I can see where some of this thread might head..
I've done overnight logistics for the last 17 years... flow, backroom, bulk, p-fresh. I haven't been nor ever want to be a TL, srTL, or ETL. I'm a married, college educated (B.A.S. in psychology) guy with kids. I'm firmly what you could call middle class. I own my home. I have nice vehicles. I do this job now for the same reasons I did it back in the day, because it works for me and I enjoy aspects of the job. Not everyone on flow is poor, dirty, hungry, Black, Hispanic, etc. Not everyone is disgruntled. To some people, I may break your average stereotype for flow. But why is that your stereotype anyway? Is that your own prejudices sneaking up? We have all types of people on our team...people of color, people of all different socioeconomic status, people of different sexual orientations, formerly retired people who got bored, college kids, fresh out of high school kids, parents, grandparents, etc. Most of the time, if treated right, our team is happy.
People in other workcenters throughout the store treat flow like garbage...it's a fact of life. It's wrong. Maybe that's why they look disgruntled to you.
Maybe they got too little sleep because their life prevents them from getting the proper amount?
Maybe they are tired from walking all night long (my average is 14 miles per shift)?
Maybe they are annoyed by being expecting to do the work of the 6 call-ins for the night (last Friday we were down 10 and expected to make up for that and then some)?
Maybe they have an injury they are trying to work with?
Maybe they are sick?
Maybe they have crappy leadership that yells at them for every little thing under the sun?
Maybe they are tired of being looked at as damaged goods by the majority of people in the world because they work overnight?
Maybe they have resting bitch face?
Maybe they are tired from lifting heavy stuff all night long?
Maybe they are tired from it never being good enough for you or anyone else?
Maybe they are tired of being blamed or looked down on by every other workcenter if one little thing is done wrong?
Maybe they got thrown into a new area with little to no training and expected to exceed goals?
Maybe they have two jobs?
Maybe they haven't heard the words "good job" or "thanks" from their leaders or other workcenters in a long time?
Maybe they are tired of being told they look mad or disgruntled?
Maybe they wear the same red shirt with black marks on it because the scanner uses black permanent marker to mark the backstock boxes and it gets on their shirt from the unload?
I could go on...
Just some thoughts.
Most of our team are good, honest, hard working people. We put in 8-10 hour shifts. We are ALWAYS moving.
Yet, for some of you out there, you will never understand that or respect the people who do it.
Thank you to those that do...it's part of the reason I keep doing this year after year.