Archived Anyone one else have a flow team that always looks disgruntled

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Our flow TMs got pizza again last night. Of course our store is an overnight team and they bribe them all the time with drinks and food.

They start bowling out the truck at 10 pm. While the store is still open till 11 pm and pizza arrived at 11 pm when I closing PA was going home. It sure smelled good. Oh and they always requisition drinks up to 2.00 for every TMs. That's the life.
I wish we did that. We only get a case of markey pantry water, throw it in the freezer and share it with the team after the truck is done
Flow is the workhorse of the team. I'm not saying other teams don't work but flow is constantly under pressure. All teams give them grief about eating ALL the food in the break room, Everyone blames them for eating the hours. People say they are scary, weird and smelly. Get it done get it done get it done. Nothing is ever good enough. They are blamed constantly about overstocking, not stocking multiple locations and stocking in wrong locations. Some of the blame is warranted but people doing pulls contribute too. They don't have PDAs (a constant throughout the company)but are expected to know all the locations OFF spray is located. In my experience the flow team is made up of people just trying to make ends meet. Their hours are cut to crap (like everyones) so yep some of them do drag their feet. They would rather be yelled at than not have any electricity. When they chow down, it is because they usually just unloaded a damn truck. If you have never done it, it IS hard work. Sometimes it is the only food some of these team members eat all day because they can't afford to buy groceries. That is pathetic. Their hours change constantly. 2am 3am 4am until whenever. At least when you close you know you are out 1 hour after close. I have seen this team stay for 3 hours after their shifts due to multiple call offs and a huge truck with ungodly amount of repacks. I just wish everyone could walk in another teams shoes for a week or two. It can really be an eye opener. I used to believe a lot of this crap too until I did my time as a flow team lead.
Not buying it. I have worked alongside the team for long enough to know much of that is incredibly true, and not all of them are one shift away from eviction. Some of them eat better right after payday than they do right before payday, but its not complete poverty that makes you a greedy dick-its morals and ethics. Plus for every tm that is trying to find all three locations for OFF without a PDA there is another shoving the completely wrong product into the "empty space" they made on an endcap without even referencing their PDA. Or ignoring the call on the walkie they are carrying. The hours do fluctuate, but at my store they receive a premium pay for working the crap shift. Regular tms don't get paid for working a variety of open/mid/close every week where you can't set a sleep pattern cause you are working a different shift every day. And most of ours love staying extra since they are scheduled less than 40hrs to allow for such things. And we can show you the metrics for our store supporting that they eat all the hours. Its only been cut back this past year, and they are definitely feeling it. But its only fair to allow every section some "catch up" time-not just one group.Plus if I can see the black smudge over your moobs and gut from three aisles over you are dirty, and its not from today's unload. Its from wearing the same shirt for a couple years cause you are too cheap to buy a new shirt.

Some of them do look grumpy, and some of them are very much so grumpy old men. Definitely bitchy resting face, all that concentrating on getting what they want done this moment. I love my team and we joke around when we pass one another, so they don't have their faces freeze like that.
I can see where some of this thread might head..

I've done overnight logistics for the last 17 years... flow, backroom, bulk, p-fresh. I haven't been nor ever want to be a TL, srTL, or ETL. I'm a married, college educated (B.A.S. in psychology) guy with kids. I'm firmly what you could call middle class. I own my home. I have nice vehicles. I do this job now for the same reasons I did it back in the day, because it works for me and I enjoy aspects of the job. Not everyone on flow is poor, dirty, hungry, Black, Hispanic, etc. Not everyone is disgruntled. To some people, I may break your average stereotype for flow. But why is that your stereotype anyway? Is that your own prejudices sneaking up? We have all types of people on our team...people of color, people of all different socioeconomic status, people of different sexual orientations, formerly retired people who got bored, college kids, fresh out of high school kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Most of the time, if treated right, our team is happy.

People in other workcenters throughout the store treat flow like's a fact of life. It's wrong. Maybe that's why they look disgruntled to you.

Maybe they got too little sleep because their life prevents them from getting the proper amount?
Maybe they are tired from walking all night long (my average is 14 miles per shift)?
Maybe they are annoyed by being expecting to do the work of the 6 call-ins for the night (last Friday we were down 10 and expected to make up for that and then some)?
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are sick?
Maybe they have crappy leadership that yells at them for every little thing under the sun?
Maybe they are tired of being looked at as damaged goods by the majority of people in the world because they work overnight?
Maybe they have resting bitch face?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they got thrown into a new area with little to no training and expected to exceed goals?
Maybe they have two jobs?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?
Maybe they wear the same red shirt with black marks on it because the scanner uses black permanent marker to mark the backstock boxes and it gets on their shirt from the unload?

I could go on...
Just some thoughts.

Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.

Thank you to those that's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?

Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.

Thank you to those that's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.

And thank you! I wish I could only like your post like 100 times. Above are some of main the reasons I "look mad all of the time". If you were to come over ask and me to smile I would either look "madder" at you or give you the most ungenuine smile you have ever seen. Most of non flow/BR TMs would not even begin to understand if I explained anyway and it would be a waste of my breath and time taken away from all the other Target related nonsense I have to do.

Most of the time I'm mellow, go with the flow of things and have a good laugh here and there.

If I seem "mad" to you just give me a little smile, a nice hello or a pat on the back. I can guarantee I will be more receptive towards you and respond in a kind way. 😀
I can see where some of this thread might head..

I've done overnight logistics for the last 17 years... flow, backroom, bulk, p-fresh. I haven't been nor ever want to be a TL, srTL, or ETL. I'm a married, college educated (B.A.S. in psychology) guy with kids. I'm firmly what you could call middle class. I own my home. I have nice vehicles. I do this job now for the same reasons I did it back in the day, because it works for me and I enjoy aspects of the job. Not everyone on flow is poor, dirty, hungry, Black, Hispanic, etc. Not everyone is disgruntled. To some people, I may break your average stereotype for flow. But why is that your stereotype anyway? Is that your own prejudices sneaking up? We have all types of people on our team...people of color, people of all different socioeconomic status, people of different sexual orientations, formerly retired people who got bored, college kids, fresh out of high school kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Most of the time, if treated right, our team is happy.

People in other workcenters throughout the store treat flow like's a fact of life. It's wrong. Maybe that's why they look disgruntled to you.

Maybe they got too little sleep because their life prevents them from getting the proper amount?
Maybe they are tired from walking all night long (my average is 14 miles per shift)?
Maybe they are annoyed by being expecting to do the work of the 6 call-ins for the night (last Friday we were down 10 and expected to make up for that and then some)?
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are sick?
Maybe they have crappy leadership that yells at them for every little thing under the sun?
Maybe they are tired of being looked at as damaged goods by the majority of people in the world because they work overnight?
Maybe they have resting bitch face?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they got thrown into a new area with little to no training and expected to exceed goals?
Maybe they have two jobs?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?
Maybe they wear the same red shirt with black marks on it because the scanner uses black permanent marker to mark the backstock boxes and it gets on their shirt from the unload?

I could go on...
Just some thoughts.

Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.

Thank you to those that's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.
No different than the rest of the store. I write an average of fifty great team cards a month. Evenly spread over flow, salesfloor and specialty teams. I might get one in return and if I'm incredibly lucky a pat on the head from the TLs. Each month. Or I'd get a shout out at the huddles I didn't get to attend for months of working mid shifts.

We don't use a black marker to mark boxes either. Probably cause we're so low volume we don't need to...I can't count how many shirts I've had to set aside for only days off the floor or to wear under a jacket/hoodie because I got something on it from the C&S unload (those damn banana blankets are probably harboring the plague). But I do it because wearing a dirty shirt is a not brand. And its not like our flow team at least isn't handed free shirts at least once a year, or any time they get a "spill" on one. Heck they ordered them each one with the store number on it, the salesfloor team didn't get them, just flow. Plus most of them have volunteer shirts they didn't volunteer for. And 5% redcard ones, to help them "sell" redcards to the guests they don't talk to.

...I guess I'm just saying using those as reasons to internalize the grumpiness isn't a good reason for me. I defend my flow team to the salesfloor crew all the time. Because most of them only see the pack of loud people who eat all the food and don't wipe down the tables, but I know how hard they work and how much crap they get the whole time. But a spade is a spade is a spade. We don't have overnight unload. We are low volume, and when the guy whose job it is to take care of the trash/cardboard is bitching AGAIN because he has to-shocker-take care of the tons of trash and cardboard from truck, I am not only unsympathetic (he did after all accept that responsibility) but tell him to stuff it. My husband often works triple shifts between his job and his freelancing. He's not an ass at work the next day, no matter how tired he may be. And he hasn't gotten a raise in nine years with his company-as a manager.
Yeah it's fashionable to bash flow. Most tms dont know the job, can't do the job or just lack the basic life experiences necessary to not judge books by their covers. And I am entitled to facial expressions.
Flow is the workhorse of the team. I'm not saying other teams don't work but flow is constantly under pressure. All teams give them grief about eating ALL the food in the break room, Everyone blames them for eating the hours. People say they are scary, weird and smelly. Get it done get it done get it done. Nothing is ever good enough. They are blamed constantly about overstocking, not stocking multiple locations and stocking in wrong locations. Some of the blame is warranted but people doing pulls contribute too. They don't have PDAs (a constant throughout the company)but are expected to know all the locations OFF spray is located. In my experience the flow team is made up of people just trying to make ends meet. Their hours are cut to crap (like everyones) so yep some of them do drag their feet. They would rather be yelled at than not have any electricity. When they chow down, it is because they usually just unloaded a damn truck. If you have never done it, it IS hard work. Sometimes it is the only food some of these team members eat all day because they can't afford to buy groceries. That is pathetic. Their hours change constantly. 2am 3am 4am until whenever. At least when you close you know you are out 1 hour after close. I have seen this team stay for 3 hours after their shifts due to multiple call offs and a huge truck with ungodly amount of repacks. I just wish everyone could walk in another teams shoes for a week or two. It can really be an eye opener. I used to believe a lot of this crap too until I did my time as a flow team lead.
our flow is lazy and rude
I can see where some of this thread might head..

I've done overnight logistics for the last 17 years... flow, backroom, bulk, p-fresh. I haven't been nor ever want to be a TL, srTL, or ETL. I'm a married, college educated (B.A.S. in psychology) guy with kids. I'm firmly what you could call middle class. I own my home. I have nice vehicles. I do this job now for the same reasons I did it back in the day, because it works for me and I enjoy aspects of the job. Not everyone on flow is poor, dirty, hungry, Black, Hispanic, etc. Not everyone is disgruntled. To some people, I may break your average stereotype for flow. But why is that your stereotype anyway? Is that your own prejudices sneaking up? We have all types of people on our team...people of color, people of all different socioeconomic status, people of different sexual orientations, formerly retired people who got bored, college kids, fresh out of high school kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Most of the time, if treated right, our team is happy.

People in other workcenters throughout the store treat flow like's a fact of life. It's wrong. Maybe that's why they look disgruntled to you.

Maybe they got too little sleep because their life prevents them from getting the proper amount?
Maybe they are tired from walking all night long (my average is 14 miles per shift)?
Maybe they are annoyed by being expecting to do the work of the 6 call-ins for the night (last Friday we were down 10 and expected to make up for that and then some)?
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are sick?
Maybe they have crappy leadership that yells at them for every little thing under the sun?
Maybe they are tired of being looked at as damaged goods by the majority of people in the world because they work overnight?
Maybe they have resting bitch face?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they got thrown into a new area with little to no training and expected to exceed goals?
Maybe they have two jobs?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?
Maybe they wear the same red shirt with black marks on it because the scanner uses black permanent marker to mark the backstock boxes and it gets on their shirt from the unload?

I could go on...
Just some thoughts.

Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.

Thank you to those that's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.
maybe I set my planogram, moved product, pulled from the back. filled, researched and pulled it, filled, and personally picked up and filled the boxes left by flow on a set aisle. Even put up the product on the opposite aisle from me which wasn't even touched. try downloading air care all by yourself and bowlers curious of what they should do with their boxes. today a flow team member was upset his boxes all labeled a38 were going to a31 now, and he was all confused. I explained that they were moved to a31, and thought that would resolve it, but he damn near threw a fit and asked for me to help him move the boxes. I got the nearest empty cart, and swiftly picked up all the boxes myself as moved it to a31. I even had to remind him that the cart is over there for him, I am busy cleaning up my team leads unfinished planograms, I can't be bothered by doing YOUR work.
I am ALWAYS thank the people I see on flow team, I know how hard their job is and I know I couldnt do it. I have A LOT of respect for all of them and I make sure they know it.
Some of the responses here seem very defensive and unwarrant. Everyone works hard and has problems. Those tms who deal with the public have the addl responsibility of FFF. I dont care what department you work in , or what kind of face you have on but there is no excuse for anyone any day in any job not to treat everyone with common courtesy and respect.
I the thread was started as "just kidding around"
People in our store always ask me why I always look so stressed and frazzled. It doesnt bother me, I have looked that way my whole life. I wish I had a "resting" face

😱. My resting face
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Lol at the people here that complain about flow but have probably never done the job.

Before AP I worked many different positions in the store including flow. Flow was the hardest of them all. Everything is timed when it comes to logistics. They are constantly being told by their leaders to move quicker, spend less time on tasks. If they are in a store that runs flow when the store is open they are also expected to help guests or back up cashier, but still get their job done.

Honestly most people wouldn't be able to cut it on flow. The grass isn't always greener people. And as far as premium pay is concerned my district eliminated shift diff for all new hires almost two years ago.

So yea most people on flow look disgruntled because they are disgruntled.
When I come in at 4 pm, I have to work freight from flow. Are they slow? Yes. Would I be slow if I had an entire team to share the blame and my ETL wasn't looking at only how much I got done? Yes.
Flow is the workhorse of the team. I'm not saying other teams don't work but flow is constantly under pressure. All teams give them grief about eating ALL the food in the break room, Everyone blames them for eating the hours. People say they are scary, weird and smelly. Get it done get it done get it done. Nothing is ever good enough. They are blamed constantly about overstocking, not stocking multiple locations and stocking in wrong locations. Some of the blame is warranted but people doing pulls contribute too. They don't have PDAs (a constant throughout the company)but are expected to know all the locations OFF spray is located. In my experience the flow team is made up of people just trying to make ends meet. Their hours are cut to crap (like everyones) so yep some of them do drag their feet. They would rather be yelled at than not have any electricity. When they chow down, it is because they usually just unloaded a damn truck. If you have never done it, it IS hard work. Sometimes it is the only food some of these team members eat all day because they can't afford to buy groceries. That is pathetic. Their hours change constantly. 2am 3am 4am until whenever. At least when you close you know you are out 1 hour after close. I have seen this team stay for 3 hours after their shifts due to multiple call offs and a huge truck with ungodly amount of repacks. I just wish everyone could walk in another teams shoes for a week or two. It can really be an eye opener. I used to believe a lot of this crap too until I did my time as a flow team lead.

I love you
I can see where some of this thread might head..

I've done overnight logistics for the last 17 years... flow, backroom, bulk, p-fresh. I haven't been nor ever want to be a TL, srTL, or ETL. I'm a married, college educated (B.A.S. in psychology) guy with kids. I'm firmly what you could call middle class. I own my home. I have nice vehicles. I do this job now for the same reasons I did it back in the day, because it works for me and I enjoy aspects of the job. Not everyone on flow is poor, dirty, hungry, Black, Hispanic, etc. Not everyone is disgruntled. To some people, I may break your average stereotype for flow. But why is that your stereotype anyway? Is that your own prejudices sneaking up? We have all types of people on our team...people of color, people of all different socioeconomic status, people of different sexual orientations, formerly retired people who got bored, college kids, fresh out of high school kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Most of the time, if treated right, our team is happy.

People in other workcenters throughout the store treat flow like's a fact of life. It's wrong. Maybe that's why they look disgruntled to you.

Maybe they got too little sleep because their life prevents them from getting the proper amount?
Maybe they are tired from walking all night long (my average is 14 miles per shift)?
Maybe they are annoyed by being expecting to do the work of the 6 call-ins for the night (last Friday we were down 10 and expected to make up for that and then some)?
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are sick?
Maybe they have crappy leadership that yells at them for every little thing under the sun?
Maybe they are tired of being looked at as damaged goods by the majority of people in the world because they work overnight?
Maybe they have resting bitch face?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they got thrown into a new area with little to no training and expected to exceed goals?
Maybe they have two jobs?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?
Maybe they wear the same red shirt with black marks on it because the scanner uses black permanent marker to mark the backstock boxes and it gets on their shirt from the unload?

I could go on...
Just some thoughts.

Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.

Thank you to those that's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.

I love you too
I dont think all flow team members walk around like someone pissed in their cornflakes...however, if it bothers you thst bad...take the time to ask them why they look upset. Better a week in their place and see what its like just might walk around looking pissed off after that as well....
All I have to say is that softlines flow team have it pretty nice because they always wear nice clothing and never look to break a sweat as opposed to the entire rest of the team when they come to huddle at 8, only 2 hours after they got in.

Im a PA but have done a flow shift here and there. It didnt seem all that bad, although bowling out everything to the aisles gave me a nice workout. I always help out with C+S when im market and usually push the whole time they are there with them so im familiar with push processes and LOD demands. There seemed to be a little bit of double standard though a while back with C+S and Flow. C+S would have 500 pieces of push and a flow truck would have 1600 or so. The C+S team had like 12 hours scheduled for that 500 pieces and the Flow truck had 70 or so probably even though it was only 3 times the push as C+S and yet they complained about C+S being slow even though C+S was supposed to START at 10 AFTER the flow TMs had taken their break but most times they kept them on flow til after 10 and then they took their lunch and were all 45+ minutes late every single time.

Right now we started pushing C+S the day it comes in at night. Is anyone else doing this...Truck usually comes in at 2pm or earlier Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday and our push team comes in and is here anywhere from 3-8pm. Seems to work out ok although there are some challenges that come along with it and I kind of feel bad for the people who come in for 3-4 hours and then have to come back in the morning to push flow. Before they would get their 7-8 hours on 3 flow days because flow+CS push but now its all spread out so harder to get more hours unless they are added into another workcenter before C+S push or after flow which is rarely the case. Basically instead of working 3 8 hour shifts more of them are doing 5 shifts per week and only being here 4 or so hours per shift
Lol at the people here that complain about flow but have probably never done the job.

Before AP I worked many different positions in the store including flow. Flow was the hardest of them all. Everything is timed when it comes to logistics. They are constantly being told by their leaders to move quicker, spend less time on tasks. If they are in a store that runs flow when the store is open they are also expected to help guests or back up cashier, but still get their job done.

Honestly most people wouldn't be able to cut it on flow. The grass isn't always greener people. And as far as premium pay is concerned my district eliminated shift diff for all new hires almost two years ago.

So yea most people on flow look disgruntled because they are disgruntled.

Ya its timed..and it means...nothing. They just stay later...the work gets done one way or another either by staying later thus eating up our stores hours or its pushed onto the salesfloor, backroom, or leadership teams. This is how it is at my store, maybe its the same as others? Heck half the time for our working huddles we push HBA from the truck for like 20 minutes between the 10-15 or so of us who arent flow.

We are a 6-10 store and I can tell you that hardly anyone from flow backup cashiers because they never have walkies so they wouldnt even know to come up anyway. We arent really busy until 10 and on also so the few guests that do come in usually are greeted and taken care of by EVERYONE in the store, its not hard to ask if someone needs help or if they are finding everything ok. The flow tms in electronics probably do the most guest service and cashier the most.
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I never see them unless they go shopping after work since I come in at 9:30am.
The pfresh people don't look happy either, oh well.🙄
Yeah it's fashionable to bash flow. Most tms dont know the job, can't do the job or just lack the basic life experiences necessary to not judge books by their covers. And I am entitled to facial expressions.
I think I'm entitled to bash flow when they overstock like this, without even taking the plastic off that keeps individual items together.


In all fairness, I know they pretty much keep the store running and everything. It's just a few incompetent people at my store I'm pissed at.
I never see them unless they go shopping after work since I come in at 9:30am.
The pfresh people don't look happy either, oh well.🙄

Thats because people think Pfresh is the easiest thing in the world just playing around culling and cleaning pfresh all day when the reality is I do the job of 3 to 6 workcenters every day with always decreasing hours, more expectations and zero gratitude.

There is the obvious Market worcenter of culling, SDA, pushing out product, ordering

2nd is another obvious of being a SF TM backup cashiering, grabbing carts, answering call boxes, helping guests outside market the majority of the time.

3rd is backroom. They hardly backstock anything only pull. There were some days where on saturday I would come in and there was still backstock from Wednesday and Friday C+S push and all the autofills since then. I usually backstock product every single time I work Pfresh. Also help make bales from time to time and take care of all the cardboard on my end. Used to sometimes have to do my own morning pulls and then push them out. How rediculous is that? Since mydevice doesnt have the pull task list at least this has gone away thank god

4th is planogram. If Planogram is behind I usually am asked to help set and push. I do all the liquor and wine regardless anyway.

5th is receiving. Usually only when C+S comes in but it still 3 times a week

6th is C+S push. Like tonight, almost every time im working market and C+S push is there I help push from start to finish otherwise it never gets completely done and just sits there.

Pfresh has the most unreasonable workload for the ammount of hours given at my store. It is rediculous and frustrating and I probably looked stressed out most days because all of these things need to be done and theres no overlap in shifts and no time to possibly get all of it done.

Also forgot to mention backroom is in the back of the store and pfresh is at the front which makes it even better with wasting time to get to pfresh. Some stores the backroom door leads right into pfresh. I have to go through seasonal to get through pfresh which is always a joy when a guess asks you for a summer seasonal item and you have to do a carryout taking up even more time. That along with basically being the only TM on that entire 1/3 of the store alot of times since sometimes its just fitting room, electronics, myself and 1 salesfloor TM who is spending half their time backupcashiering or over in softlines. Its shocking to me how many guests I help outside of the market section. I actually rarely seem to actually help guests for market items.
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OMG I break a sweat in the FR every day! granted, I am of a certain age, but still you cant imagine how fast you have to go in our store- yes, it is not nearly as physically grueling, but dealing with fancypants Moms and their kiddies all day is grueling to
BTW- who wins in this contest between the Shaq and the kitty? My money is on the kitty, but the Shaq looks pretty confident
as for nice clothes- mine are 5% target clearance, 95 % goodwill
Our P fresh/G team is amazing- I love going over there to go to br- that is a nice bunch
3rd is backroom. They hardly backstock anything only pull. There were some days where on saturday I would come in and there was still backstock from Wednesday and Friday C+S push and all the autofills since then. I usually backstock product every single time I work Pfresh. Also help make bales from time to time and take care of all the cardboard on my end. Used to sometimes have to do my own morning pulls and then push them out. How rediculous is that? Since mydevice doesnt have the pull task list at least this has gone away thank god

It's not backroom's job to backstock C&S

Is flow is done early, then their TL should get a few people to help out BR has too much going on to worry about the coolers
It's not backroom's job to backstock C&S

Is flow is done early, then their TL should get a few people to help out BR has too much going on to worry about the coolers
I hate this mentality. My Backroom will absolutely not help with cooler/freezer/food truck backstock unless the planets are aligned just right. So, my food truck team gets hours from backroom to take care of it.
All I have to say is that softlines flow team have it pretty nice because they always wear nice clothing and never look to break a sweat as opposed to the entire rest of the team when they come to huddle at 8, only 2 hours after they got in.

wait, wut?

Are you kidding?

We have 2 - 3 ladies that sort and detrash 3+ pallets of product, and then have to work it to the floor. They often have to zone in order to restock that tables. Their team is rarely staffed correctly to get the product pushed out to the floor on time. My theory is that most of the flow team dislikes working in softlines - probably due to the lack of schematics, and general messiness.
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