Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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Wow, your store must hate you and this other girl if they're going to fire you for that.

I think this is one of those things where it goes overlooked if you're in their good graces.

Honestly I've always thought the whole 21+ to drink thing was pretty stupid, there's nothing wrong with 18+ drinking

Nice of you 🙂
Yes...I know it was a crime...but can you be fired for a crime you commit when you aren't on the clock that isn't against Target?

My guess is they may have counsel looking at this, because it's a mess to us armchair lawyers.

Lolwut. Yes Target can AND will do that. My example is a bit more extreme, but our CA got fired a week after being arrested, not convicted, for sexual exploitation of a minor.

OP, to be safe start sending out applications. If they offer you the chance to resign then do it so you're listed as rehirable.

The TPS must have had an absolute hard-on to get you fired to tell someone. I watched my GSTL like a hawk and came across him doing red card fraud and got him fired. Felt fucking amazing.
Lolwut. Yes Target can AND will do that. My example is a bit more extreme, but our CA got fired a week after being arrested, not convicted, for sexual exploitation of a minor.

OP, to be safe start sending out applications. If they offer you the chance to resign then do it so you're listed as rehirable.

The TPS must have had an absolute hard-on to get you fired to tell someone. I watched my GSTL like a hawk and came across him doing red card fraud and got him fired. Felt fucking amazing.

What? Offer her a chance to resign so she's "rehirable?" If she's rehirable, then there's no point in her losing her job. And they don't mention on references if we're rehirable. And if she resigns then she can't even try for unemployment. If she's fired, she'll have a shot at it.
Well I don't have a car, and they all know that. And if they pulled video of the incident, I'm sure they saw her put it in her car and leave with it. :/

Just tell the truth, you bought it for you and she took it home for you since you don't have a car.
Lolwut. Yes Target can AND will do that. My example is a bit more extreme, but our CA got fired a week after being arrested, not convicted, for sexual exploitation of a minor.

OP, to be safe start sending out applications. If they offer you the chance to resign then do it so you're listed as rehirable.

The TPS must have had an absolute hard-on to get you fired to tell someone. I watched my GSTL like a hawk and came across him doing red card fraud and got him fired. Felt fucking amazing.

If he isn't convicted he could sue for unemployment benefits I'd assume? Seems odd for spot to fire someone before there is a conviction made.
What the f uck? You people need to get off your frigging high horse. Same on all of you
My favorite is the yay who that said " I just want these Op to be prepared if the police get involved..."
People frigging amaze me
Go throw stones elsewhere .

If you gonna throw stones hun, quote the posts and don't be passive aggressive. And given that the police COULD get involved, it's not a high horse. Don't be rude.
Police likely won't get involved unless the OP signed an admission or something.

Otherwise they have to prove intent.

Underage drinking is pretty normal, I'd wager most people here have done it. There's really no reason that you shouldn't be able to drink at 18+. I'd say a good number of kids drink in high school and most of them make it to college still -- by making it illegal they just make it taboo (and cool) for kids, and some take it overboard. If it was legal they could focus more on responsible drinking.

I used to supply a couple younger girls I worked with back when I was 22/23 (They were 20) when we would party, and fortunately I never got into any trouble for it. Then again they sold 3.2 at our store so I never bought it there thank god.
I don't think you were being mean @Patty , i agree that people should be less judgmental of the OP.

There is no reason we need conflict with each other here people. Let's show support/advice to the OP.
Just tell the truth, you bought it for you and she took it home for you since you don't have a car.
I did tell the truth. Just waiting on an answer on whats to come of it all
That's not illegal everywhere.

I'm sure there is a list of states somewhere, but off the top of my head I know for sure that it is perfectly legal in Texas.
Well fuck
I don't think you were being mean @Patty , i agree that people should be less judgmental of the OP.

There is no reason we need conflict with each other here people. Let's show support/advice to the OP.
Thanks guys. I was really afraid to post about this because i thought I'd get eaten alive and told how stupid I am, but you guys have been really supportive.

Also, I appreciate being stuck up for, I really do 🙂 but at no point did I get the impression that anyone was trying to be malicious by saying that the police could get involved. I think those people were just running me through all the possibilities so that I wouldn't be caught off guard if it did happen. Even my GSTL, who is very supportive of me and is trying his best to help me through this, mentioned it as a possibility. I still don't think it will happen, but you never know.
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