Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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I'd like to add my condolences and support. I've never been fired, I can only imagine how horrible it is, especially for something as petty as this. I mean really? This is what you get with at-will employment. Being fired for giving someone alcohol who is 3 days from their 21st birthday.

I'll echo what everyone else is saying here: apply everywhere and use the fire in you from this bullshit to get another job!
Thank you for your support Patty. And yeah, they made me work and wait all this I haven't been waiting long enough. But that's not the most fucked up part of it. I came in at 7 this know who let me in the TM door...ETL-HR. No word, business as usual. So the day goes on, and somewhere in the middle of the day my GSTL mentions to me that he thinks the decision has been made because he saw HRBP in earlier that morning. He said it's probably going to be alright because I'm still here, right (HA!)

Well, so I go on my last break around 2-ish and notice the 2 weeks out schedule is posted...I look on it and oh, guess who isn't on it? ME. I looked over it several times to make sure I wasn't missing anything and I still don't see my name...well, then I flip to the back where they list everyone who is "unscheduled" and sure enough there is my name with 0.00 hours. So I start freaking the fuck out...I ran and told my GSTL and he didn't really know what to seemed as though my ETL-HR was gone, her office was shut and she wasn't in I went and knocked on the ETL-AP's door and asked if he could talk...I told him what was going on, and asked if he knew anything and he said he didn't want to discuss it further until he knew something and that he would call our ETL-HR. Still didn't hear anything for another 20 mins...I covered my GSTL's break and when he came back he said HR wanted to talk to me...I knew it was over then. And it was.

I did get a nice payout with all my unused vacation and stuff...over a thousand in cash...but I'd rather have a job.

My ETL HR half ass apologized about making me work all day and then firing me, but then went on to say what I did was stupid and hopefully I learn from it.
Fuck you.

P.S. You're welcome for the only fucking Redcard all day
Your ETL-HR seems like real coward trying to avoid you. Like everyone has said all will be fine and I hope you get a great new job soon.
I'm really sorry to hear the bad news, I sincerely hope you find that new horizon and quick!
I'm sorry this happened. I know this is sorta out there, but call an attorney. It could be that you have a case because you were off the clock and while it was illegal, no charges were filed. While you may not want your job back (I wouldn't go back to your store for any reason), it might mean some compensation and a little stick it to the asshats.
I'm sorry this happened. I know this is sorta out there, but call an attorney. It could be that you have a case because you were off the clock and while it was illegal, no charges were filed. While you may not want your job back (I wouldn't go back to your store for any reason), it might mean some compensation and a little stick it to the asshats.
Even in an at-will state, though?
IDK, it just seems like it would be worthwhile to do one of those free consults. Just to find out your legal rights. Perhaps the lawyer could be of some help in getting unemployment benefits. It just sucks all the way around.
Even in an at-will state, though?

If it's an at will state, then there is nothing you can do. ONLY if you were termed for a protected reason and you would then need proof.

Even if you were off the clock, they can still term you. You are an ambassador for the company and if you act in any way that makes the company look bad then they can let you go. There have been many cases of people posting stuff on Facebook or making you tube videos that say nothing about there place of employment that have been termed.

You can contact a lawyer, they will tell you the same thing. I have 4 years as an employment consultant.
If it's an at will state, then there is nothing you can do. ONLY if you were termed for a protected reason and you would then need proof.

Even if you were off the clock, they can still term you. You are an ambassador for the company and if you act in any way that makes the company look bad then they can let you go. There have been many cases of people posting stuff on Facebook or making you tube videos that say nothing about there place of employment that have been termed.

You can contact a lawyer, they will tell you the same thing. I have 4 years as an employment consultant.
Pretty much what I figured. Im not too interested in fighting it, I just want my unemployment benefits until I can get a new job.
Be prepare to fight for your unemployment because spot WILL deny them because they consider it just cause, having you video buying alcohol & giving it to a minor.
But if it's a weak case (you were off the clock & other deets), they may not bother to show up to fight it.
Always file for unemployment. You will be asked why you were fired and then they will ask target why you were fired. The Judge will decided if you are qualified or not. You and target can appeal the decision. If the first judge grants you the benefits, you will start getting your money. Then if target appeals and wins, you have to pay that money back.
Fuck them. I am so angry this happened to you. The whole situation is unbelievably shitty and I know they were out to get you just like they were with me. Well, they didn't deserve you. You are better than them and now that you're free, you can make like a bird and fly onto bigger & better things. You are such an amazing person @GSAhole inside and out and one of my favorite people on this site. Know that your awful experiences with Spot do not define you and everyone here fully supports you. Please don't ever leave us. Keep us posted on how things are going for you. I want to read every word of it.

Also my apologies for the late reply. I missed all the crucial updates as they were happening.
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The general unwritten rule for getting unemployment benefits is you'll get them as long as you weren't fired for a physical altercation or showing up for work while high or intoxicated. There is also the basis that a rule is not a rule unless it is uniformly enforced, meaning they can't fire you for doing something and then not firing someone else for doing the same thing, but the burden of proof would fall upon you to provide an example.

I would go ahead and apply for benefits. What will happen is you'll immediately start to receive your checks while the determination is being made, this usually takes about four to six weeks in most instances. You would then receive their ruling in the mail as to whether or not Target is choosing to fight it. In most instances, only a hard case would choose to fight it - it really depends on how much of a tool your STL is.

I have known times when Target stores have let people go for stealing and fighting, and the STL's did not choose to fight it and these people collected their unemployment benefits. In your case, they might let it go through as your STL and immediate supervisor would look bad in the eyes of corporate for allowing this to happen on their watch, and it would be in their best interest to let your claim go through rather than risk some unfavorable attention from the powers that be.

In any case, if they do rule against you, you'll have the chance to appeal. You'll have to go to your local unemployment office where you'll be asked to give your side of the story and then wait and see if Target bothers to show up. If they no show? You're automatically awarded benefits and you get to enjoy your six month paid vacation. If the appeal goes against you however, you'll have to pay it back in installments you can afford.

In any case, good luck and I'm sorry you had to have this happen. Hope you get your benefits!
Thanks @Flabbergasted. That really means a lot to me. I'm starting to accept things, although I'm still having a really difficult time. I do know I'm better than that job and I deserve more than what I got during my time there...I'm being more selective with the jobs i apply for this time around and I'm not going to settle for less than what I think I'm worth. I know there are better things on the's just so hard to focus on that and be positive when I'm dealing with all these emotions.
I know it'll all pass though. I just wish it would hurry up.

And don't worry, I won't leave TBR. I need this place and these people, especially you Flabber. And I promise to keep you posted on everything 🙂
Take a deep breath, relax & refocus. Dust off the resume & start fill out paperwork with unemployment. Good luck & stay in touch. Hang in there. We are always here to support you & others.
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@GSAhole I missed the latest events here, sorry that things didn't work out! I thought you were going to be OK.

Like others said you probably won't get hired back (most states are At-Will employment), but you have a slam dunk case for unemployment IMO.
Thanks @Barcode. I still haven't filed for unemployment...maybe a stupid move, but I am dreading the process. On the bright side, hopefully I won't need it, as I have a job interview on Tuesday.
Thanks @Barcode. I still haven't filed for unemployment...maybe a stupid move, but I am dreading the process. On the bright side, hopefully I won't need it, as I have a job interview on Tuesday.

The sooner you file the better.
The process is pretty simple and in most states can be done online.
Don't wait, if you get the job cool, then you don't need it but the sooner you get that claim in the sooner you qualify.
And if Spot is going to be a dick and try to challenge the claim that hold things up another week or two, so it's even more important to do it now.
The sooner you file the better.
The process is pretty simple and in most states can be done online.
Don't wait, if you get the job cool, then you don't need it but the sooner you get that claim in the sooner you qualify.
And if Spot is going to be a dick and try to challenge the claim that hold things up another week or two, so it's even more important to do it now.
I actually did try to do it was going well but then it told me I need to enter the number of hours that I had worked that week since Sunday. I contacted my GSTL to see if he would look that up for me, and he told me it was already out of the system. I didn't want to make something up because I didn't know what the repurcussions could be, and I don't know how else to find out that info if it was already out of Target's system.
I actually did try to do it was going well but then it told me I need to enter the number of hours that I had worked that week since Sunday. I contacted my GSTL to see if he would look that up for me, and he told me it was already out of the system. I didn't want to make something up because I didn't know what the repurcussions could be, and I don't know how else to find out that info if it was already out of Target's system.

Give a rough average, they aren't looking for exact.
As long as you don't exaggerate out of proportion you will be fine.
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