Archived Youngest TL/GSA you've seen?

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My ETL GE told me she always hired young GSAs because they were desperate to please, sharper with scammers and didn't mind running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

And willing to do all that for only fifty cents more an hour!
One of our GSTLs has only been with us for 5 months. Started off as a cashier and a month later became GSA. 3 months after that he's promoted to GSTL. He's 21 but it's not so much his age but the fact that he climed the ladder so quickly that I find impressive, and it's all because he gets a shit ton of redcards.
19 year old GSTL. She handles any CSC issues in the front end plus guests so she’s rad in my book.
My ETL-LOG is a "former" Marine. They are the exact opposite of all of the younger ETL's (my ETL-LOG is only mid 30s). Even with that history they are easily the most approachable ETL in my store, and EASILY, the most active. They are the only ETL in my store I LIKE to work hard for (IMO the sign of the best Leader).

One day I hope to see them as my STL, as they have no college degree, and can run circles around every other ETL in my store, even if they have 3 times the experience.
My ETL-LOG is a "former" Marine. They are the exact opposite of all of the younger ETL's (my ETL-LOG is only mid 30s). Even with that history they are easily the most approachable ETL in my store, and EASILY, the most active. They are the only ETL in my store I LIKE to work hard for (IMO the sign of the best Leader).

One day I hope to see them as my STL, as they have no college degree, and can run circles around every other ETL in my store, even if they have 3 times the experience.

Unfortunately while you can now be an etl without a college degree.

It is required for stl and dtl to have one.
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