Archived Anyone else hate their job?

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A big part of this is the state of the company. It is hard to enjoy a job when you feel like things are about drop out from under you at any second. It is not easy to enjoy working when you have seen hours cut, leadership positioned slashed, corporate cut, Target Canada killed off and now the Pharmacy as well. Target was bad when I left I can not imagine how bad it has become. Every AE you have wonder will you still be around? Evert time Target can not figure out how to do the basics of running a department store you have to wonder if your job will be farmed out to another company. I know it is not easy and likely to keep getting worse. If you can get out, do so. Even if you have to wait a year to do so. Come up with your exit plane and get out.

I have to agree - It seems that at my store, the leaders are running around in a state of panic. They can't question visiting DLT about changes requested by him/her, they just surprise us with the change, and when we ask why or what the thought process was behind it, they look at us like we just committed a mortal sin! I came from a manufacturing background that had good communication and allowed for feedback, and respected our thoughts and ideas. Retail, if it's all like this, has got it ass backwards! And the leaders are just flexing the living crap out of our merchandise. New flow team members either don't realize it, or don't care, because if there's something already in that spot, whatever they have in their hands becomes backstock. I'm working on my plan to get out, I see this company going in the wrong direction......
Well I had my health insurance through aarp. Good insurance. Fair price.
When obamacare came along aarp cancelled all people between the ages of 55-64. Said we could get it through marketplace. Well I didn't qualify for marketplace so the same or equivilent policy that I was paying 300.00 a month for thru aarp now became 785.00 a month. There was no way I could afford that. My choice was to get a part time job to pay for that policy or work the required hours at a company an get the health insurance plan that they have.
😱😱😱aaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Thats as expensive as Cobra.
Well I had my health insurance through aarp. Good insurance. Fair price.
When obamacare came along aarp cancelled all people between the ages of 55-64. Said we could get it through marketplace. Well I didn't qualify for marketplace so the same or equivilent policy that I was paying 300.00 a month for thru aarp now became 785.00 a month. There was no way I could afford that. My choice was to get a part time job to pay for that policy or work the required hours at a company an get the health insurance plan that they have.

That sounds more like you should blame AARP than the ACA.
If you didn't qualify for the Marketplace did you qualify for expanded Medicaid or are you in one of the states where the governor wouldn't take the Federal money?
The fact that we've got people still falling through the cracks in a system that was supposed to fix the frelling problem just makes me crazy.
Companies cutting back peoples hours so they don't have to pick up the insurance or cutting their insurance down to the laughable accounts that Spot offers is so frustrating.
I have to agree - It seems that at my store, the leaders are running around in a state of panic. They can't question visiting DLT about changes requested by him/her, they just surprise us with the change, and when we ask why or what the thought process was behind it, they look at us like we just committed a mortal sin! I came from a manufacturing background that had good communication and allowed for feedback, and respected our thoughts and ideas. Retail, if it's all like this, has got it ass backwards! And the leaders are just flexing the living crap out of our merchandise. New flow team members either don't realize it, or don't care, because if there's something already in that spot, whatever they have in their hands becomes backstock. I'm working on my plan to get out, I see this company going in the wrong direction......

Agreed on the DTL or above anything they think up is never questioned even when you can see it completely screwing your store and processes that are working and working well. And you are the bad guy if you dare to shoot the holes in their grand delusions.

Flow team, I would rather they backstock stuff, ours just push everything and I mean everything in their hands. Which means I spend my days pulling massive amounts of backstock off the shelves and burning our daytime hours to fix what damage flow does. And by damage I mean stuff piled so high it is dangerous to employees and guests alike. But after being told "It's more important they finish the truck than do it right." So keep eating those shit sandwiches.
Today was god awful we had 3 cashiers and that was at night. One went home because she was a minor so that left two of us and needless to say back-up buttons needed to be pushed!! Whoever decided to make the schedule tonight and only have 2 closers I really wanted to thank them ( me being sarcastic lol) They really need to remember for the next two weeks people will still be buying school supplies at least where I live anyways but somehow whoever made the schedule forgot🙄
Today was god awful we had 3 cashiers and that was at night. One went home because she was a minor so that left two of us and needless to say back-up buttons needed to be pushed!! Whoever decided to make the schedule tonight and only have 2 closers I really wanted to thank them ( me being sarcastic lol) They really need to remember for the next two weeks people will still be buying school supplies at least where I live anyways but somehow whoever made the schedule forgot🙄

We have one ETL who always under schedules like that. She for some reason at least for the last 3 weeks has not had a Sbux opener. Cause it can't be busy on a weekend morning? Umm.. Fuckwit, there are a few weekend morning events in our shopping mall and husbands do the car thing while wives do the target run.. People have been angry. I dropped a dime to the Sbux DM.. Waiting to see what happens..
We have a lot of issues with cashier call offs. We've had as many as five in one day... drives me nuts when I can't get my work done because there is not enough of them at the front to properly man things and I'm sure it's extra annoying to them as well.... I mean the ones who actually DO come in for their shifts.
Patty. I'm in favor of nationized health ins. Too, As long as it isn't dictated by insurance companies and that all doctors will be obligated to take the plan. Government officials should have the same coverage also.
Commie, my state does not have that Medicaid plan. We have a state run plan but not one of my doctors is on the plan. I wouldn't be able to get my meds using a clinic and I didn't qualify for the plan anyway.

To change the subject, so nice to work for a company where managers don't run around in a tizzy because their boss is coming for a visit. In fact the regional director of HR and I had a 20 minute conversation while I was covering the garden registers. He had been wandering around the garden department. I had no clue who he was. We started talking about plants which lead to talking about an addition he was doing and the. He told me he was waiting for the store manager So they could go out for lunch. It's very laid back.

I still don't want to be working. But it's less stressful
I work with friends, not a corporation.
Today was god awful we had 3 cashiers and that was at night. One went home because she was a minor so that left two of us and needless to say back-up buttons needed to be pushed!! Whoever decided to make the schedule tonight and only have 2 closers I really wanted to thank them ( me being sarcastic lol) They really need to remember for the next two weeks people will still be buying school supplies at least where I live anyways but somehow whoever made the schedule forgot🙄

We had 2 cashiers for the last 2 or 3 hours tuesday when all the kids went back to school wednesday. Thankfully I was off but I heard our forecast was 76k or something and we made over 105k
We have a lot of issues with cashier call offs. We've had as many as five in one day... drives me nuts when I can't get my work done because there is not enough of them at the front to properly man things and I'm sure it's extra annoying to them as well.... I mean the ones who actually DO come in for their shifts.

Either that or a Salesfloor TM. I think tonight was the first time we DIDNT have at least one callout in the past 2 weeks when i worked closing
I did not start to hate my job until my last year there (March 2014-March 2015). Our ETL-HR quit and got a better job in the middle of the summer. A month or so later, our ETL-SF (who had five years there) transferred to another store. So two seasoned ETLs were transferred from the same store. Red flag number one. They were both (practically) best friends and had the reputation in the district as being "store fixers". Of course that was not the case here...right. The new ETL-SF was a plump, arrogant, disrespectful man who seemed to enjoy playing on his phone more so than working. The new ETL HR was a more of social butterfly than an actual human resources manager. Both of them were disliked almost immediately.

By Christmas, two seasoned TLs were out (one was termed and one was told not to come back after she put in her two weeks notice). In February is when shit hit the fan (at least for me and the Presentation team). My TL was their next target. The store leadership months prior had been trying to find ways to get rid of her and put the entire POG under an microscope. They even had a meeting with us under the context of fall plans. In reality they treated it as a counseling.

That takes me to the next ETL in my story, the ETL-Log. She had been with the company for two years prior to arrival of the twin snakes. She was a nasty, stressed out, chain smoking woman. The TL and her boss grew to hate each other until my TL had each. I will never forgot the day that tried to put her on a final for some bogus reason. She decided she had enough and walked out. The entire team was in shock. I immediately began putting in applications everywhere until I finally found a new job. The look on the ETL-Log's face was priceless when I told her. This us what happens when you force good employees out the door.

In conclusion, yes, I hated my job in end. I was stressed out and overworked. It just showed me that there are better opportunities out there if one just takes the time to look. I still speak with my former TMs and I still shop there (it's right next door to my current job). I wish all of them well and quite a few of them have gotten better jobs.
Perhaps your next life will be more agreeable.

Right now I am frustrated yet now, as I don't get the resources I need to run my areas properly. They look like crap, as many days it is just me to zone. I have been told that much of the payroll my area would get goes to logistics, as they are not able to finish their tasks in the time allotted by HQ. Still don't always get the freight worked out with my hours, as well. Had one team member who I was ready to put on a final warning for poor attendance, but she quit before I could talk to her. I also have another team member that will be a final warning, as soon as my STL (acting ETL HRAP) gives me the green light. When I have callouts I really don't have the people to call-in and if I did I might not have too many hours to give them the rest of week. Have another team member that is moving and I hope transfers to another store. On top of that I have team members with limited availability (one only wants 7 or 8 hours at most).

This has been a very bad week, as one person took the week, but was still scheduled (looks like she is coming to work, but really is not). Also either myself or others on my team have had to help with prices changes this week or help the POG team stock. In addition we were not forecasted right for least the first part of the week and of course were busy as all get-out with last minute BTS shoppers. Only 40% or maybe 50% of the way thorough the RTW VA and have mens, accessories, performance, and sleepwear to set next week. Lastly at least 1 call-in and a shift or 2 that were not filled after the 1 team member quit.

Intent to stay 3 0r 4 out of 5.
Someone the other day said a actual guest said to me I honestly hate to say this but this place has changed. I used to come here alot but now I really don't like coming here. It has changed. I honestly couldn't argue with the guy😵
We have an old team lead that comes in and just shakes her head. I only think she comes in, as she still gets her 10% discount.
We have an old team lead that comes in and just shakes her head. I only think she comes in, as she still gets her 10% discount.

Everywhere I've worked it seems old employees will come in and add their two cents. In many cases they have been out of the company for many years, and while they will comment on the way it should be they fail to understand that it truly is not the same business they once worked in.
Our store can not continue to operate with the hours that we are being given to run. The store is trashed every night, every morning we walk into the mess. Nothing is zoned, clothes on the floor, clothes in carts, re shop in carts, I have been in kmarts, walmarts and none of them have looked as bad as target looks. They can cut hours all they want, but the work still has to get done. You can send flow team home early, but stuff still needs to be pushed. You can cut sales floor team members, but guests still need help. You can cut back room, but pulls still have to be done and push still needs to go out. We are loosing good employees because of the hours situation and it is only going to get worse. Have been with this company for quite a long time and have never seen anything like this. Everyone is getting discouraged and frustrated.
Yep, will probably be quitting soon unless I get into hardlines.

They told me I'd be doing brand for a few weeks until they hire another brand attendant....that was 2 months ago.
Just checked my new schedule and now they are giving me even more brand shifts and less cart shifts.
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