I've been seeing ETLs do grunt work way more often than ever before...hours cut, etc. Like guys we are going into BTS season. schedule better maybe?

The turnover is also awful. We've had several leave due to health concerns, one person kept getting scheduled for carts when they had a hip problem or something. They quit.

But hey, we got loads of new people so we're all good, right???
I've been seeing ETLs do grunt work way more often than ever before...hours cut, etc. Like guys we are going into BTS season. schedule better maybe?

The turnover is also awful. We've had several leave due to health concerns, one person kept getting scheduled for carts when they had a hip problem or something. They quit.

But hey, we got loads of new people so we're all good, right???
But hey, we got loads of new people so we're all good, right???

Our store acts like they pay SO MUCH more than anyone else in the area still like it is 2019.

Employees also want consistent START TIMES.

I changed my availability because I didn't want to start at 9:00 AM, Noon, 1:30 PM, etc. all in the same week.

I rather leave early than have to deal with that BS.
Back before Covid, I was the Closing Lead for two years. No other Leads from 6pm to Midnight, Monday-Friday... I got used to it... eventually.
Used to be that way in our store too but a few months ago they started scheduling more TLs at night so the Closing Lead isn't alone.
Filed the flight plan, called for clearance, did the engine run up, checked the pressures, visual clearance then I got the fuck out of Target forever. Flew like a fucking peregrine falcon as fast as I could. I still shop there but will never work there again.
I honestly love my job. Target is no worse than any other retail company, and in fact is better in some ways.

All of the issues that people complain about are issues I experienced at Sears as well: lack of communication, lack of floor coverage, constantly changing priorities, calling for backup, focus on numbers/fudging numbers, scrambling whenever there's a corporate visit, lazy/bad management, lazy/bad coworkers, attendance issues, favoritism - it's the nature of retail. I've seen it all before.

I make more as a part-time employee here than I did as a salaried manager there. In 30+ years regular employees never once got a bonus or any kind of financial reward other than yearly raises, which oftentimes were miniscule across the board.

Most of the things people complain about here are problems with retail itself and not exclusive to Target. As a company, Target provides a lot of benefits and resources for their employees. Plus, we get to wear jeans. Whats not to love? 😀
Depends on management and culture. I've been around longer than most of you and it simply was time. I'd have stayed on if we had the original management at the controls but we didn't. Too many arrogant stupid assholes came on board. The work is easy, hours weren't bad it was just the incessant bombardment of stupid that took its toll. I wasn't alone.
One of the benefits of being on the closing team is there seems to be less pressure. Only really have to deal with one or two leaders and they have their hands full. Seems day shift has a clock ticking and management breathing down their necks. No thank you.
One of the benefits of being on the closing team is there seems to be less pressure. Only really have to deal with one or two leaders and they have their hands full. Seems day shift has a clock ticking and management breathing down their necks. No thank you.
This is accurate I think. 95% of my shifts were closing, but when I occasionally did mid day shifts there seemed to be more micromanaging and pressure to get tasks done. Closing, it was recovery from the day and leaders usually leave you alone to get your work done. Unless you have an extreme micromanager, which we occasionally had with a certain leader once a month on weekends.
Coming from another retailer I think it’s absolutely bananas weekends aren’t all work for every leader. Or at least a part of it. My former retail store mgr job I closed Friday, opened Saturday, and was off Sunday every week (and that was as the store manager). Weekends are literally your busiest days of the week.
I mean I will take the every other weekend off, but I think it’s terrible business wise. And also makes a divide with team members who don’t get that perk.