Archived 99.5% Chance I'm Fired.

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so what is the big deal with hrbp being involved? lets say they were to give you a final warning. would it be documented? and could they term you later for this same reason after being talked to by hrbp? wish you the best
Really? Well that does makes me feel a little better. Not gonna get my hopes up but it does make me feel better. I kinda felt like with HRBP being involved I was screwed.
Yeah lets just say I did something probably more severe than what you did (although I wasn't breaking any laws)

I'm sure that if they wanted you fired, they would have made sure the ETL-HR was there and got it done asap.

That's what I was thinking too.
Keep your chin up and never let them see you sweat. Hoping for the best. Heaven knows my two fuckups are still here after I called the hotline.
Maybe this AP guy just wants to make things at Target for you a living hell and is hoping you will just quit on your own.
Well got fired. After they made me work the whole day. Pieces of shit
I Am so so sorry. They made you work all day and wait all this time? That is just cruel and hurtful.
I said I would never post again, but I have been waiting, along with all of us who support and care about you, to hear the outcome.
You know how I feel about the situation. Totally uncalled for.
Now where is that person who started all this ? KARMA
Hug to you. You are better off. The crums
I Am so so sorry. They made you work all day and wait all this time? That is just cruel and hurtful.
I said I would never post again, but I have been waiting, along with all of us who support and care about you, to hear the outcome.
You know how I feel about the situation. Totally uncalled for.
Now where is that person who started all this ? KARMA
Hug to you. You are better off. The crums
Thank you for your support Patty. And yeah, they made me work and wait all this I haven't been waiting long enough. But that's not the most fucked up part of it. I came in at 7 this know who let me in the TM door...ETL-HR. No word, business as usual. So the day goes on, and somewhere in the middle of the day my GSTL mentions to me that he thinks the decision has been made because he saw HRBP in earlier that morning. He said it's probably going to be alright because I'm still here, right (HA!)

Well, so I go on my last break around 2-ish and notice the 2 weeks out schedule is posted...I look on it and oh, guess who isn't on it? ME. I looked over it several times to make sure I wasn't missing anything and I still don't see my name...well, then I flip to the back where they list everyone who is "unscheduled" and sure enough there is my name with 0.00 hours. So I start freaking the fuck out...I ran and told my GSTL and he didn't really know what to seemed as though my ETL-HR was gone, her office was shut and she wasn't in I went and knocked on the ETL-AP's door and asked if he could talk...I told him what was going on, and asked if he knew anything and he said he didn't want to discuss it further until he knew something and that he would call our ETL-HR. Still didn't hear anything for another 20 mins...I covered my GSTL's break and when he came back he said HR wanted to talk to me...I knew it was over then. And it was.

I did get a nice payout with all my unused vacation and stuff...over a thousand in cash...but I'd rather have a job.

My ETL HR half ass apologized about making me work all day and then firing me, but then went on to say what I did was stupid and hopefully I learn from it.
Fuck you.

P.S. You're welcome for the only fucking Redcard all day
Oh, and the other girl, the minor who left with the alcohol, didn't lose her job - did not even get put on CA or anything. They didn't touch her.

Not that I want that to happen, I love her and she's my friend, I'm glad nothing bad happened to her. But they told me I was being fired because what I did was illegal...okay? Her actions were illegal too. It just seems like there is more behind it than what meets the eye.
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