Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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Oh, and the other girl, the minor who left with the alcohol, didn't lose her job - did not even get put on CA or anything. They didn't touch her.

Not that I want that to happen, I love her and she's my friend, I'm glad nothing bad happened to her. But they told me I was being fired because what I did was illegal...okay? Her actions were illegal too. It just seems like there is more behind it than what meets the eye.
You should bring that up when you fight for unemployment.
Oh man, I'm so sorry! I can't believe all this shit they put you through. And why the FUCK would they think it's okay to have you work a full shift, only to terminate you afterwards? So ridiculous.

File for unemployment and fight them tooth and nail. It's extremely unfair, and to think that they didn't even do anything to the minor, while you got termed. Not fair.

We're here for you!
Me fixes @GSAhole a Redraven.
Cranberry juice, hard cider and cranberry vodka.
I'll put in two shots for this one.
In the words of the genius Robin Williams, "Joke em if they can't take a fuck."
You've got a lot better worlds to conquer and there's is worse without you in it.
Have a few on me and like HLM said file for unemployment then go kick down some doors.
I got fired and after a bit of futzing around found the perfect job so you can too,.
I am so sorry that this happened to you, I know you would have preferred to leave on your own terms. It is such bull$hit that they made you work the whole day, you're supposed to know very soon after you punch in & still get paid for the whole shift. How they handled this whole situation seems very underhanded.

Fight to get the unemployment, you deserve compensation. You are better than this company, remember that. It may take some time, but you will find something else; and you may like it better! Sleep well tonight, things may look better in the morning.
This is a travesty. Just another piece of proof what a shitty company Target is. Making you work the entire day then firing you. Heartless and pathetic. The management at your store should be ashamed of themselves. I hope you do get unemployment and that good things are in your future. Where is Ryan Gosling when you need him?
It hurts to be treated so shabbily but remember this:
The best revenge is to succeed & do well
Where others would rather see you fail.
Indulge yourself in a languid bubble bath with some good music, then snuggle up with a good book or favorite movie.
Tomorrow, with head up & shoulders back, hit unemployment first then conquer the world.
Dare to dream dangerously.
I like commie's advice. Have a few drinks to take your mind off the situation.
I'm trying. I'm having a hard time getting anything down, even my beloved wine (how ironic). If I had one of those drinks Commie described, I'm sure it might go down a little easier though. That sounded really good.

Also, thank you guys for all of your support. I really needed it. I didn't expect to be this fucked up about it but I am.
Have any of your friends talk to you today after you found out? If I knew Ryan Gosling, I would demand that he come see you and go to your shitty Target store and demand them to give your job back. Or maybe get Stephen Smell to dress up as the arrow and go to that shitty Target and tell them that they have failed this city.
Have any of your friends talk to you today after you found out? If I knew Ryan Gosling, I would demand that he come see you and go to your shitty Target store and demand them to give your job back. Or maybe get Stephen Smell to dress up as the arrow and go to that shitty Target and tell them that they have failed this city.
Well, thats probably the first time I've laughed today since all of this.

And yeah my friends talked to me about it. They've been really supportive, most of them. There was one who i thought would be there for me, hes been there throughout this whole thing and throughout a lot of other things but after this he didn't reach out or anything. It really hurt my feelings and confused me. But I guess you can't make people care. As much as it hurt im just trying to appreciate the ones that do.
It will all be OK. My mother actually got fired when I was younger (it's the main reason we moved to Texas from New Orleans) and you just have to keep going. It's going to suck for a long time but just remember you have people that love you and you're young you have your whole life ahead of you. Fuck Target there will be something better that comes along.
@GSAhole im sorry they let you go, but it's a great big world out there outside of target. Start applying all over. It's holiday season everyone is looking for help!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you much luck and keep us posted. I am also wishing for something bad to happen to the person who had it in for you.
And if you are a single mom who can't find a job, I hope you take advantage of the "system" . You put your money into it while you worked. Don't feel guilty if you need help to get by.
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