Archived $55k day... and one cashier.

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That all sounds quite horrible.

I dont mean to hijack this thread but I have a few questions regarding mytime.

1: What is mytime exactly?

2: How will this effect us as team members?
MyTime replaces MAX, which is the scheduling software we have been using for years. Its purpose is to eliminate the need for TLs to create the schedule by hand each week, by pulling TMs by availability to feel all shifts. It determines what shifts are needed based upon sales. It then grabs TMs in what I can best equate to a lottery of hours. If you have more open availability, you are more likely to get "win" a shift. TM's with closed availability simply put less tickets into the raffle. Set schedules are gone, except for TLs. TL hours are separate from the workcenter, because they are focused on planning and running the team members who are driving the guest experience.

MyTime uses sales to figure out how many hours to give each department and cover the busiest times. Sales are much higher in the afternoon, it chooses to have more people in the store then than at open or close. There is less guest traffic and therefore less need for additional TMs at those times. Just as the TLs are being reduced only to the title of sales floor, I believe this is happening for TMs as well. This would mean there is no official difference between a TM who is SL, HL, or Electronics. They would all be scheduled under sales floor and the store would use them wherever they deemed most productive. Again, I'm not 100% sure as we don't have it yet, but that's my current speculation.
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