Will Target lift the mask requirement?

I get why people would still be uneasy ditching the masks, I myself am going to continue wearing it in indoor spaces for now until my county reaches 70% vaccinated. But the CDC also uses lots of science and data. The don’t just make a recommendation haphazardly. So if I see someone without a mask, I’ll assume they’re vaccinated and that it’s safe for them to be around me, and if not, the CDC says vaccinated people are protected from unvaccinated people anyway.
I can't wait until life gets back to normal. Part of that normal (at the right time) is no masks anywhere, they aren't needed and the people who are either feigning germaphobia or genuinely have it aren't coddled and enabled by those around them and have the pressure to do what becomes healthy again.
I get why people would still be uneasy ditching the masks, I myself am going to continue wearing it in indoor spaces for now until my county reaches 70% vaccinated. But the CDC also uses lots of science and data. The don’t just make a recommendation haphazardly. So if I see someone without a mask, I’ll assume they’re vaccinated and that it’s safe for them to be around me, and if not, the CDC says vaccinated people are protected from unvaccinated people anyway.
A year is not forever. We'll hit that point soon.

Firefox Pocket had this article, it's interesting. Because of a squabble among researchers in the 40s, fake medical facts became public policy, and both the WHO and CDC decided more people dying was preferable than allowing it to be known they happily and knowingly allowed fake data to shape recommendations. And it says that the 6 feet rule is based on that fake data and is worse than useless because people think it will protect them. Limiting enclosed spaces, masks, ramped up ventilation yes. But 6 feet is based on the fake data, that the WHO and CDC knowingly used.

I'm sorry but this decision smacks of politics not science and the CDC has been incredibly wishy-washy the entire pandemic. My state is only 35% vaccinated but that's suddenly good enough? What??? Dr Fauci said last month the rates needed to be closer to 90% and the science has changed that fast? BS.

Exactly. The CDC is not infallible. IMO dropping mask mandates now is borderline reckless.
I can't wait until life gets back to normal. Part of that normal (at the right time) is no masks anywhere, they aren't needed and the people who are either feigning germaphobia or genuinely have it aren't coddled and enabled by those around them and have the pressure to do what becomes healthy again.
That's a bit insensitive coming from someone who asks for patience and understanding from others with regard to their issues, and rails against those who don't provide such. My germphobia is distressing but I can't just turn it off like a faucet.
It might be something I said earlier. They won't get to that 90%. Not a chance in hell. There are school districts that can't get to 90% with measles, which is why there are measles outbreaks pretty regularly through 2019. They know the anti-vaxxers have joined with the Q cult, with all the people who would get other vaccines but cry about the newness of this one blended in. So maybe they accept that and know that life will literally never get back to pre-pandemic disease control if they keep waiting for the anti-vaxxers, Q cultists, and the people who aren't angry on how many people died in the past from preventable diseases because vaccines were unnecessarily held up but instead are afraid of what's safe but quick to kill themselves off by catching COVID-19 or have a revelation worthy of Saul/Paul and get a shot.
That's a bit insensitive coming from someone who asks for patience and understanding from others with regard to their issues, and rails against those who don't provide such. My germphobia is distressing but I can't just turn it off like a faucet.
Do you watch Hoarders? People soft foot around them, and they don't change. People challenge them, they change. Look at my disorder. Loved ones handling it the right way is to get right in front of the person, say treatment is not an option, staying compliant is not an option, enabling my behavior is not an option, I'm to get my ass to a doctor and stay on treatment unless I get a second doctor to say otherwise, why would it be completely different for other types of mental illness.

No, you can't turn it off. But you can recognize that it's abnormal, your loved ones can say they will show their love by challenging you and not enabling you, not doing what makes you comfortable, doing what makes you safe, and shuttle you to a doctor if you can't manage alone. And doing all that, you can learn healthy living, not cleaning a counter 12 times because you missed a step the last 11 times so there's still germs. You can accept that one bleaching pretty much killed everything off, not rubbing the counter edge right didn't invalidate the power of Clorox.
I'm sorry but this decision smacks of politics not science and the CDC has been incredibly wishy-washy the entire pandemic.
Exactly, weren't they saying just a couple weeks ago that even if you're vaccinated you should still wear a mask? And now suddenly it's the complete opposite. Their constantly changing guidelines are not some sort of medical truth like people think that they are. It's just whatever they think sounds the best to do this week.
Do you watch Hoarders? People soft foot around them, and they don't change. People challenge them, they change. Look at my disorder. Loved ones handling it the right way is to get right in front of the person, say treatment is not an option, staying compliant is not an option, enabling my behavior is not an option, I'm to get my ass to a doctor and stay on treatment unless I get a second doctor to say otherwise, why would it be completely different for other types of mental illness.

No, you can't turn it off. But you can recognize that it's abnormal, your loved ones can say they will show their love by challenging you and not enabling you, not doing what makes you comfortable, doing what makes you safe, and shuttle you to a doctor if you can't manage alone. And doing all that, you can learn healthy living, not cleaning a counter 12 times because you missed a step the last 11 times so there's still germs. You can accept that one bleaching pretty much killed everything off, not rubbing the counter edge right didn't invalidate the power of Clorox.
OK maybe I don't have clinical germphobia then! I'm not obsessive about cleaning at all, not even post-pandemic. I've been heavier with the Lysol spray this past year but only in situations where it's warranted. I'm more along the lines of keeping my distance from others as I've always been a big fan of personal space. Pre-pandemic I would limit restaurant dining, especially in the fall and winter when colds and flus are rampant around here. I'm also skittish about food handling in general (no buffets, cautious when it comes to food made by others, etc.). Maybe that doesn't qualify as true germphobia.
geez i respect others decisions but live life we all going to die someday anyways. as soon as they pull the masks mine off no questions asked. lol i already pull it down around my chin when im outside getting carts at my store. and nobody wears a mask in the break room either lol
Because wild caught measles is so much a better thing than an MMR shot. And wild caught polio is so much better than a polio vaccine.
Because my culture is different and also my immunity was built different. I don’t expect anyone do understand me. But I don’t need to be put down for my opinions just like I let everyone do what they think is best for them.
Every unvaccinated person provides a safe harbor for the virus to hide. Then the virus can attack people who can't get any vaccines at all due to severe health reasons and attack people who were vaccinated but didn't actually get immunity. It's the exact same thing as every other disease there's a vaccine against. People not getting vaccinations are failing in their duty to help those who can't or those who don't know they have no immunity.

This is a case where it does take a village, where we all have to look out for each other by denying the viruses a safe harbor. The same as any other disease.

Even if you don't plan on getting a vaccine, at least admit that you are causing harm to others. Don't act like you are an island that threatens no one else. Own your choice, including how your choice affects others.
Every unvaccinated person provides a safe harbor for the virus to hide. Then the virus can attack people who can't get any vaccines at all due to severe health reasons and attack people who were vaccinated but didn't actually get immunity. It's the exact same thing as every other disease there's a vaccine against. People not getting vaccinations are failing in their duty to help those who can't or those who don't know they have no immunity.

This is a case where it does take a village, where we all have to look out for each other by denying the viruses a safe harbor. The same as any other disease.

Even if you don't plan on getting a vaccine, at least admit that you are causing harm to others. Don't act like you are an island that threatens no one else. Own your choice, including how your choice affects others.

Is that how it works? My family has never had the flu or any other virus other than the common cold yet I'm the reason you get sick? Is that what you want to believe? Maybe you weaklings are only alive due to the miracles of modern science from us? Maybe you're the weak link. Actually you are!!! Your body has let the all the virus's evolve to cause more issues within your weak immune system since it can't fight it. Omg if you do your research that's what it is!!!! Weak people creating their own ways of adapting to virus's that other immune systems can suppress!!! That's exactly what vaccine is!!!! Taking the antibodies another immune system has created and injecting them as their own to learn and adapt!!!
I am wearing a mask to protect me from non maskers.

If you're vaccinated you don't need it 😉
The vaccine does not prevent you from contracting Covid-19 nor does it prevent you from spreading it while infected.
It reduces the severity, thus, the possibility of being hospitalized &/or of dying so a mask is still recommended in close quarters.
I’ll just say I get the flu shot every year and never get the flu and the one year I forgot to get the flu shot, guess what happened? Yeah.

Thank god my mom gets the vaccine too because she’s immunocomprimised, even the flu would’ve created issues for her.
I’ll just say I get the flu shot every year and never get the flu and the one year I forgot to get the flu shot, guess what happened? Yeah.

Thank god my mom gets the vaccine too because she’s immunocomprimised, even the flu would’ve created issues for her.
Can I ask an honest question here . You say you always get a flu shot and the one year you didn’t you got sick. Me on the other hand I’ve never had a flu shot and never had a common cold or flu. So why would I get the shot right? This is what bothers me a bit is that everyone tells me what I should do while I let them chose what they want to do . When you are born and raise in a 3rd world country your immune system is build differently. The only shot I’ve ever gotten was at birth and 8th grade. And I can honestly tell you I don’t recall a time of me being sick besides having my appendix removed.I’m not anti-vaccine . My child is up to date on all the shots so far the pediatrician hasn’t recommended the COVID-19 vaccine for my child and if he does I won’t be opposed to it if I have the right data and he can answer all my question as to how this will effect my child long term. But other than that I think we can all make the decision of what’s best for ourselves no?
Can I ask an honest question here . You say you always get a flu shot and the one year you didn’t you got sick. Me on the other hand I’ve never had a flu shot and never had a common cold or flu. So why would I get the shot right? This is what bothers me a bit is that everyone tells me what I should do while I let them chose what they want to do . When you are born and raise in a 3rd world country your immune system is build differently. The only shot I’ve ever gotten was at birth and 8th grade. And I can honestly tell you I don’t recall a time of me being sick besides having my appendix removed.I’m not anti-vaccine . My child is up to date on all the shots so far the pediatrician hasn’t recommended the COVID-19 vaccine for my child and if he does I won’t be opposed to it if I have the right data and he can answer all my question as to how this will effect my child long term. But other than that I think we can all make the decision of what’s best for ourselves no?

"Modern medical system" is to keep the week dependent on the system to keep them alive. Now I'm not saying that's bad but you also have to understand it's meant to gather revenue throughout that persons life.
Is that how it works? My family has never had the flu or any other virus other than the common cold yet I'm the reason you get sick? Is that what you want to believe? Maybe you weaklings are only alive due to the miracles of modern science from us? Maybe you're the weak link. Actually you are!!! Your body has let the all the virus's evolve to cause more issues within your weak immune system since it can't fight it. Omg if you do your research that's what it is!!!! Weak people creating their own ways of adapting to virus's that other immune systems can suppress!!! That's exactly what vaccine is!!!! Taking the antibodies another immune system has created and injecting them as their own to learn and adapt!!!

So you haven't had the smallpox vaccine, the polio vaccine, or MMR?
How about a tetanus shot?
People with super strong immune systems died by the millions from Black Plague, Yellow Fever, and The 1918 Pandemic.
My grandfather talked about the doors to houses of people infected with the Spanish Flu being nailed shut and a black X on the steps.
Food was passed by baskets thru the windows.
In Alaska towns where they hadn't had the flu blocked off the roads and shot at anyone trying to come in.
If you left you couldn't come back.
These weren't weak people, they were just trying to fucking survive.
I'm not sure you have thought this through.

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