Archived Anyone's store have any female flow/backroom TMs?

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In a way, arent we sexist when it comes to a man and a woman in a relationship? Because people think that the woman is supposed to keep the man grounded and on the right path and be the glue that holds them together? I think sexism and racism are a result of the consequences that come with free will.

Wrong thread for something that complicated.
Sexism definitely plays a role in who does manual labor at my store. Definitely related to this.
I was talking about your personal relationship question which then veered off into a point about racism and sexism being a question of free will.
All of which are pretty complex subjects that have very little to do with who makes bales.

Your store sounds like it tends to run one way but from the other replies in this thread I'd say it's not the standard.
Maybe if there was an effort made to train them to make bails it would happen.
It could be they are just afraid of the process.
My store tends to train a small number of people to do too many things. I'm not sure who would make bales if I stopped working and if the flow bale maker quit. I guess someone would have to step out of their comfort zone and do something that they don't want to do.
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