MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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So I watch my store succeed almost every day and we are further along in this than most.. please explain to me why this is going to “come crumbling down.”
Because your store is the exception, not the rule. All stores are different. Where you sound like you have dedicated well trained people, we have newbies who couldn't give a shit and are allergic to hard work. They can barely work freight and backstock efficiently. Add on anything else and guaranteed they'll be quitting. We would love to hire quality people, but they ain't applying. So it's either shitty people or no one.
But I guess that extra dollar means more to them....

It's about more than the one dollar differential. By pushing the truck during business hours, they're also saving the money they were spending on sales floor coverage during the day.

Between that, the 5 hour shifts getting rid of veteran TMs and the possibility of insurance and the elimination of pog and pricing TMs (and I assume TLs in some cases), I'd be willing to bet Target's labor cost will be lower at $15/hr than it was at $12 before these changes.

No such thing as a free lunch. Target wasn't going to give out $15/hr without tightening the budget elsewhere. And online competition didn't really leave any room for raising prices, so employees and benefits were the natural targets. But hey, it's a win/win for corporate and the shareholders. Lower labor costs AND they get to pat themselves on the back for being the first retailer to pay what has been called "a living wage" in recent discussions. Yay.
Modernization is here to say 5% growth in sales and traffic for 2018

Today I learned a not yet fully implemented retail ops model is responsible for a good economy and the demise of important competitors in 2018.

Today I learned a not yet fully implemented retail ops model is responsible for a good economy and the demise of important competitors in 2018.

Not to mention growth that is only slightly above the average compared to the rest of retailers. Let's also not forget that Target's online orders are growing much faster than almost all other retailers and in Q3, was responsible for 6% of all sales (Roundup: Target posts 49% online sales increase for Q3 - Let's also keep in mind that the modernization process has very little impact on those sales.
Tell that to Sears, Kmart, Payless and the many other retailers that have gone or are going out of business. They failed to look forward and just filled the floor. Business as usual.
Let's also keep in mind that the modernization process has very little impact on those sales.
I disagree. Based on the INFs I had to do for items that were in the store SOMEWHERE, but couldn't be found because of Mod, I'd say it was actually a drag on SFS this past Q4. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
I disagree. Based on the INFs I had to do for items that were in the store SOMEWHERE, but couldn't be found because of Mod, I'd say it was actually a drag on SFS this past Q4. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

Oh I agree on that. My comment was meant that modernization is not responsible for the increase in online orders. That increase would most likely have happened without modernization (and arguably higher since finding product would not be such a pain in the ass).
Oh I agree on that. My comment was meant that modernization is not responsible for the increase in online orders. That increase would most likely have happened without modernization (and arguably higher since finding product would not be such a pain in the ass).

Agreed. But, don't underestimate the Kool-Aid about it. For about the past week my store's had a sudden and massive increase in sales from OPUs and Drive-ups. The comp has been at least double what it was for most of February on a daily basis. Word from on high is that it's the result of continuing to press forward with the new Ops model. Personally, I'd say it's a combination of sub-freezing temperatures, the drive-up ad airing constantly and some great online deals on offer. But, if the higher ups want to believe it's the dissolution of plano (in name only) and no longer using guest carts for anything, then it must be so. 😉
“Unrealistic” ..... my store is finished with everything by the end of the day, every day and we are quite a bit ahead of most in the modernization process. Truck is done everyday except markets side of it. They want to ensure people are worth $15 an hour. In most areas of the country that’s really good money. Stop complaining and do your part to help your team get it done at the correct time every day
What 3rd world country do you live in that you believe this is good money? Although I’m sure you look adorable in your rose colored glasses, here’s the reality. Old model $12 x 8 hours = $96. New model $15 x 4 hrs = $60 and yet you can’t seem to wrap your head around why most have “bad attitudes”. Btw, lost 3 more rockstars this week and its only Tuesday.
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What 3rd world country do you live in that you believe this is good money? Although I’m sure you look adorable in your rose colored glasses, here’s the reality. Old model $12 x 8 hours = $96. New model $15 x 4 hrs = $60 and yet you can’t seem to wrap your head around why most have “bad attitudes”. Btw, lost 3 more rockstars this week and its only Tuesday.
I'm up to two more, but another dozen are half way out the door.
So who goes through the weekly signing Pallet/Supplies, when their is no Signing Bitch?
Who will they look to, when they need help figuring the vast concept of Duct Tape, to fix a problem (now that I can't use a Drill, but the Pallet stacker? absolutely fine).
Who will they look to, for answers for everything under the sun.
If their is no Signing TM, the PMT's life is going to be fuckin hell.

At my store, they've told me that as the current signing TM, I will still be responsible for breaking down and sorting the signing pallet and doing all "Operational" signing, such as overheads and big builds. I'll be given the time to do that in the schedule.

As far as the other signing goes, that falls on the individual areas. For example, the Hardlines TM in HBA will be expected to handle getting the headers when they set a salesplan, signing the electric toothbrush displays, etc. This is in addition to setting any POGs and revisions for their areas. (All on 5 hours or less)

What isn't clear is what I'll be doing with the rest of my time. I may be assigned a hardlines area, I may bounce around as a backup in other areas, the backroom, helping with bigger POGs etc. Same goes for the current POG team. They said they'd probably bring us all back together for the big seasonal resets and things like the recent beauty set, etc. (That's if we all stay and can sustain ourselves on working 6 days a week and still not getting 40 hours).

Originally, we were told that we'd carry on more or less as normal but they'd hide us in the schedule. But apparently corporate is looking out for that or something, because now they're wanting to do it by the book.
Not to mention growth that is only slightly above the average compared to the rest of retailers. Let's also not forget that Target's online orders are growing much faster than almost all other retailers and in Q3, was responsible for 6% of all sales (Roundup: Target posts 49% online sales increase for Q3 - Let's also keep in mind that the modernization process has very little impact on those sales.

I love the "online sales increase" reporting. I you go from shipping 1 box a day to a 100, that's a 99% increase. We didn't ship squat until a year ago.
At my store, they've told me that as the current signing TM, I will still be responsible for breaking down and sorting the signing pallet and doing all "Operational" signing, such as overheads and big builds. I'll be given the time to do that in the schedule.

As far as the other signing goes, that falls on the individual areas. For example, the Hardlines TM in HBA will be expected to handle getting the headers when they set a salesplan, signing the electric toothbrush displays, etc. This is in addition to setting any POGs and revisions for their areas. (All on 5 hours or less)

What isn't clear is what I'll be doing with the rest of my time. I may be assigned a hardlines area, I may bounce around as a backup in other areas, the backroom, helping with bigger POGs etc. Same goes for the current POG team. They said they'd probably bring us all back together for the big seasonal resets and things like the recent beauty set, etc. (That's if we all stay and can sustain ourselves on working 6 days a week and still not getting 40 hours).

Originally, we were told that we'd carry on more or less as normal but they'd hide us in the schedule. But apparently corporate is looking out for that or something, because now they're wanting to do it by the book.
Yeah, non POG signing should still be handled by one individual. If you have multiple hands deciding where unlocated signing went would be a mess. I’m fairly confident TL and TM can handle 90% of the located or POG signing
What 3rd world country do you live in that you believe this is good money? Although I’m sure you look adorable in your rose colored glasses, here’s the reality. Old model $12 x 8 hours = $96. New model $15 x 4 hrs = $60 and yet you can’t seem to wrap your head around why most have “bad attitudes”. Btw, lost 3 more rockstars this week and its only Tuesday.
Ok well then show you’re worth more hours. I get mine and so do a few other Tm’s that bust their asses. If you’re killing it at your job then any stl would be crazy to not give you the extra hours.
Ok well then show you’re worth more hours. I get mine and so do a few other Tm’s that bust their asses. If you’re killing it at your job then any stl would be crazy to not give you the extra hours.

And sometimes it goes above the STLs. They get pressured to reduce benefit costs in their stores regardless of how good the employee is.
Me trying to set odl flat a week late with no pog team. Everything from sfs, opu, guest service, market, hl spill, open backdoor for vendor cause receiver is up front. Plus hour of smart huddle every morning right after I got in. Maybe 5hrs of every 8hr shift went to my work. 4 after you factor in all the cardboard and trash trips I made.

I've been the most trained tm for years, including etl/stl. 28hrs on new schedule only due to inventory prep. With no communication about time outside my primary work center. And over a dozen tm who left this past month including tl.

When the rats are jumping ship does it matter how fast you hire replacements?
This! Some of our BEST TMs are only getting 2-3 days per week, and 15 hours at MOST. It's not always work ethic, it's corporate slashing hours past the bone!
This is 100% RIGHT, We started the E2E process in our store and inbound team now get no hours no matter how big the truck is. We are getting 3-4 days a week and 4 h shifts. It used to be 5 hours and you were able to extend the hours when there were a lot of u-boats loaded by the end of your 5 h shifts. Now backroom is crazy and we only sort truck and some repacks, and THAT'S IT.
We are not allowed to push ANYTHING, since they have OWNERS.
Worst part, they don't want you to offer any other position after truck is loaded because they don't want you to make more hours.
So I don't see how you are going to get rewarded by working harder. And I am trying to get positive and stay away from half the Tm's in the store who hate this new system.
Ok well then show you’re worth more hours. I get mine and so do a few other Tm’s that bust their asses. If you’re killing it at your job then any stl would be crazy to not give you the extra hours.
Your naïveté makes my eye twitch. Check back in when your store has fully implemented modernization. The utopia of endless hours with perfect processes and woodland animals leaping through the meadows, does not exist. My bad, that was a guest leaping over a u-boat again.
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So at my store they told a couple of TL's that they are going to need to transfer to other stores because the store is over headcount for TL's. I know one of them asked if they could demote instead and they said that a TL can only demote if they transfer. So in the end it's the same. So now these team leads have to choose between transferring or finding a new job.
Now i know transferring isn't the end of the world but for the one TL that I've talked to. He can't afford to got to a Target that's further away at least for this semester since he goes to school too. And they told him that the transfer is going to be soon so he looks like he doesn't have much of a choice now.
How does the new op model have you ending up over on TLs? TL headcount should be going up and ETL going down at most stores