MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

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The opening/closing LOD could open and close the lanes. Or have a cashier do it, it's not too hard. GSTLs will still be in the building for like 80% of sales if the shifts are timed right. Cashiers who constantly need help are probably going to either figure it out or get performanced out.

and be replaced by who? The unemployment rate is super low, there aren't a lot of qualified people out there begging for jobs.
Due to the fact the GSA position is being eliminated, how can GSTLs only be mids and not have open/close coverage? Who’s supposed to open the lanes and close the lanes and watch the front actively during those times?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, tbh.

Rumor has it too that the override option is getting eliminated. Now all tms will be able to make any price change, return, etc a reality.. that’s just fucking mindblowing and doesn’t make any sense.

I guess let the team manage itself into failure when the GSTL is not present.

PS. I will always call myself and refer to other GSTLs as GSTLs. SEL (Service and Engagement TL) sounds kinda dumb to me.

i have the guest advocate pilot details, i can DM you if you'd like?

i'm a GSA being affected by this 🙁
I have heard murmuring and talks among the TL's. basically they want to keep the older tm's so they dont have to "train by fire" new people but at the same time they want to keep their jobs. just got told by our STL last Tue. that we would be getting more training and are being held to a routine based day with NO deviation to it and if we didnt finish and had a bit more we may get to stay and finish or come back another day. she was very insistent on guest centrism though. i have trouble with communication and theory of mind so this is gonna be tough.
Well half of my store's daytime cashiers are sadly not competent enough to act as service desk and GSA. They have great difficulty cashiering after several years on the job.

It will be sad to see them performanced out. I can't imagine how my store will be able to recruit people to work M-F, days...they struggle with this already.
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We’ve been holding the whole store accountable and it’s been working; everyone does their own backstock, and BRLA just crawled it’s way back over 98%. We talk about backstocking at huddles, and quiz the team. ETL log sneaks up on people backstocking and verifies it’s being done correctly. Backroom detail report on greenfield shows who backstocked it again also

just no. this is so not even near reality in any actual working store. could you at least try to sound like you are from a store and not a corporate drone?
Due to the fact the GSA position is being eliminated, how can GSTLs only be mids and not have open/close coverage? Who’s supposed to open the lanes and close the lanes and watch the front actively during those times?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, tbh.

Rumor has it too that the override option is getting eliminated. Now all tms will be able to make any price change, return, etc a reality.. that’s just fucking mindblowing and doesn’t make any sense.

I guess let the team manage itself into failure when the GSTL is not present.

PS. I will always call myself and refer to other GSTLs as GSTLs. SEL (Service and Engagement TL) sounds kinda dumb to me.
Maybe some will be promoted?
I would like to know as well. Pretty sure they were just trolling though
They are. My STL gave me as much info as she could, basically the VM role will be more important than ever and we will essentially act as BPs in the stores. Which means all the crappy VMs, who do nothing and just walk around all day, will cease to be employed by Target.
I feel the same way, but for the backroom. We have had 4-5 people back there for ages now. Their whole work lives are the backroom, basically. And now every Tom, Dick, Harry, and their entire extended family will be going through it. Can you imagine letting every newbie touch the backroom? When Christmas season starts coming, we're going to be so f*cked...
Back to school will be our next major cluster f*ck for our BR. So much product in so little time. Plus SFS and OPU.
From what I gather about thus new modernization, I think there will be some issues at first and hopefully they will be ironed out over time. I also think that a lot of TM's will quit because they will be over stressed....we shall see. I was handed a card today that laid out the expectations of what a typical day would be like.

For example: (1) Come in and go directly to the area you own. Make sure it's ready to be stocked with a strong zone/guest ready.

(2) Walk endcaps and make notes on fill needs or ones that might need to be flipped or replaced.

(3) Go to the backroom, get autofills/ truck freight, and start pushing.

(4) Backstock as you go, return the vehicle and retrieve the next.

(5) Once autofills/truck push is done, perform scans to fill. Then pull and push your freight.

(6) Finally, use the time left in your shift to complete price changes, set new salesplans and complete revisions.

I am glad to see that many of you found this post as amusing as I did when I posted it. The official start date of this at my store was this past Sunday and I was scheduled to work it. Honestly it wasn't too bad, but I was also scheduled in toys which as most of you know is a disaster. I completed the pulls quickly, the challenge was pushing the 3 pallets of toys, 1 flat of sporting goods, and then assisting in electronics and helping guests because my store was under staffed as usual. Then yesterday on day 2, the STL called an emergency blitz and for everyone except register needed to push something from the line. This new agenda has a chance, but only if the store is properly staffed.
Then yesterday on day 2, the STL called an emergency blitz and for everyone except register needed to push something from the line. This new agenda has a chance, but only if the store is properly staffed.

Ugh, my store is always doing this. It's a productivity killer now and will make things worse with the new process.

I think it would be in their best interest to spend a couple of days before implementation by adding payroll to get a store set up for success. Get all freight pushed, deep zone, etc. We will still be dealing with old process issues making this new thing be an even steeper uphill battle.

A tm can dream!! 😂

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