Archived Workday Voucher?

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Nov 10, 2013
Timesheets were locked for several days. I was unable to put in VAC hours at no time last week. Kept giving me the error message that timesheets were locked. Of course Payroll Monday rolls around and I am still unable to request VAC pay and now my paycheck is half of what it should be. Last Thursday I had my HRTM submit a historical edit. Nothing. Friday’s paycheck is still short. HR is giving me the runaround in saying to their knowledge there is no way to do a in-store voucher with Workday and HROC told her there were about 700 TM’s that we’re affected. Is this true? There’s got to be a way... right?
Our HR had to do some historical edits Monday because the first week of the pay period was locked and I guess that isn't normal. But she had to do the edits in a way that could create vouchers or put it on the paychecks. She said it was unusual. I don't know if that helps but I wanted to share what I know. You might want to call HROC yourself so you get the info firsthand.
Last Thursday I had my HRTM submit a historical edit. Nothing. Friday’s paycheck is still short. HR is giving me the runaround in saying to their knowledge there is no way to do a in-store voucher with Workday and HROC told her there were about 700 TM’s that we’re affected. Is this true? There’s got to be a way... right?

All time card dates before July 22nd are locked and only historically editable by HR submitting a request form to HROC for processing. No historical edits could be processed last week due to the system freeze. Right now, last week's dates can still be historically editable by HR but the option for HR to generate a voucher ourselves is gone thanks to the Workday rollout. If you want a voucher, you have to wait for HROC and the HQ Payroll Team. Currently, HROC is swamped with endless Workday-related calls and a billion request forms from stores everywhere. It will take time for HROC to catch up.
I heard my HR telling someone there was a snafu and some TMs won’t be paid through regular channels and would get a pay card or something like that.
Timesheets were locked for several days. I was unable to put in VAC hours at no time last week. Kept giving me the error message that timesheets were locked. Of course Payroll Monday rolls around and I am still unable to request VAC pay and now my paycheck is half of what it should be. Last Thursday I had my HRTM submit a historical edit. Nothing. Friday’s paycheck is still short. HR is giving me the runaround in saying to their knowledge there is no way to do a in-store voucher with Workday and HROC told her there were about 700 TM’s that we’re affected. Is this true? There’s got to be a way... right?
Yea they can do a voucher I just got one two weeks ago because they forgot to add my vacation hours.
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