Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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Sure about that? I think it would make a great legal precedent on whether or not you can fire someone for illegal activities they do off the clock that have no affect on the job itself.
I know I sound like a prude but technically, the op committed a crime in the store. Plus anytime a person of age buys alcohol for a minor and the retailer knows about it, there is a huge liability issue.
I know I sound like a prude but technically, the op committed a crime in the store. Plus anytime a person of age buys alcohol for a minor and the retailer knows about it, there is a huge liability issue.
Yes...I know it was a crime...but can you be fired for a crime you commit when you aren't on the clock that isn't against Target?

My guess is they may have counsel looking at this, because it's a mess to us armchair lawyers.
but can you be fired for a crime you commit when you aren't on the clock that isn't against Target?
Something something at will employment something something. Unless OP is in Montana, which is the only state that requires cause to fire someone.
Does the TPS know your friend? Does he know shes underage? It sounds like to me by your post your TPS had his last day at Target? Like he quit? This could turn into a legal matter if the former TPS decides to report it to the police. A lot of cites offer a cash reward for reporting people that give alcohol to minors, my city offers a $50 cash reward for information that leads to a arrest.
Yes, the TPS knew my friend and knew she was underage. Sorry, I did have some of the backstory on the TPS included in my original post but edited it out later just in case anyone from my store happens to be on the boards. Some of that info I wouldn't want them to know, but I don't think it would be harmful to include the part where he had invited her out to drink several times in the last couple weeks before his departure, and she kept declining, and she told me she had mentioned her age to him. But to sum up the rest of it, if you didn't read the details before, he was bitter towards me because of some previous events and likely wasn't happy with her for declining his invitation (he's that kind of person) and I'll leave it at that, I don't want to repost the exact details.
I think your biggest worry should be if they know shes underage, will they hand this off to the police. However at this point they would need to prove it was intended for her consumption, and not simply bringing it home for you later since you were still at work.
Target would be in some big shit if they handed this off to the police. I can't see why they'd do that. As my ETL-AP was discussing this with me, he said "if she got pulled over and they asked her where she got the wine, and she told them, we could get in a lot of trouble."

They aren't going to intentionally get themselves in trouble with TABC and get fined and all that. Although, this brings me to another point.

At my store, they have 16 and 17 year old cashiers selling alcohol without having someone complete the sale. They're told from the beginning, on their first day of work, to just do it and not get somebody to complete the sale for them like they're supposed to. That's just the way it's always been.

Target would be in some big shit if they handed this off to the police. I can't see why they'd do that. As my ETL-AP was discussing this with me, he said "if she got pulled over and they asked her where she got the wine, and she told them, we could get in a lot of trouble."

They aren't going to intentionally get themselves in trouble with TABC and get fined and all that. Although, this brings me to another point.

At my store, they have 16 and 17 year old cashiers selling alcohol without having someone complete the sale. They're told from the beginning, on their first day of work, to just do it and not get somebody to complete the sale for them like they're supposed to. That's just the way it's always been.


Well if you want to really get hardcore if they try to let you go you could threaten to turn them in to the TABC.
It would take a solid brass uterus and you'd have to know they would try every way they could to fire you some other way after that but it would be fun to watch them panic and run around like chickens to fix the problem.
Well if you want to really get hardcore if they try to let you go you could threaten to turn them in to the TABC.
It would take a solid brass uterus and you'd have to know they would try every way they could to fire you some other way after that but it would be fun to watch them panic and run around like chickens to fix the problem.
Oh Commie, you can guarantee that I am going to use it against them if they do tell me I'm terminated. I haven't mentioned it yet because if by some miracle (if you can call continuing employment with Spot a miracle?) they decide not fire me then I don't want to damage any existing good relationships further by threatening them with something like that, but if they come at me with termination, I will definitely mention it. If they don't immediately kick me out of the store, I may even grab a big 'ol bottle of wine to soothe the burn of getting fired and pick a minor's line, let them ring me the fuck up, and then let leadership know what I just did and what kind of phone calls I can make.
Sorry to hear this. You will most likely be termed and considered not re- hireable. My mom was a cashier and sold cigerettes to an undercover minor that does auditing. She was termed, marked as not rehireable and was fined a pretty penny. The company was also fined $5,000.
Sorry to hear this. You will most likely be termed and considered not re- hireable. My mom was a cashier and sold cigerettes to an undercover minor that does auditing. She was termed, marked as not rehireable and was fined a pretty penny. The company was also fined $5,000.
I'm definitely expecting to be termed. My ETL-GE doesn't think that will happen, GSTL thinks it will, and so do I. Fuck my life right now. I hate this waiting game, too.
A solid brass uterus? No words for that. Back to your case. You should character assassinate that former ap douchebag guy and say that it was an act of revenge and that he did unethical things. Make up shit if you have to. He's a guy and you're a girl. Take advantage of that.
At my store, they have 16 and 17 year old cashiers selling alcohol without having someone complete the sale. They're told from the beginning, on their first day of work, to just do it and not get somebody to complete the sale for them like they're supposed to. That's just the way it's always been.

My registers won't let a minor sell alcohol. They get a red screen.
A solid brass uterus? No words for that. Back to your case. You should character assassinate that former ap douchebag guy and say that it was an act of revenge and that he did unethical things. Make up shit if you have to. He's a guy and you're a girl. Take advantage of that.
Lol, well as much as I want to tell them WHY he did it, I don't think that anything I can say would help. His motives don't really matter. Regardless of them, I did what I did and and they have proof. It's on video.
Oh my god @GSAhole, I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you. The situation is completely shitty and I think it's ridiculous that this TPS seems to be out to get you. Please keep us posted!
hmm... this is a hard one. it is not like she was the one buying the wine and you were letting her. You were off the clock buying it. I hope things work out well for you and the worst thing would be a final warning.
Oh my god @GSAhole, I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you. The situation is completely shitty and I think it's ridiculous that this TPS seems to be out to get you. Please keep us posted!
Thanks Flabber 🙂 I will for sure.
I don't think my ETL-AP ever really liked me much either so that didn't help. I don't know if you read back maybe a month or so ago about the complete BS key situation (I never got put on CA for that, my ETL-GE ended up saying HELL NO when he found out about that bullshit) but as it turns out, my leadership team (ETL-GE, GSTLs) were not notified of this situation at all until I mentioned it. This whole thing happened a couple of weeks ago...I actually found out about the TPS telling on me a few days after I purchased the alcohol because he told my friend....but weeks had passed so I figured nothing was going to come of it. My ETL-AP finally sat me down at the end of my shift on Thursday to talk to me about it. He basically asked me what I was thinking and let me know that we were waiting to hear back from HRBP and that he didn't know what was going to happen. He also told me to make sure this stayed between me and him. I left the store crying and my ETL and GSTL texted me afterwards to ask what was going on. I could understand maybe the GSTL not knowing, but my I told my GSTL immediately when he texted me but I didn't feel like talking to the ETL about it at the moment so I told him I'd talk to him about it at work the next day. When I talked to him about it, he said he only found out about the situation after I left crying and he was trying to find out what was wrong so after I didn't tell him the ETL-AP ended up telling him.

It kind of made me think that maybe ETL-AP didn't tell him from the beginning because he knew he'd stick up for me, like he did with the key thing.

And with that, my ETL did say that if they come back saying that they have to fire me, he can push back and say that's not what he wants to do, and that usually they do give them some input at the store level usually as far as what they want to do about it, which also makes me suspicious as to why he didn't clue in my ETL from the beginning....does he not want my ETL to have input?
So you bought the booze right? And just gave it her? Couldn't you say that she was going to put it in your car or something as a favor? So technically you didn't buy her beer.
So you bought the booze right? And just gave it her? Couldn't you say that she was going to put it in your car or something as a favor? So technically you didn't buy her beer.
Well I don't have a car, and they all know that. And if they pulled video of the incident, I'm sure they saw her put it in her car and leave with it. :/
At my store, they have 16 and 17 year old cashiers selling alcohol without having someone complete the sale. They're told from the beginning, on their first day of work, to just do it and not get somebody to complete the sale for them like they're supposed to. That's just the way it's always been.
That's not illegal everywhere.

I'm sure there is a list of states somewhere, but off the top of my head I know for sure that it is perfectly legal in Texas.
would there be a difference if while on your lunch you and her went to a "wine and spirits" store to buy the wine and you gave it to her to take home for you.
Exactly what I was thinking. But maybe there is a difference, because we are Target employees.

But this reminds me of something else.

Months and months back, this girl on flow team bought some wine and decided to drink it off the clock in the Starbucks. Somebody told on her, and ETL-AP was watching her as she did it on camera. Now, she is no longer with us, however, she was there for MONTHS after this incident. I have no idea why she's no longer with Target, but I think if she would have gotten fired for that it wouldn't have taken MONTHS, I don't think.

Consuming alcohol on premises is illegal. There's a big sign posted saying so. I don't think she got termed for this specific incident.
Wow, your store must hate you and this other girl if they're going to fire you for that.

I think this is one of those things where it goes overlooked if you're in their good graces.

Honestly I've always thought the whole 21+ to drink thing was pretty stupid, there's nothing wrong with 18+ drinking
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