Will Target lift the mask requirement?

That's true. But it ends up relatively the same...the carrier virus just produces the mRNA to tell your cells to produce the pieces rather than being directly injected with the mRNA (in a carrier). It just adds an extra step that makes it less effective as your body fights off the carrier virus as well, "splitting focus" and possibly preventing as much of the spike protein pieces from being produced to have as strong of a reaction to them. Meaning if you fight the carrier virus quickly, it does it's job less effectively.. This is also why they can't/don't reuse the same carrier viruses in multiple vaccines - you'll fight the carrier off before it can do it's job the second+ time.
But it's proven technology that has safely been used in older vaccines. So not new and scary.
I was also surprised they went straight to no masks required for employees and guests, since when the masks started it was only required for employees for a while before guests had to as well.
I saw a total of two people during my entire shift today without a mask. I’m so proud that almost everyone was looking out for each other, even though they didn’t have to.
Very few in my store too, but today was only the first day. Time will tell.
Yeah I don’t think so, Been to multiple places without a mask, everyone I been around hasn’t gotten Covid within a week since we hung out, A lot of it is exaggerated but hey everyone can continue to be scared.

You do understand that anecdotes are not evidence?
That fear and reasonable precautions are two different things i.e. wearing a seatbelt when the odds of needing it are about the 1 in 103.
Actually lower than the chances of getting Covid-19.
So I wish you the best of luck and really hope that everything turns out well for you.
My friends who got the Rona said they wouldn't wish it on their worse enemy.
My friend who died from it, well he's not saying anything about it at all.
I saw a total of two people during my entire shift today without a mask. I’m so proud that almost everyone was looking out for each other, even though they didn’t have to.
it's so irritating I know someone who was complaining about the vaccine and how underdeveloped it was but then I notice her without a mask on???? My ass you got the vaccine. Plus another really irritating thing was all the ETLs didn't have their mask on (except for one bless her heart) including the SD which was irritating asf ngl.
it's so irritating I know someone who was complaining about the vaccine and how underdeveloped it was but then I notice her without a mask on???? My ass you got the vaccine. Plus another really irritating thing was all the ETLs didn't have their mask on (except for one bless her heart) including the SD which was irritating asf ngl.
As long as the ETLs are fully vaccinated, I don’t have an issue. Vaccines will get us back to normal, It’s now a matter of how comfortable you are switching back to normal life,

But yeah, I definitely understand the vaccine hesitancy, but keep the damn mask on.
As long as the ETLs are fully vaccinated, I don’t have an issue. Vaccines will get us back to normal, It’s now a matter of how comfortable you are switching back to normal life,

But yeah, I definitely understand the vaccine hesitancy, but keep the damn mask on.
I understand vaccine hesitancy but I hate it IMHO. I guarantee you (excluding team members ofc) that 78 percent of the people without masks on are the people who arent vaccinated.
I saw a total of two people during my entire shift today without a mask. I’m so proud that almost everyone was looking out for each other, even though they didn’t have to.
I am fully vaccinated. So is my entire household. I have also been careful to be masked from early on in the pandemic, cancelled family events over the holidays, limited my shopping to essentials this whole time. Places that require masks... I have my mask. Heck, next cold/flu season I’ll be masking up again. And if it matters, I’m a bleeding heart progressive liberal too!

That said, my paper mask got bungled up on my break today (outside in my own car). I could have chosen to grab another paper mask. But I asked myself “why?” It came down to just being afraid of judgment from others.

If the science says that I can wear a mask safely due to my vaccine, I have nothing to be ashamed about.

I absolutely look out for others around me. I continue to be very covid cautious. But going maskless (while vaccinated) makes more sense than just keeping it on just for the sake of hygiene theater.

For that matter, maybe folks can stop wearing them as chin straps in clerical and the back room. Put it on or take it off. We have some ETLs and HRTMs that have been wearing them as chin straps for months. And you aren’t doing anyone any favors.
I am fully vaccinated. So is my entire household. I have also been careful to be masked from early on in the pandemic, cancelled family events over the holidays, limited my shopping to essentials this whole time. Places that require masks... I have my mask. Heck, next cold/flu season I’ll be masking up again. And if it matters, I’m a bleeding heart progressive liberal too!

That said, my paper mask got bungled up on my break today (outside in my own car). I could have chosen to grab another paper mask. But I asked myself “why?” It came down to just being afraid of judgment from others.

If the science says that I can wear a mask safely due to my vaccine, I have nothing to be ashamed about.

I absolutely look out for others around me. I continue to be very covid cautious. But going maskless (while vaccinated) makes more sense than just keeping it on just for the sake of hygiene theater.

For that matter, maybe folks can stop wearing them as chin straps in clerical and the back room. Put it on or take it off. We have some ETLs and HRTMs that have been wearing them as chin straps for months. And you aren’t doing anyone any favors.
I agree with all this, and I didn’t want to insinuate that anyone not wearing masks don’t care. It’s just I was really surprised to see everyone wearing masks, even though the over half of all adults in my county are fully vaccinated. Even though the science says you’re safe without a mask, I thought it was nice to see people still being extra cautious.
I agree with all this, and I didn’t want to insinuate that anyone not wearing masks don’t care. It’s just I was really surprised to see everyone wearing masks, even though the over half of all adults in my county are fully vaccinated. Even though the science says you’re safe without a mask, I thought it was nice to see people still being extra cautious.
If I may ask... extra cautious of what? You’re either vaccinated (safe) or you’re not.

I was so motivated to get my family vaccinated that the day it was allowed for 16 yr olds I pulled my youngest kid out of school and drove to a rural community 2 hours away that had them available.

I’d probably be wearing a mask still today if my kids were too young to be vaccinated. Or if I had immuno-compromised family members. But being blessed with a healthy household fully vaccinated, I see no need to wear a mask... except I guess to shield me from silent judgment from my coworkers.

What is left to be extra cautious about?
If your co/workers are still wearing a mask to protect unvaccinated family, Ill family, or are currently unvaccinated theme that’s one thing. But if we are going to start applauding our co-workers wearing masks as being “extra cautious” or “looking out for others” it’s getting into cringe territory.

Like, science be damned. CDC be damned. Let’s just wear masks for political correctness.

Or else risk being silently judged as unmasked people for being reckless (opposite of “extra cautious”) or selfish (“opposite of looking out for others”)

Like it or not, we are coming out of the other side of covid 19. Some people didn’t do their part. Some people were real selfish jerks during the height of it. But some of us did everything right. And what comes next is the masks come off. Even for the good people who sacrificed their part.
If I may ask... extra cautious of what? You’re either vaccinated (safe) or you’re not.

I was so motivated to get my family vaccinated that the day it was allowed for 16 yr olds I pulled my youngest kid out of school and drove to a rural community 2 hours away that had them available.

I’d probably be wearing a mask still today if my kids were too young to be vaccinated. Or if I had immuno-compromised family members. But being blessed with a healthy household fully vaccinated, I see no need to wear a mask... except I guess to shield me from silent judgment from my coworkers.

What is left to be extra cautious about?
If your co/workers are still wearing a mask to protect unvaccinated family, Ill family, or are currently unvaccinated theme that’s one thing. But if we are going to start applauding our co-workers wearing masks as being “extra cautious” or “looking out for others” it’s getting into cringe territory.

Like, science be damned. CDC be damned. Let’s just wear masks for political correctness.

Or else risk being silently judged as unmasked people for being reckless (opposite of “extra cautious”) or selfish (“opposite of looking out for others”)

Like it or not, we are coming out of the other side of covid 19. Some people didn’t do their part. Some people were real selfish jerks during the height of it. But some of us did everything right. And what comes next is the masks come off. Even for the good people who sacrificed their part.
Some people are still uneasy and just want to take it slowly adjusting back to normal life, that’s all. I’ve been taking baby steps myself. First started out with outdoor walks with no mask, then keeping the mask off in more crowded outdoor areas, then outdoor brunch.

And alluding to what you said about immunocompromised family members, I live with my mom and she has sarcoidosis. So that’s a big reason I’m being extra cautious for now.

And then aside from all that, if everyone else around me is still wearing a mask, I don’t want to be the odd man out making them uncomfortable. And I don’t want people to assume I’m being careless, even though I’m vaccinated. I’ll probably take off my mask once I start seeing other people around me not wearing it indoors. But for now it’s more out of courtesy than anything else.
If I may ask... extra cautious of what? You’re either vaccinated (safe) or you’re not.

I was so motivated to get my family vaccinated that the day it was allowed for 16 yr olds I pulled my youngest kid out of school and drove to a rural community 2 hours away that had them available.

I’d probably be wearing a mask still today if my kids were too young to be vaccinated. Or if I had immuno-compromised family members. But being blessed with a healthy household fully vaccinated, I see no need to wear a mask... except I guess to shield me from silent judgment from my coworkers.

What is left to be extra cautious about?
If your co/workers are still wearing a mask to protect unvaccinated family, Ill family, or are currently unvaccinated theme that’s one thing. But if we are going to start applauding our co-workers wearing masks as being “extra cautious” or “looking out for others” it’s getting into cringe territory.

Like, science be damned. CDC be damned. Let’s just wear masks for political correctness.

Or else risk being silently judged as unmasked people for being reckless (opposite of “extra cautious”) or selfish (“opposite of looking out for others”)

Like it or not, we are coming out of the other side of covid 19. Some people didn’t do their part. Some people were real selfish jerks during the height of it. But some of us did everything right. And what comes next is the masks come off. Even for the good people who sacrificed their part.

Some people are still uneasy and just want to take it slowly adjusting back to normal life, that’s all. I’ve been taking baby steps myself. First started out with outdoor walks with no mask, then keeping the mask off in more crowded outdoor areas, then outdoor brunch.

And alluding to what you said about immunocompromised family members, I live with my mom and she has sarcoidosis. So that’s a big reason I’m being extra cautious for now.

And then aside from all that, if everyone else around me is still wearing a mask, I don’t want to be the odd man out making them uncomfortable. And I don’t want people to assume I’m being careless, even though I’m vaccinated. I’ll probably take off my mask once I start seeing other people around me not wearing it indoors. But for now it’s more out of courtesy than anything else.

I'm not fully vaccinated yet, so obviously it stays on for me. But even once I am, I will still wear it indoors in places open to the public. The vaccines are not 100%. Every day I hear about more breakthrough cases. And come cold and flu season, it's definitely going back on, if I even take it off by then.
Have to admit that as soon as I got the 2nd shot of my particular vaccine, I felt joy and relief flood through my body. I felt invincible and like I had the strength of 10 people. Fuck Covid! Now obviously vaccines aren't 100 percent effective for an entire population and there are risks from the vaccines themselves; but vaccination does mark a huge step forward in the fight against this virus. We all remember the first steps (hand sanitizer, distancing, and the masks). Vaccination is just another link in that chain. There are people who never properly did any of those first steps----to each their own. But I would never want to trade the leverage which comes from being proactive through this whole pandemic for the 'what ifs' of the doubters and dissenters.

Being proactive has worked for myself and my family and I'm glad for our outcomes at this point!
So if the masks are gone and the fitting rooms are open, why do we still have cleaners?
Let's be real, it's good PR. You go into a store, seeing someone wiping down a cart, and it makes you feel "they really care about me, this is a safe place to shop". I think that's one of the reasons Target thrived so much during this pandemic, they did a good job reassuring people. And to their credit, their pandemic response was pretty damn good.
Let's be real, it's good PR. You go into a store, seeing someone wiping down a cart, and it makes you feel "they really care about me, this is a safe place to shop". I think that's one of the reasons Target thrived so much during this pandemic, they did a good job reassuring people. And to their credit, their pandemic response was pretty damn good.
Totally agree. I visited family in california and went to a grocery store called Super King. Jesus they legit just combined carts sprayed the spray like 3 times and called it a day.

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