Archived Any one ever had a Code RED?

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No code red. We have to evatuate the store due to gas leaks. We did what we were told to do. But they didn't tell the guests where to move away from the outside of the building.
Couple yrs ago, a noob in FA overfilled the oil on the popcorn machine. When it started popping, it overflowed & caught fire so we had a 'mini' code red. It took only one squirt from the extinguisher to put it out.
The extinguisher at SD doesn't seem to be at full pressure but the FD keeps signing off on the tag. If we ever have a code red at SD, we gonna burn...
We have had a few Tornado/Severe Storm lock downs before. Also our lights have gone off for a period of time. No Code Red thankfully.
Had a mini code red while I was cart attending a few months ago. The cigarette repository thingy outside the door to TSC started smoldering.... I killed it with a large cup of water.

I laughed my behind off at the irony behind it.
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Had a code Red just the other day! One of my Hit printers went up in flames.... Thankfully I was right next to a fire extinguisher!!!!!!

Me: Code Red to Home Improvement,Code Red to Home Improvement,Code Red to Home Improvement,
LOD: Do you need a fire extinguisher?

I guess you could say it went off without a hitch.... LMAO
had a code red over the summer, it was a giant brush fire outside next to the building...took about two hours to put it out
Had a code Red just the other day! One of my Hit printers went up in flames.... Thankfully I was right next to a fire extinguisher!!!!!!

Me: Code Red to Home Improvement,Code Red to Home Improvement,Code Red to Home Improvement,
LOD: Do you need a fire extinguisher?

I guess you could say it went off without a hitch.... LMAO

How did that LOD ever pass business college? That's just... wow, I know drug addicts that make more sense then that..
How did that LOD ever pass business college? That's just... wow, I know drug addicts that make more sense then that..

Ahhh.... Even though it was the stupidest question at the time, I give her some credit. She's the newest Sr. Team Leader in our store. She was right there in a matter of seconds. I was surprised she had even time to ask that on the walkie! Wish i had pictures of the fire department storming through the store. They were acting as if a bomb went off.... Even though they were told the fire was under control...
I'll admit, it does sound like a stupid question, but the LOD was asking in case STL didn't have a fire extinguisher nearby.
I am not 100% sure. Would a car fire in the parking garage warrant one?(I am only asking because I have no idea if one was called since I showed up for my shift while the store was evacuated of all guests and TMs/TLs/ETLs. )
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Sounds like it's time for another round of "Fantasy Target"! This episode should feature codes red, yellow & green along with the proper responses to each!
HLM, Dan, are we game?
We had a fire in the compactor. The store got evacuated of TMs (at 3 a.m., there were no guests to evacuate) and we had to wait in the parking lot for 45 minutes while the fire department did its job. There was no damage to the building and we couldn't use the compactor until it was replaced.
Haven't heard from Daninnj lately....maybe he hurt himself running around in those heels during the last round of "Fantasy Target".
I'm here. Pretty preoccupied with life right now; everything's going smoothly. Thanks for thinking of me red!
BTW, we had a code red a few weeks ago. I forgot what happened since it was before my shift but something started to smoke. We also had a code black about two years ago where someone called a bomb threat in our parking garage. We didn't leave the store, surprisingly since the garage is underneath a third of the store. AlertOne just told the LOD to keep the store open and we just avoided the section over the garage and let the guests shop wherever. Imagine if a bomb really did go kaboom; what a nightmare that would have been for Target.
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