Archived Anyone deal with this?

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Can you go to 4?
Nov 14, 2015
We have an LOD who micromanages like crazy to the point of being ridiculous.. Example.. You're breaking down boxes and they tell you "don't forget to break down boxes" or you clearly have a pull and they say "don't forget to grab a pull" it's like what the heck do you think I'm doing?!

We also have one that says "get back to work I see you talking " when we are clearly using a my device to find where something goes and we explain that and you get the "no you were talking for 5 min I saw you" response when it wasn't even 30 seconds.

Just annoying because comments like that, where it's like they believe you're talking, not breaking down boxes, not grabbing pulls even though you aren't talking and clearly are doing those last things, come off like they may tell stuff like that to upper management because they believe we aren't doing things, etc.

It's gotten out of control. I'm chalking it up to holiday stress but damn!!
Ours apparently got fired 3 weeks before I transferred in since everyone started to work worse due to bottom of the barrel morale and supermassive turnover.
Thank god.
We used to have this STL that would come up and give you a list of things to do while you were already doing like ten other things. I got to where I would tell her what I was currently doing and then ask her what her priority was because no way was I going to finish everything on both lists. She always obliged and I did things in the order she wanted them in (and obviously did NOT finish everything) but it made her happy even if it was irritating to be constantly side tracked. At one point I got to where I was keeping a recorded record of everything I did in one day. In that way I could account for all my time. Thankfully she is no longer with us.
We used to have this STL that would come up and give you a list of things to do while you were already doing like ten other things. I got to where I would tell her what I was currently doing and then ask her what her priority was because no way was I going to finish everything on both lists. She always obliged and I did things in the order she wanted them in (and obviously did NOT finish everything) but it made her happy even if it was irritating to be constantly side tracked. At one point I got to where I was keeping a recorded record of everything I did in one day. In that way I could account for all my time. Thankfully she is no longer with us.

Yikes. Yeah I do everything they but to tell me to do what you're already seeing me doing is like they're trying to justify their job lol
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I think Target promotes micromanagers as policy. I work in the damn cafe, and my TL was like this----"take your apron off before your break" as I'm already untying the strings, "wash your hands first" as they're already being soaped up, "drop that popcorn" as I'm already banging the kettle down. Don't take it personally, those types live for rules and regulations (and imposing them on everyone at every chance), which is why they move up. 😉
Sounds like my ETL. He is captain obvious to the point where I'll go to move to B side or paper and he'll tell me "go to B side or paper."
It cracks me up most of the time cause it's like really!!!!? Haha
We used to have this STL that would come up and give you a list of things to do while you were already doing like ten other things. I got to where I would tell her what I was currently doing and then ask her what her priority was because no way was I going to finish everything on both lists. She always obliged and I did things in the order she wanted them in (and obviously did NOT finish everything) but it made her happy even if it was irritating to be constantly side tracked. At one point I got to where I was keeping a recorded record of everything I did in one day. In that way I could account for all my time. Thankfully she is no longer with us.
I also had an STL like that. I found out that if I pretended to have a list and I added his task to my list that he often just walked away> I think he just wanted to know that I was busy with something.
We had a TL that would ask every 5 min, "What's your location? What are you working on?" It made it difficult to get anything accomplished. I wanted to say, "Well I had an armload of items I had to put down to answer you AGAIN!" She also listened to conversations on the walkie when people went to three and would sneak around spying on people.
ugh we have one like that. I'm on the register, actively ringing someone up and she yells at me from 3 lanes over "go find a guest don't just stand there!".... what???
ugh we have one like that. I'm on the register, actively ringing someone up and she yells at me from 3 lanes over "go find a guest don't just stand there!".... what???

I hate that!! Lol all it's doing is making them look beyond stupid to the guests when they do all this micromanaging
that is insane , in my store TLs dont care how we break down boxes let alone the ETL
Micromanaging is rarely beneficial for both the employee and the supervisor. The TM doesn't feel comfortable making simple decisions for fear of push back from their supervisor, and the supervisor wastes valuable time micromanaging every aspect of the TM where they could be spending it walking the department and seeing what needs to get done. I will add that there are some TMs that need to have someone ride them to get them to do things effectively. I have a TM that will constantly be loafing and when I have an assigned task, I have to give a time of when it needs to be done, if not, they'll spend their entire shift getting parts of it done and talking most of the time.
Micromanaging is rarely beneficial for both the employee and the supervisor. The TM doesn't feel comfortable making simple decisions for fear of push back from their supervisor, and the supervisor wastes valuable time micromanaging every aspect of the TM where they could be spending it walking the department and seeing what needs to get done. I will add that there are some TMs that need to have someone ride them to get them to do things effectively. I have a TM that will constantly be loafing and when I have an assigned task, I have to give a time of when it needs to be done, if not, they'll spend their entire shift getting parts of it done and talking most of the time.

Exactly they seem to do it to everyone though and it's just making the moral bad
She's at it again. Telling me to do flexi because it's priority and then yelling when I'm doing flexi and don't have a pull. Then when I had a pull she said do you have a pull? Then talked over me on the radio when ever I tried to respond to a cashier back up and came up to me and said I need to respond to walkie. Everyone tells her she talks over them and that they are always doing what she says they have to do.. Have a pull need to get a pull. It's to the point where she's trying to convince herself that she's important.
Wanna borrow my cutlery & degreaser?
I'm sure we could clear a shelf in the back of my freezer for the bod - er - aftermath.
Wanna borrow my cutlery & degreaser?
I'm sure we could clear a shelf in the back of my freezer for the bod - er - aftermath.

Haha it's not that serious it's just crazy like calm down woman we are all doing what we are supposed to
Sounds like a majority of my ETLs, micromanaging everyone to death and then crying about how hard that was for the rest of the night. 🙄
Sounds like a majority of my ETLs, micromanaging everyone to death and then crying about how hard that was for the rest of the night. 🙄

YESSSSSSSSSSS! Do they go through some training for this or something?? lol it's crazy like I get they need things done. We got it don't worry. Thing is she's making people hate her by doing this. There's a guy in the mornings who yells at everyone too and turns it into something it's not. Example we were all trying to find where something went and he yelled at us for "talking for ten min I saw you get to work" we were literally talking for 30 seconds figuring out where it went. Like first of all.. If we were talking for ten min why'd you wait that long to stop us, second you watched us for "ten min" nothing was getting done on your end either. It's just outta control and not necessary.
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