A Hatchimal somehow made it as a return today, so I heard. Guest service let the LOD know, who in turn let Electronics TM know. But Guest service told the LOD on channel 1, so most of the TMs (and shoppers near those TMS) heard. LOD told the Electronics TM on 4, but because the announcement was on 1, I gathered later on that most of the store was actually on 4 with LOD and said TM (during which we all missed a callbox for toys, gee I wonder what the guest wanted) waiting with baited breath to see what happened.
TM goes to get the toy, comes back to electronics, there is, in what he later described
to me as "a small mob".
AP had to come over to oversee the situation, there were 7 frantic guests and 1 toy. There was no line so there was no way to just say "first come first serve". AP bullshitted and said we needed to "process" and to come back in a half hour. Hoping they'd leave, so he could give it to the first guest who came back.
But people were willing to stay the full half hour.
AP brings it to LOD, and after discussion, they decide that outside of running an impromptu auction house (not very brand friendly), they simply can't sell it to be fair to guests. LOD decided to tell the guests it had already been hatched prior to return, so it couldn't be sold. All guests are given a 10 apology coupon, everyone is pissed.
Hatchimal will be put out tomorrow for first guest to nab it.
Christ what a shit show. Kinda glad I was building bikes today and missed it. Though everyone was following along on the "private" channels, outside the AP channel, 6.
Also, our guest service TM is a bonehead.