Archived AE 2017

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I can easily see FATL and Starbucks TL position combined in ulv stores. Every year I am surprised that they are leaving the positions alone, maybe this is the year it will happen .
I really cannot wait for this to happen. I've been a FATL, now I'm the only LOG TL. The responsibilities/workload for those 2 positions are so uneven it's comical, yet we are compensated the same.
I can easily see FATL and Starbucks TL position combined in ulv stores. Every year I am surprised that they are leaving the positions alone, maybe this is the year it will happen .
I'm pretty sure Target and Starbucks have a deal that says they must have their own TL.
Our store has had a change of ETLs and a good portion of the basic team, the Senior team leaders are still the same. Oddly, we still have the same issues.
Word on the street is that some major changes are getting announced this week. I have only confirmed one from a BP but a majority of ETL-AP positions are being converted to APTL. If you are a store that has an APS and multiple TPS spots, you will keep your ETL but any lower goes away!

They should just pay me to be a business advisor if they keep stealing these ideas 🙂
Word on the street is that some major changes are getting announced this week. I have only confirmed one from a BP but a majority of ETL-AP positions are being converted to APTL. If you are a store that has an APS and multiple TPS spots, you will keep your ETL but any lower goes away!

They should just pay me to be a business advisor if they keep stealing these ideas 🙂
Maybe, you should apply for the CEO's job🙂
We managed golden contribution without too much short staffing. Too bad we (the TLs that put in a shit ton of work) don't get to see any of the benefits.

If they really wanted to improve moral at the TL level, start giving them bonuses. How much do ETLs make in bonus, when its the TLs who do the vast majority of the planning and execution in their areas? But, TM or TL... the pawns on the board, do not count.
If they really wanted to improve moral at the TL level, start giving them bonuses. How much do ETLs make in bonus, when its the TLs who do the vast majority of the planning and execution in their areas? But, TM or TL... the pawns on the board, do not count.

If your store performs PERFECTLY on all levels... the ETL bonus is maybe $2000 (taxed heavily). The average ETL bonus for the year is probably closer to 1-1.5 at most decent stores (so 500 to 750 bucks taken home). If you want to split that among TLs too that is fine... we can all just get $100 gift card then.
If your store performs PERFECTLY on all levels... the ETL bonus is maybe $2000 (taxed heavily). The average ETL bonus for the year is probably closer to 1-1.5 at most decent stores (so 500 to 750 bucks taken home). If you want to split that among TLs too that is fine... we can all just get $100 gift card then.

It's been some years, but I recall overhearing a few discussing theirs, and it was closer to 3,000 after tax.

What are the current metrics used for computation?
It's been some years, but I recall overhearing a few discussing theirs, and it was closer to 3,000 after tax.

What are the current metrics used for computation?

It's a bit confusing exactly how they are calculated. KMI is the new measurement index for stores, but we were promised it wasn't used to calculate pay related things. Second, ETL bonuses were also scaled based on pay grade (and review score). An ETL at the best store ever who was a PG13 and an EX received a much larger bonus than a PG9 ETL who got an E in the same store. Paygrades went away so now the bonuses have averaged out so those bigger ones don't exist. There are now also only 3 scores for reviews instead of 5, so it removes those large multipliers.
Word on the street is that some major changes are getting announced this week. I have only confirmed one from a BP but a majority of ETL-AP positions are being converted to APTL. If you are a store that has an APS and multiple TPS spots, you will keep your ETL but any lower goes away!

They should just pay me to be a business advisor if they keep stealing these ideas 🙂

Any word on whether that'll be achieved through attrition or will current ETL APs be given the boot?
It's a bit confusing exactly how they are calculated. KMI is the new measurement index for stores, but we were promised it wasn't used to calculate pay related things. Second, ETL bonuses were also scaled based on pay grade (and review score). An ETL at the best store ever who was a PG13 and an EX received a much larger bonus than a PG9 ETL who got an E in the same store. Paygrades went away so now the bonuses have averaged out so those bigger ones don't exist. There are now also only 3 scores for reviews instead of 5, so it removes those large multipliers.

Another issue with this new 3-tier review, is the merit raise. EX was 5%, E was 3.5%. Now the new DIO is in the middle. My ETL HR wouldn't say what exactly.

So.. now someone who was almost an O, is being told they are the same as someone who was almost an IE... And getting a lower merit while the lesser performer is getting a bigger raise.

Magnificent motivator. And they can't figure out why the survey isn't what they expect.
Huh 5% raise is still hardly anything on 11.44 per hour only 57 cents and after taxes only 44 cents times 35 hours per week is only 12.25 more a week Wtf.

Pay me what I'm worth please

I'm doing 3 times the amount of work than anyone else here at Target and sales show it

When I'm off 2 days sales are down significantly and that's a weekend compared to the weekends I work it's not just a coincidence
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I just want to go back to 8am open. 🙁

Yup! Now the holidays are over its so lame being open at 7 am for 3 or 4 guest. Now we have two opening cashiers who leave at 330 instead of 430 which makes us call for backup from 330 to 430.

The only benefit I have had is showing up to work a little before 8 I dont have to be buzzed in. I can enter like a guest would.
Yup! Now the holidays are over its so lame being open at 7 am for 3 or 4 guest. Now we have two opening cashiers who leave at 330 instead of 430 which makes us call for backup from 330 to 430.

The only benefit I have had is showing up to work a little before 8 I dont have to be buzzed in. I can enter like a guest would.

The 7am open is more for Starbucks. Its easier to just open the whole store than block off access for an hour.
The 7am open is more for Starbucks. Its easier to just open the whole store than block off access for an hour.

So your Sbux opened at 7 when the store opened at 8? our Starbucks opened at 8 when the store did before this change.
Word on the street is that some major changes are getting announced this week. I have only confirmed one from a BP but a majority of ETL-AP positions are being converted to APTL. If you are a store that has an APS and multiple TPS spots, you will keep your ETL but any lower goes away!

They should just pay me to be a business advisor if they keep stealing these ideas 🙂
No change for anyone in my district then. They replaced the only APTL we had in the district with an ETL last month and made the TL an APS.
I can see how having the APTL would be advantageous for some stores, but at stores like mine where the AP and Logistics processes are so fucked up, we really need an ETL to hold everyone to the fire. That, or give the APBP's more authority in the store to hold other ETL's accountable if they're consistently refusing to do their job in terms of shortage prevention.
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