Archived Youngest TL/GSA you've seen?

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I know there is and will always be exceptionally good leaders in their 18-early 20s. However, for so many of us to state that leadership is so young at so many of our stores, tells you something about Target. They hire young leadership cheap. It also tells you that many older people don't put up with as much sh*t as the younger ones. For instance- A 22 year old ETL is more likely to bitch about working until 10pm on Christmas Eve but a 35 year old ETL with a younger child is more likely to keep quiet, find another job and state, "Screw You Target" after giving a notice. I am seeing that play out before my eyes as we speak now.
I know there is and will always be exceptionally good leaders in their 18-early 20s. However, for so many of us to state that leadership is so young at so many of our stores, tells you something about Target. They hire young leadership cheap. It also tells you that many older people don't put up with as much sh*t as the younger ones. For instance- A 22 year old ETL is more likely to bitch about working until 10pm on Christmas Eve but a 35 year old ETL with a younger child is more likely to keep quiet, find another job and state, "Screw You Target" after giving a notice. I am seeing that play out before my eyes as we speak now.

Yeah I think my store has a good formula. Our ETLs are all young but our STL is in his early 40s with plenty of non Target experience. Nice having an adult to tell them to get off snapchat and help us out when things get busy.
Yeah I think my store has a good formula. Our ETLs are all young but our STL is in his early 40s with plenty of non Target experience. Nice having an adult to tell them to get off snapchat and help us out when things get busy.

It is depressing that you need a babysitter for assistant managers. But, yeah, you do for some of them.
One of our ETLs isn't allowed to take closing shifts, because he's under 18!

Oh, and protip, if you feel like you're gonna get coached by him, just get on the backroom elevator, because he's not allowed to go there!
One of our ETLs isn't allowed to take closing shifts, because he's under 18!

Oh, and protip, if you feel like you're gonna get coached by him, just get on the backroom elevator, because he's not allowed to go there!

Gonna call BS on this one.

I dont see how he would meet the college degree or 4 years experience requirement.
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I had barely turned 20 when I was promoted to GSA. At 19 I was a glorified FATM because they did away with the FATL position. My store only wants one GSTL, so that's one reason why I'm not there yet. I also don't have the availability for it anyway. School is more important.
A close friend of mine got hired as a GSA at 20 and was promoted to GSTL before she turned 21. Before that she had done two years (from the time she turned 18 to when she left for target) as an assistant customer service manager at a grocery store where she'd been a cashier since her 15th she had some experience coming into the role. She's also widely considered to be one of the best GSTL's in the district, and she's barely 22, so she has my greatest respect. Girl knows retail.
Our store promoted a Hardlines team member to Team Lead this past year and he's 19 at the most. He's also apparently in serious consideration for SrTL, which I don't agree with. He's a decent Team Lead, but there are several team leads that have been here far longer and who already have their degrees that should be promoted to SrTL before him.
I think I'm the youngest leader at my store in my late 20s. All ETLs are 35+ and all TLs are 30+. I think our STL is 31 or 32...
There is a rumor going round that our store might be getting a new STL whom is only 25-26 yo.

You've been bumping a lot of old threads? Any particular reason why?

There is a rumor going round that our store might be getting a new STL whom is only 25-26 yo.

Not uncommon at all. I went to school with @glo STL, who is 26.

Get hired as an ETL right out of college, have two good 18 month rotations, go on STL bench and get an open position
You've been bumping a lot of old threads? Any particular reason why?

Not uncommon at all. I went to school with @glo STL, who is 26.

Get hired as an ETL right out of college, have two good 18 month rotations, go on STL bench and get an open position

I probably sound like an ageist... (I'm north of 26)... but I also think there's a level of experience that one just can't quite acquire through training or a couple 18 month periods.

But then again, even the most experienced folks aren't always that great at their jobs. It's a toss up really. I do know that the current situation at our store is that it's dipping in sales (we used to comp above 5% consistently) and the overall morale has hit rock bottom. The store is still young (6-7 years), but it's certainly suffered greatly this year with the E2E rollouts and other rammy initiatives that weren't fully flushed out with the teams. All I know is, once the new STL takes over, they'll have a lot of work to turn things around. That's why I'm hesitant about their age/experience level.
Right now I'm being trained as GSA and I'm only 19.
My ETL GE told me she always hired young GSAs because they were desperate to please, sharper with scammers and didn't mind running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
I had a GSA who was under 21. There were plenty of nights I was the only one trained to ring alcohol sales...
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