There is something "Rotten in the State of Denmark".
The DC's have not or at least no one is reporting changes taking place supporting us in this new plan. The only thing that was reported on was a small pilot DC operation in the North East. Other than that, nothing, not even a hint of change. Considering the time it takes to reorganize a DC, it would be reasonable to hear of changes taking place now since this thing is going company wide in 2nd qtr 2019.
Cornell and crew front loaded this change at the store level first in order to justify the capital outlay required to convert our DC's to the E2E/Store Modernization program. In other words, they're going to ride any success hard as they can to justify the need to convert our DC's. If they can't, we'll be working a E2E/Store Modernization without DC support. If you watched the Target Red 360 videos, you'll know that this will require a lot more work at the store level. Hours anyone?
Here's an example:
Wal-Mart bolsters Central Florida footprint with 2 new warehouses, 2,000 jobs -
Walmart is increasing it's capacity to service their plan. We're not doing this. We're increasing our plan without capacity support. If you go back through the post, there are all kinds of support issues for each of the new Target guest offerings and they haven't subsided either. We're just now starting E2E/Store Modernization in the pilot districts. So how's the merchandise arriving? I'll bet it looks nothing like the videos.
This is not good. Having working knowledge of putting together capital projects and the request for quotes, this leaves me to believe that the cost of such was dead on arrival.
So instead of scaling back or incrementally rolling this out regionally or by district, they decided to go a different route. In other words the least expensive and quickest way in order to preserve our image.
We're chasing instead of leading.
Eventually we'll loose stores as they will not be able to afford to keep pace with the additional burden created from the lack of program support. Low volume stores will struggle right from the start (new staffing plan). I suspect this has to do with the creation of the $27M threshold to go from LV to Base. Below that mark and your profitability is under constant scrutiny.
Then I could be totally off base and everything is being done behind the scenes.