Corporate $15

Except when it's not really a raise because in reality we'll be making less than we are now, which is the case for a great many TMs who have worked at Target long enough to have received at least one evaluation. My base rate is $13.65, so right now with hazard pay I make $15.65 (let's ignore shift differential for simplification). Hazard pay is going away so going forward, I'll be at $15. So like @qmosqueen making less than I am now.
Me, too.
You usually have good info, did someone confirm this to you regarding the TL minimum or are you just guessing based off of what the paychart says as of right now?
The last 6 or 7 times they raised the TM pay, they raised the TL pay as well, so there’s no reason to think they’ll do anything different this time.
First of all, many of us are truly grateful for the $200 across the board cash bonus. This is a wonderful thank you for those of us on the front lines.

Unfortunately, the $15 minimum increase is meaningless in High Cost of Living - HCOL - urban locations. Washington State's minimum wage is $13.50 and in the city limits of Seattle it's $16.39. Target's minimum wage in its many stores around the Seattle metro area is $14. In HCOL stores and DCs, most existing TMs will receive a "goose egg" or have new hires earning the same.

$15 an hour is a great wage in Wichita, Brownsville, Beaumont, Fort Wayne, Lynchburg, Texarcana, Fayetteville, Springfield MO, Amarillo, Oklahoma City and Great Falls.

In HCOL urban areas -- such as Pleasanton or Woodinville, will this result in many Target TMs seeking jobs at other employers who will pay a premium to get experienced workers from Target? Or will corporate quietly find a way to boost pay for current TMs in HCOL areas?
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And on all those occasions I never got one . And if it’s going to 19 $ i still won’t see one since I make more than that 😢
If it's any consolation, I recently had my 10 year anniversary, and I have been either 1) at the minimum or 2) only 1 raise above the minimum for my entire 10 years, despite getting the second highest review rating for my first 7 years and the top review for my last 3. I trained 8 or 9 TLs in the last year and I make the same amount as them, except for at least one who makes more than me. Also, TMs make more now than I did as a SrTL 5 or 6 years ago.

The good news is that this will be the first year that my raise will actually matter and my new SD likes me so far.
It's exhausting to think of all of the work that I've put in the last few months with various other TLs, a LOT of TMs and some Etls out. All of the things I've challenged myself to learn or improve upon. All of the TMs I've developed. When I came back to Target I negotiated for $19 and felt it was reasonable for my skill set. It's going to chafe really hard if TLs don't get an increase. I know my ETL was pissed about the paltry bonus they got a few months ago.
First of all, many of us are truly grateful for the $200 across the board cash bonus. This is a wonderful thank you for those of us on the front lines.

Unfortunately, the $15 minimum increase is meaningless in High Cost of Living - HCOL - urban locations. Washington State's minimum wage is $13.50 and in the city limits of Seattle it's $16.39. Target's minimum wage in its many stores around the Seattle metro area is $14. In HCOL stores and DCs, most existing TMs will receive a "goose egg" or have new hires earning the same.

$15 an hour is a great wage in Wichita, Brownsville, Beaumont, Fort Wayne, Lynchburg, Texarcana, Fayetteville, Springfield MO, Amarillo, Oklahoma City and Great Falls.

In HCOL urban areas -- such as Pleasanton or Woodinville, will this result in many Target TMs seeking jobs at other employers who will pay a premium to get experienced workers from Target? Or will corporate quietly find a way to boost pay for current TMs in HCOL areas?
You usually have good info, did someone confirm this to you regarding the TL minimum or are you just guessing based off of what the paychart says as of right now?
My HRBP told me that today. Where he got the information I’m not sure. He may have been speculating based of previous pay increases but I’ve been telling my TLs so I sure hope she’s right.
So I’ve been at Target 12 years. Starting pay was $8.25 in 2008.

If I got amazing reviews every year (O or DEO) I would get a 5% raise every year. Several years I have gotten the elusive “O” Review.

Guess what? 12 years of top of the line raises still wouldn’t equal $15/hour.

So rather than bitching about making the same as the newbies, I just focus on my own paycheck. My own paycheck has benefited more from the “everybody gets a raise” years then the years I scored an O with a 5% raise.

And let’s all not forget, Federal minimum wage is still a paltry $7.25/hr. In 2020.

I don’t care what podunk low-rent town you live in. For an adult to offer themselves up for full time hours and only get paid $7.25/hour is deplorable. We should all do better.

At least Target is double federal minimum wage.

I certainly hope no one loses raises! That would be awful.

We need to make this concern known to management. How do we do that?

Also, anyone working during any time since beginning of Marchish until now should get the bonus. Any exposure is exposure no matter how small. However, I do agree that if someone was in a PAID LOA, they already got their bonus. But then, if you get the $200 bonus and afterwards take a LOA, would you only be qualified for total pay less $200?
So I’ve been at Target 12 years. Starting pay was $8.25 in 2008.

If I got amazing reviews every year (O or DEO) I would get a 5% raise every year. Several years I have gotten the elusive “O” Review.

Guess what? 12 years of top of the line raises still wouldn’t equal $15/hour.

So rather than bitching about making the same as the newbies, I just focus on my own paycheck. My own paycheck has benefited more from the “everybody gets a raise” years then the years I scored an O with a 5% raise.

And let’s all not forget, Federal minimum wage is still a paltry $7.25/hr. In 2020.

I don’t care what podunk low-rent town you live in. For an adult to offer themselves up for full time hours and only get paid $7.25/hour is deplorable. We should all do better.

At least Target is double federal minimum wage.

Clearly you haven’t encountered podunk. Some people don’t have a lot of choices.
Clearly you haven’t encountered podunk. Some people don’t have a lot of choices.

actually I most certainly have encountered my share of “podunk”. I grew up in a rural area (graduated in a class of 7)... yes public high school . Where the teachers were the “rich folks in town”

Yes, even the folks in my hometown harvesting potatoes or driving 15 miles up the highway to work at the nearest McDonalds deserve more than $7.25/hr.
Just thought about something after reading @COextraordinaire's comment, I'd like to add that what Target is doing is actually quite smart as a national corporation. The Federal minimum wage is $7.25, as Coextra said. However, each state has its own minimum wage.

What they are doing is raising the minimum wage to the highest minimum wage in the continental USA. If you work in CA, you already made $15/hr. Now we all do.

I know when you compare yourself to us newbies that started halfway through this garbage virus and inequality, you feel robbed. Because you deserve more than $ us. I totally understand. You DO deserve more $ than us. Maybe that can be your argument for keeping $0.25 or $0.50 extra an hour. But from a corporate perspective, we are generally treated well enough to stay. I am surrounded by people who have been TMs for a decade or decades, most now ETLs or TLs. I am newbie, but I also have an MBA and worked many years in finance and accounting. This is a big boost for SOME morale (while others worry like some of you veterans) and a big press BINGO!

First, they provided masks and more cleaning. Then hazard pay. Then bonus and paid LOA. And Juneteenth time and a half pay. Promises to invest in certain areas more.

Now they can hear the press singing, "Target makes good on promise amidst the coronavirus and civil unrest!"
actually I most certainly have encountered my share of “podunk”. I grew up in a rural area (graduated in a class of 7)... yes public high school . Where the teachers were the “rich folks in town”

Yes, even the folks in my hometown harvesting potatoes or driving 15 miles up the highway to work at the nearest McDonalds deserve more than $7.25/hr.
Deserve yes. But who will pay it?
Deserve yes. But who will pay it?
The employer will pay for it.

As an added bonus, that employee will possibly make enough money to feed and house themselves, relying less on state welfare.

And let’s be real. I live in TX where we still have $7.25 minimum wage. But I have visited WA and CA known to have $15ish minimum wages. I go to their grocery stores, I go out to eat. I don’t think “damn this bag of apples or restaurant hamburger is twice the price of Texas”. It doesn’t work that way.

Anectdotaly, when I started cashiering in 2008, it was common for co-workers (Target Team members) to use their EBT card for lunch or groceries. We had an elderly cart attendant who would buy a 40 cent yogurt and 20 cent banana for his lunch with his EBT card.

Im not saying we don’t have Team Members now on government assistance/EBT. I mean you probably can’t support a family on $15/hr easily. But it’s a lot less prevelent now.

And when adults are paid a living wage, they need less welfare from the state. When an employer gets away with paying $7.25/hr for a full time adult employee it is basically corporate welfare... where the employer is depending on the state to feed their employees.

Trust me there are small businesses all over the 29 states with higher than federal minimum wage who have figured out how to do it. Maybe begrudgingly. And maybe some were too over extended to make it. But 29 of 50 states have figured it out.
So, is the $200 for part time and full time TMs, or is it prorated to average hours? My TL mentioned the $15 bump tonight, but not the $200 bonus.

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