MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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Corporate would just blame the teams at the test stores, though. Telling your district VP that the new process didn't work is like admitting to a NKVD officer that you didn't clap long enough after a Stalin speech.

I'm reminded of the Wilson Corollary to Godwin's Law which states that "When discussing American government (or corporate) politics, using Communist Russia as an = automatically disqualifies you from the conversation."
Personally, I'd have gone with Mussolini and his secret police the OVRA; Italian for "Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism.
I'm reminded of the Wilson Corollary to Godwin's Law which states that "When discussing American government (or corporate) politics, using Communist Russia as an = automatically disqualifies you from the conversation."
Personally, I'd have gone with Mussolini and his secret police the OVRA; Italian for "Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism.

I was being facetious
The same is said with Hitler comparisons; taboo.

We're a pilot store that just missed the minimum for Overnight. Backstock in the morning is 2-3 times more than normal, unfinished trucks, and most demonstrable too many people still don't know shit about shit. Parade around on their phones, gossip, and moan about mundane things. They barely know their primary work-center and now they want the same individuals to tack on 2-3 more skill sets. Take the 3 billion allocated for remodels & upgrades and train your damn staff Spot.

The only affect the past acquisitions and future renovations will have is renew lipstick on the pig.
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I'll go on to say that I just watched 2 Team leads and a VM, and one TM(Expert)..set Opalhouse.... In about four days .......I also did all their signing for them.. ( as well as set pogs for regular plano (Mini), sfs, help market back stock for hours, throw a truck of 2500, then be the last one there backstocking AFTER I threw the truck).

To rehash on what I said before my tirade, It took me and Plano 1 day, during our REMODEL.
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meanwhile @ corporate

Test stores need to tell the truth and not sugar coat it to make their store look good. That only hurts us all.
I'm pretty sure this won't be a problem. As I understand it the GVP's will pratically be living in the pilot district in their group. And we are leaders are giving almost daily feedback on what is working and what is not working. I agree the tendency in the past was to look good for management but I feel this is different. This pilot is structured with a vagueness to let the stores help build the process that actually work in the "real world". Unlike past initiatives where they gave instructions to follow, this one is more of a structure or foundation that we get to have a say in how it's built. It's also a way I think that E2E can be fixed with a lot more input from the stores.
I'm pretty sure this won't be a problem. As I understand it the GVP's will pratically be living in the pilot district in their group. And we are leaders are giving almost daily feedback on what is working and what is not working. I agree the tendency in the past was to look good for management but I feel this is different. This pilot is structured with a vagueness to let the stores help build the process that actually work in the "real world". Unlike past initiatives where they gave instructions to follow, this one is more of a structure or foundation that we get to have a say in how it's built. It's also a way I think that E2E can be fixed with a lot more input from the stores.

Let the stores build the process. That will lead to about 3o different ones. ASANTS will be the death of Target.
I'm pretty sure this won't be a problem. As I understand it the GVP's will pratically be living in the pilot district in their group. And we are leaders are giving almost daily feedback on what is working and what is not working. I agree the tendency in the past was to look good for management but I feel this is different. This pilot is structured with a vagueness to let the stores help build the process that actually work in the "real world". Unlike past initiatives where they gave instructions to follow, this one is more of a structure or foundation that we get to have a say in how it's built. It's also a way I think that E2E can be fixed with a lot more input from the stores.
I really hope this is true. And it works out. We used to be different than other retailers now We're not..
I’ve talked to employees at a couple of Walmarts. A similar plan has been in progress since last fall. They have the same problems. Nice, new stores now look horrible especially meat and dairy. Product is thrown everywhere or absent. (How in the hell can they be completely out of bacon day after day?) Is this the Amazon effect? I hope for everyone’s sake this is not the new normal.
I'd like to know how important their feedback is, when the Logistics process to support this, to my knowledge, is nowhere near what they said it would be a year ago.

It is literally like building, a building, from the walls in, rather than a support structure before... it may look good on the outside, but in the inside, there are no floors, and will give way, at any moment. Don't go in there.
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I have not posted on the site in a while, but I have been lurking and checking in every so often. I finally finished catching up on this thread and I will say this:

If I had read this thread a year ago with my old team, I would be cautiously optimistic and excited to see some of these changes implemented. However, because of the current climate in my store, I am afraid this would be the point of no return for us. It's amazing and quite frightening to see how quickly a poor leader can ruin a model store. 🙁

My district is (THANKFULLY) not part of the pilot, so if and when this does roll out to the rest of us, I hope the pilot stores have given 100% honest feedback and the company structures it in a way that can be adaptable, because ASANTS!

I'm very curious about any store that can run this system without issues so far. Take a trip, visit said store, and look with my own 2 bug eyes at these cyborgs.

Being at the edge of our group, my store is fairly close to two of the districts that are piloting this. I travel a bit for my other job outside of Spot and I will definitely be popping into some of these stores when the opportunity presents itself.

I'll be sure to stop by the Cafe and grab some popcorn first! 😛
I'll go on to say that I just watched 2 Team leads and a VM, and one TM(Expert)..set Opalhouse.... In about four days .......I also did all their signing for them.. ( as well as set pogs for regular plano (Mini), sfs, help market back stock for hours, throw a truck of 2500, then be the last one there backstocking AFTER I threw the truck).

To rehash on what I said before my tirade, It took me and Plano 1 day, during our REMODEL.
I have stopped doing my supervisors jobs because I am always past over for promotion for the members of the clique. Its fun watching the unload take 2 hours instead of 1 and half hours. When ppl take advantage of them and take 30 mintue 15s no one says boo. My stores whole logistics process is screwed and has continually gone downhill over the last year.
From what I heard for those pilot test stores, there will be more visits during this process. There should be adequate time in which to not sugar coat the process

Districts and groups are required to visit pilot stores at minimum twice a week and encouraged to visit in the mid to late afternoons and evenings undercover.
There is a trailer, 3/4 full, that has been sitting since Thursday. Since going early morning the process has only become worse. They work 2am-10am instead of 4am-12pm that I was familiar with at my first store. Many individuals including leads and leaders still stick around for massive overtime.

Still haven't received a review.
No visit last week and now we are on day 9 of this modernization.
I heard that soft lines is going to be in charge of C and D, cause it is style. Hardlines will now own electronics.

And we still need more than 8 tms to push all of dry from truck push autos and then push dairy and freezer every day. 2 whole pallets sitting in the freezer.
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Forgot to mention they're paying for some to use Uber who can't get a ride or can't/won't take a bus depending on their area and service times. Secondly the 2am-10am is switching to 4am-12pm in a week or two.
The Market team has gone steadily downhill at my store, mostly, because they are entirely overthinking the process. I had it even slip to me that if their entire team quits/is fired, Presentation will be moved over, to be the new Market team... If this happens, the interviews (its a pay raise now, so I think they have too). Should be hilarious. (was a PA of three years).
Districts and groups are required to visit pilot stores at minimum twice a week and encouraged to visit in the mid to late afternoons and evenings undercover.

If I was a DTL, in one of these pilot districts, I would be going in, unannounced and ask to be LOD for 2 hours (because I could, and that is probably the best way to learn a stores situation). The current LOD could go take a break (which would probably be just be two hours of paranoid sweating.) I would then (afterword) sit down for an hour with them privately, and ask them their actual opinion on wins/ops, while having two hours in their shoes it could lead to building not only trust, but something actually constructive.

Does this ever happen? no.

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