arrogant man in his early 50s, the obligatory scruffy goatee and moustache and the pick up truck fits this category of a no masker because in all likelihood he is NOT vaccinated and will start the macho-man horse shit if confronted for proof. My business: no mask until I say you may enter with no mask. I run the show and you have no fucking rights whatsoever. Even the Karens had them on today.
I saw 2 people without masks today and I have to be honest, it was nice to actually see people's faces again
I see maskless people outside all the time, but I'm still taken aback when I see them in my store, or any store. It just seems so odd, and wrong, lol.
If we're talking aesthetics, then on average, people look better with the masks on. A lot of people are going from ooh sexy ninja to yikes.

Mask update at my store, most TMs who aren't fully vaxxed are keeping their masks on, but some aren't. I'm not saying anything to them and nobody else is either. I took mine off a few days early, like 10 days after my second shot. It was just...time. A strong part of me really didn't want to stop wearing one. We got a lot of people protected in our country in a relatively short time. Let's hope it worked.
I am one of those weirdos who is in absolutely no hurry for things to go back to "normal". I don't want to shake your hand, I don't want to hug you, I don't want you all up in my grill, and I don't need to see your face. This applies to everyone but family, of course, and even then, not all, lol.

I'm a good person and fun to be around, really I am, but I just don't have any problem with most people staying in their lanes.
It's just that it's a yes/no, off/on, black/white situation. It's binary. There is no Schrodinger's cat. There is no gray, there is no keeping the power switch halfway. Yes you get vaccinated and you trust that the vaccine is working and you live your life pre-COVID because you are safe, or no you don't think the vaccine will work so you might as well not get one and might as well keep a mask on until you die.

Why do people act like it's not binary? Why do people act like this isn't exactly in every way like the MMR wars?
Why not? I was not alive during any other pandemic or vaccination rollout of this magnitude, so this is all new to me and most other people. I find it hard to believe that mitigation measures just completely disappeared overnight with other viruses, and even if they did, so what? Today is today. I'm doing me, others are free to do what feels right to them.
But you have been alive during vaccines being questioned. You have been alive when some unethical doctor caused the whole anti-vaxxer movement. Think about how that started and how people reacted and see how what they did is just like today.
But you have been alive during vaccines being questioned. You have been alive when some unethical doctor caused the whole anti-vaxxer movement. Think about how that started and how people reacted and see how what they did is just like today.
I get what you're saying, but I don't feel like someone deciding to continue wearing their mask after being vaccinated means they doubt vaccines. I absolutely do not doubt the science, I just do not feel comfortable foregoing the mask until we have reached a higher level of protection in the population.
Cart wipers forever if you ask me!

I get that it’s just windex and hygiene theater. But I’ll take that over 2019 sticky grubby handles with half eaten nachos in the buggy.

Yeah, having seen kids throw up in those carts, for example, I think cart cleaners in general are a good idea. You may not be likely to catch COVID from them, but COVID isn't the only germ out there.
Yeah, having seen kids throw up in those carts, for example, I think cart cleaners in general are a good idea. You may not be likely to catch COVID from them, but COVID isn't the only germ out there.
That's a good point. I've seen some nasty carts. Cleaning them is a good idea period.
The cart cleaners in my store do a horrible job. All they do it wipe down the handle. They do not wipe down the cart - not the top edge, not the sides, and not the bottom.

So everyone touches the products and puts them into the cart when those germs rub off onto the sides and bottom of the cart.
Target's cleaning program is a fake to make people think they cared and think they were actually cleaning.

Target did a horrible job of handling the pandemic and protecting their employees.
The cart cleaners in my store do a horrible job. All they do it wipe down the handle. They do not wipe down the cart - not the top edge, not the sides, and not the bottom.

So everyone touches the products and puts them into the cart when those germs rub off onto the sides and bottom of the cart.
It’s impossible to wipe down every square inch of every cart. They wipe the handle because that’s where people touch them.

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