Sort of, but not anywhere near that badly. I was scheduled to have Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday off last week.
Wednesday was obviously Christmas, so that I had off, but I managed to pick up shifts both Friday and Saturday, and pick up extra hours Thursday which turned my initially scheduled 25.5 hours into 41.
I was scheduled to work 4 days this week as well, the same 4 as last week actually, but I picked up a shift again for Saturday that HR had posted on the shift swap board, and will probably try and pick up a shift Friday or Wednesday as well, I prefer to work 6 days a week, but 5 is tolerable, 4 is not, I need the money to badly to be happy working 4 days.
Funny thing about that....I am the only one that is actually keyed in for my workcenter. They just keep telling me that all of those "guest scanners" are my team. I keep telling them that they wouldn't want the paycut from flow.
I'll take it as it is for now. I'll have my nice three days off (two are off in a row), and then the week after is when I'll start looking to take other people's shifts on the swap shift board.
I went from working 30 to 40 hours back to just 20 hours. But then again there's a few that's only working 5, I can't really complain about barely having hours. But I feel like it'll be my turn next in line to work 4 hours a week. Just waiting for it to creep up. Softlines can only give you so much hours now. Eh.
Open availability helps a lot. I have 18.5 hrs (CA/Cashier), but I have already picked up an additional 3 working late and got called to come in for another 5 tomorrow. I only asked for 25-35 hrs/wk and I am getting near 40 the last two. This week is on track for 30+ again if they ask me to stay late since I am working 6 days.
HR has said while hours are down at our store, it's not as drastic as other stores in our district. My hours haven't gone down, thank goodness. We have a lot of college kids leaving & others just leaving in general so hours for a lot of people are remaining pretty decent.