Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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Oh lordy. I think you guys missed the part where I mentioned that I deleted the our backstory from my original post because I was afraid of somebody from my store may come across it. @Hardlinesmaster, i dont want to tell leadership that him and i were seeing each other because TPS isnt suppksed to date TM and I dont know if I can get in trouble for that orif it will make them more suspicious of have i done illegal things in the store before and it never came to light because we were dating? Im sure that would cross their minds. Also, not to mention he is far from a catch. I couldnt bring myself to admit to it if i wanted to. I dont know what I was thinking. I thought i guess i was giving the "nice guy" a chance, but his personality ended up matching his looks. Hideous.

But since it's back out there, yeah. We were seeing each other but never made anything official...he kept pushing me to, I wasn't ready, and I eventually decided that is not what I wanted to do, for a variety of reasons. According to a friend of mine who hung out with him one night, all he could talk about was how mad he was at me for breaking it off, etc. He was upset initially but I thought we were fine, because he treated me like a friend still at work after I decided I did not want to continue seeing him. He did start making sexual comments to me again a few months later and I ignored it every time, but eventually I had to tell him I needed him to stop and that I wasn't into it. He did stop after that but I guess this added fuel to the fire. Still though, he acted as though we were cool as did I.

Also, i should add he keeps coming up to "shop". He rarely bought anything from there when he worked there but now all of a sudden hes up there shopping all the time. It's creepy and it pisses me off to no end.
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Hold on a second.

How can we be sure that a crime has actually been committed here? I know the law prohibits "supplying" minors with alcohol, but "supplying" is a very loose term. If your friend didn't give you her money or her card to buy the alcohol, how can we know for sure you were even buying it for her? What if you were buying it for yourself and she was just carrying it? Technically all she did was carry alcohol to her car. The camera didn't show her drinking the alcohol or even opening it. Not even the most rigid cop would waste their paperwork on this.

So according to TPS, if I'm over 21, I show my ID and buy alcohol with my own money, and then I hand the alcohol to my 16 year old brother and tell him to take it home, I've committed a crime? Bullshit.
Hold on a second.

How can we be sure that a crime has actually been committed here? I know the law prohibits "supplying" minors with alcohol, but "supplying" is a very loose term. If your friend didn't give you her money or her card to buy the alcohol, how can we know for sure you were even buying it for her? What if you were buying it for yourself and she was just carrying it? Technically all she did was carry alcohol to her car. The camera didn't show her drinking the alcohol or even opening it. Not even the most rigid cop would waste their paperwork on this.

So according to TPS, if I'm over 21, I show my ID and buy alcohol with my own money, and then I hand the alcohol to my 16 year old brother and tell him to take it home, I've committed a crime? Bullshit.

Your line of thinking is pretty much aligning with mine here. But I guess they could also look at it this way: after I handed it off to her, she became a minor in possession of alcohol, which is illegal. She came to possess it illegally because I gave it to her. Even if she was just carrying it around, she was still in possession. Crime. Fucking stupid crime? Yes. But still a crime, I guess.

Target's about to open a store with a bar inside it in Chicago. Loosen up, dildos.
Yep, TPS is definitely out to get you. If I were you I'd start getting real technical about interpretation of the law and Target's policy. They wanna play hard ball? I'll give them the run around and make sure they have plenty of forms to fill out to prove I'm guilty. No one out smartasses me.
I'll give them the run around and make sure they have plenty of forms to fill out to prove I'm guilty. No one out smartasses me.
I love the way you think 🙂

Somebody had mentioned earlier, though, with most states being at-will employment states (mine most definitely is) then I may not be able to do much. I don't think they have to really "prove" anything.

Any further thoughts on that?
Hold on a second.

How can we be sure that a crime has actually been committed here? I know the law prohibits "supplying" minors with alcohol, but "supplying" is a very loose term. If your friend didn't give you her money or her card to buy the alcohol, how can we know for sure you were even buying it for her? What if you were buying it for yourself and she was just carrying it? Technically all she did was carry alcohol to her car. The camera didn't show her drinking the alcohol or even opening it. Not even the most rigid cop would waste their paperwork on this.

So according to TPS, if I'm over 21, I show my ID and buy alcohol with my own money, and then I hand the alcohol to my 16 year old brother and tell him to take it home, I've committed a crime? Bullshit.
You may think it's bullshit, but it's illegal for an underage person to carry that alcohol to the car, even supervised.
So if a mom had her kid carry the wine out to the car while she was digging her keys out of her purse, she could be arrested?
So if a mom had her kid carry the wine out to the car while she was digging her keys out of her purse, she could be arrested?
They wouldn't put her in custody, but she could be written a ticket for it. Just saying what happens in my state. I have friends who own a liquor store and they don't let unaccompanied minors into the store (to buy soda or cigs) and warn the parents with minors not to let the kids "help" with the liquor. If you're seen handing over a bottle to a suspected minor in the parking lot, they call the police to protect their liquor license. If the minor gets into trouble and says, "Oh, yeah, I got the liquor at Joe's liquor store," then Joe's liquor store can lose their license. They're pretty serious about minors and alcohol here. If you're caught selling to a minor, it's a $10k fine for the store and a $5k fine for the person selling it. Second offense, you get a week long license suspension and a fine. Third offense, you find a new line of work.
Well, my ETL-HR wasn't there today 😡
Supposedly she'll be back Thursday now. I'm losing my mind. I just want to scream.

Hang in there! I'm sure the suspense is killer, but it'll all work itself out.
Ridiculous. Here's hoping this whole thing blows over and you can get back to your life.
Thanks. I hope it blows over and I don't get fired, that at least I can get away with a final or something, but after this I don't know if I want to continue working there. It's hard for me, because I despise the job, but the perks are that they've been great about working around my schedule so I can go to school on the days I need to go and still get 40 hours, and it's not hard at all to take off if I have a dr's appointment or something like that. That, and there are a few people there that it would just absolutely break my heart to leave.

But I guess it'll all work out one way or another. If I get fired, then I'll get the opportunity to go somewhere that isn't as fucked up (hopefully) and do something I don't hate so much (and I'll never have to mention red cards again). If I get to stay, then at least I won't have to leave those people I love and I'll still have the benefit of having my schedule the way I want it.

I just wish I knew what to expect.
I had a serious issue brought up to the HRBP similar to your situation @GSAhole ... The ETL HR was out forever and I had to keep working without knowing if I would be termed or not (Absolute torture). Ended up being a counseling though.
I had a serious issue brought up to the HRBP similar to your situation @GSAhole ... The ETL HR was out forever and I had to keep working without knowing if I would be termed or not (Absolute torture). Ended up being a counseling though.
Really? Well that does makes me feel a little better. Not gonna get my hopes up but it does make me feel better. I kinda felt like with HRBP being involved I was screwed.
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