Archived Are you saving 5 percent

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I don't pay a fee for red card credit card. And if you pay it off every month, it's saving 5% on stuff you'd buy anyway.

Oh, sorry, I did mean the monthly finance fees or whatever they are called. You are doing it the right way but I suspect most people pay the minimum and carry a balance making the 5% lame.
I have a cashier that gets 10 a day consistently. However, I can tell you it's the part of my job that I absolutely hate. LOD constantly harassing me about RedCards, something that ultimately is out of my control, is extremely annoying.
I doubt this it's in the script for the interview guide. Are you willing to promote the Red Card and related products

If you've ever shopped at Target you know we ask guest if they would like a Red Card.

It blows me away people don't do simple research onto the job before they get hired here.
Research doesn't say anything about verbal harassment does it?
I still don't understand why anyone would want a credit card when a debit card does the same thing w/o any fees whatsoever.
I doubt this it's in the script for the interview guide. Are you willing to promote the Red Card and related products

If you've ever shopped at Target you know we ask guest if they would like a Red Card.

It blows me away people don't do simple research onto the job before they get hired here.
I was asked about promoting the red card at my interview. I've had mine for 15 years, so of course I can sell it.
It is worded "loyalty programs" on the new interviews. You can talk about Cartwheel and RedCard.
If you're not okay with promoting the REDcard, then Target simply isn't the place to work. I wasn't sure about it until I actually started working here, but now I really don't have a problem with it. The worst thing the guest can do is say no to the credit option, and if they do you can always try and pitch the debit option (or vice versa).
Most likely. It's in the job description that is read to you during the interview. I'm sure they went through things pretty quickly with you as a returning tm.
Welcome back officially. 🙂
I still don't understand why anyone would want a credit card when a debit card does the same thing w/o any fees whatsoever.

Hi Kartman!

I prefer credit cards because there is no risk of overdraft. I used to use a debit card for my purchases and accidentally hit overdraft once when a company charged my card incorrectly. The painful process that I had to go through to get it removed without having to pay the overdraft fee was not worth it. The bank reps were so rude to me even after I showed them the letter from the company that states that none of this was my fault. It was an awful experience.

Credit cards have no overdraft risk, no fees if you pay on time, and prevents those who steal my card from taking my checking account money.
I'm 61 and I've never had an overdraft.

To me, a debit card is just a way to not write checks.

And never have to pay any sort of fee.
I'm 61 and I've never had an overdraft.

To me, a debit card is just a way to not write checks.

And never have to pay any sort of fee.

That's great! Glad you know what works for you! 🙂

Unfortunately, that overdraft experience ruined debit cards for me personally. 🙁

I guess that is why they have two types of cards. More choices suited for people who are looking for different benefits. Credit cards fit me better whereas debit cards fit you better. 😉
I just don't want to pay any fees.

I don't need 'miles.'
I stuck with the credit card after hearing horror stories from coworkers hit with multiple transactions at once.
I pay my full balance every month at the service desk so I don't 'pay any fees' either.
Nope, the only thing that could happen is if you reach your limit but mine is high enough I'd have to be doing some serious shopping to even come close.
But, as HRLady mentioned, credit cards have more protections: in the event of unauthorized use charges can be disputed, if you report it immediately you may be liable for only $50, your credit limit is a stopping point.
Debit cards are linked to your account &, unless you keep a small balance, a thief can empty your account.
If you have overdraft protection, they could drain the secondary account as well.
It's also more difficult to recover your funds from fraudulent debit use than credit card & you may have to reopen a new bank account.
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