I don't particularly enjoy what I'm doing at target at all. Every part of my makeup wants me to say "I'm above working at target I hate my job, etc etc etc" because I went from making $19 an hour in a cushy desk job with amazing benefits and 40 hours a week advancing my skills in my chosen field to $9 an hour at target just to scrape by with the bills I could afford making 40k a year fresh out of college. But I remind myself why I'm in the situation, no one else will hire me. I am practically the least desirable person to hire now just because I am being charged for two very serious bank robberies, I'm not even a convicted felon. The people at my store decided to look past two large negatives I had against me. A) I am being charged with two bank robberies that have been all over the news, a simple Google search of my real name comes back all with crap like my mug shot and news stories. B) I was fired from my last job for accusations of selling drugs to co workers (Yeah! They were trying to find a way to get rid of me so being a large private corporation they made a great story about how I was dealing ecstasy at work). Even though the police searched everything and everywhere, and drug tests negative they were within legal rights to fire me with 0 proof or evidence.
It took a LONG time before I realized that not one of these last hundred companies have gotten back to me or responded to communication because my recent track record is SO batshit crazy, that any sane HR person would burn my resume and application as fast as possible. When I heard target is taking a new approach and giving those with criminal records a second chance I applied and was happy to show them who I really was in person. I'm forever grateful to the HR woman at my store for giving me a shot at starting over. I'm lucky to have a job at all. Do I like what I do? No, but I don't hate it because it's true that you don't know what you have until it's gone. I am still able to afford my mortgage, car, and everything else because I am also lucky enough to have the best, strongest wife in the world who stuck around through it all. It helps she makes more than I did at my last job too with great benefits.
Just like I tell guests when they spend a ton of money they didn't intend to. I give them the receipt and tell them how much they saved. I tell them that I like to look at what I saved, not what I spent. You are where you are today because of, whether you realize it or not, your past actions and decisions. Whether they are directly related to how you feel about your career and your job, or your current position is a result of many actions and decisions made over time that resulted in you having a job you hate for 5 years. Look at what you do have. What would you do if you lost it all, with little hope of getting it back? Be grateful for what you have even if what you have sucks a lot of the time. Only you can change your life for the better, and I can't tell you how to do that.
Be the change you want to see in your life! (Yeah that is some new age crap I read on a poster, but it's true)