Archived AE 2017

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We already do some of that and it makes sense. Sales floor closers regularly zone different aisles each night to planogram and then research the outs.
Wish our salesfloor did that... But then again I'm glad they don't because the pulls would just sit in the pda, and then I'd be told to pull them and push them... Hey thanks for making more work for me.
Wish our salesfloor did that... But then again I'm glad they don't because the pulls would just sit in the pda, and then I'd be told to pull them and push them... Hey thanks for making more work for me.
My team would zone, research the outs & pull/push them too. We have to keep the shelves full.
We already do some of that and it makes sense. Sales floor closers regularly zone different aisles each night to planogram and then research the outs.

Never happens at my store. They are so preoccupied with reshop they rush through their zone and in stocks has to research the outs in the morning.
I was told that a salesfloor tm "super" zoned meaning to Plano the other day and to research after him... Couldn't quite find where he had done such a great zone... Sure everything was pulled forward but it was all in the wrong spot
I hate when I'm told an area was green zoned and I walk it and can plainly see that aisle was 'straighten' not zoned. The difference? Straightening is pulling forward making it neat and pretty, zoning is making sure items are in their proper place, including the correct number of facings.
I hate when I'm told an area was green zoned and I walk it and can plainly see that aisle was 'straighten' not zoned. The difference? Straightening is pulling forward making it neat and pretty, zoning is making sure items are in their proper place, including the correct number of facings.
I went to research through bedding and half of it was out of place. I went to go talk to the team member that zoned it, and all he said was "yeah there was a lot of stuff and I got kind of lazy in bedding"
Hey guys!

My store completely glossed over any changes in our AE meeting but yet I'm curious. What is the big changes this year? I apologize if this has been gone over before.
The big one is the food TL. In my store, it was the only one. Some stores will start having a dedicated market team.
Hey guys!

My store completely glossed over any changes in our AE meeting but yet I'm curious. What is the big changes this year? I apologize if this has been gone over before.

I don't know that the changes really effective every store the biggies are

A VMTL or VM at every store
Cafe/Starbucks/consumables changes
Change in org chart requirements
Etl ops gone
I don't know that the changes really effective every store the biggies are

A VMTL or VM at every store
Cafe/Starbucks/consumables changes
Change in org chart requirements
Etl ops gone

Is ETL Ops the same as ETL Logistics? My store is mid volume and we still have it.

Also, anybody know of any changes in pay grades?

Example: PA pg-09 to pg-11(I wish)
Is ETL Ops the same as ETL Logistics? My store is mid volume and we still have it.

Also, anybody know of any changes in pay grades?

Example: PA pg-09 to pg-11(I wish)
ETL-Ops handled dayside logistics at overnight stores while the ETL-Log worked overnight.

No changes to paygrades that I saw.
Is ETL Ops the same as ETL Logistics? My store is mid volume and we still have it.

Also, anybody know of any changes in pay grades?

Example: PA pg-09 to pg-11(I wish)

No pay grades jumped or fell. The VM position came in at a higher than expected n15 though
I think where the VMTMs are going the stores are small enough that they have SFTLs. Even worse.
Our SLTL is a Sr, so that shouldn't be a problem, but I struggle to imagine what a VM will do that the SLTL and long-time SLTMs don't already do. They do a fantastic job and the TL also merchandises all hardlines trend runs and furniture displays.
I hate when I'm told an area was green zoned and I walk it and can plainly see that aisle was 'straighten' not zoned. The difference? Straightening is pulling forward making it neat and pretty, zoning is making sure items are in their proper place, including the correct number of facings.

And... Filling outs, ensuring all dual locations have some representation. When I recently purged seasonal, the full tub of Kashi cereal filled the empty home in grocery. How much sales were lost from not filling those outs? That's just one example.
Imagine if this happened in PFresh/Coolers every night.. Imagine the money it could save the company, that extra 40 dollars of payroll.

I cant even begin to describe how frustrated I am with Pfresh at my store right now. Since August or so till now minus November and December we have been getting 60 or less hours total for the week. They routinely cut someone from C&S push, or schedule them less hours than they actually need since they are also expected to backstock it all. Plano salesplans are always a cluster and I have to clean up or fix stuff all the time. I have to always backstock all the pulls even though for the longest time backroom did that and somehow it got put onto us.

Example. Friday I came in and there were still two pallets of Dairy left from C&S the night before. On the floor there was an empty four foot section of freezer that had been empty basically all week. Next to it was a Lean Cuisine POG that was supposed to only go through 1/22 I think that was half empty. What they DID set should of gone into the empty section and the pizza they took down plus another pog were supposed to be up through 3/5. I basically had to bring out all the pizza and put into the empty section, take down the lean cuisine, flex to home, put the remaining pizza there in the newly empty endcap. The LOD told me this is what I had to do first thing....on a four hour shift.

Also had to do some things with another endcap that someone had flexed a few shelves on which required demerch, push to home, pull other product and put out. Had equipment for maybe 40 minutes at the end of my shift. Finished all the pulls, meat coupons, culling, qmos, and the order. I think I also took care of all the cardboard and dumped out two bins of QMOS because nobody did it the night before and one bin didnt even have a liner on it, it was just thrown into the can...SMH

All I hear is Target cares so much about grocery and how it is important but then shafts us on hours which creates multiple problems where we are actually losing money because things are just sitting in the back not being pushed or researched or whatever else.
All I hear is Target cares so much about grocery and how it is important but then shafts us on hours which creates multiple problems where we are actually losing money because things are just sitting in the back not being pushed or researched or whatever else.
The problem with grocery is that there is too much "ASANTS" going on. I really believe that the top levels of management realize how important grocery is, but that message sometimes gets lost on the way to the store level.
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