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How's the wording on team leaders? I have one who is awesome and one who is a gigantic bag of dicks. I want to say really nice things about the one and really nasty things about the other, so I'm hoping it's not all lumped into "your team leaders" because one of them does not deserve the whirlwind of shit that is going to be said about the other.

You rate them as one. Since they always like to look at my flaws and ignore everything good I do, I returned the favor on the BTS last year and did likewise when I had one great one and one lousy one.
I have two other TLs in my area. Me and another one get along great with the team. The third... not so much. He brags that he is the mean one and that everyone thinks he is a jerk. I know this is going to bring all of us down on the BTS.

This is my first year as TL for BTS. Will they give TLs results even though our store has done away with chat sessions? Or will they have TL chat sessions and not TM chat sessions possibly?
I forget how it's worded, but there is always two log TLs, not including PP. I actually don't have a problem with them. Just their boss.
I will write comments all over it in ink and then i wil bend ,fold and spindle it. Oh yeah i will start before they say go too
How's the wording on team leaders? I have one who is awesome and one who is a gigantic bag of dicks. I want to say really nice things about the one and really nasty things about the other, so I'm hoping it's not all lumped into "your team leaders" because one of them does not deserve the whirlwind of shit that is going to be said about the other.
With so much crossover in workcenters TL questions can be an issue that needs better clarity.
How's the wording on team leaders? I have one who is awesome and one who is a gigantic bag of dicks. I want to say really nice things about the one and really nasty things about the other, so I'm hoping it's not all lumped into "your team leaders" because one of them does not deserve the whirlwind of shit that is going to be said about the other.

The fact that Target has no interest in evaluating how their employees really feel about EACH TL but lumps them together makes it obvious that the survey is meaningless to them.

Either they should make the survey meaningful OR they should drop the whole thing & save the money & the time wasted taking the stupid thing. Not to mention the time wasted "preparing" TMs that the survey is coming up & the blatant campaigning for good scores.
I've never seen so much blatant campaigning for this before. It's crazy. My favorite was reminding us about all of the promotions of the LODs. Seriously, you haven't promoted a TM out of our store in years...don't tell me how much we rock at promoting people when the people being promoted have nothing to do with people at my means nothing to me.
BTS is kind of nice and kind of ridiculous. It's nice because it's one of the few things we can do collectively as a team to formally rate our leaders (It specifically hits the STL, but trickles onto others too I guess.)

Ridiculous because it still doesn't get the idea's about what the team ACTUALLY wants across. Like personally I don't care if we have FFF events every week, free food, and candy at huddle. I'd rather make a bigger paycheck in a well-staffed store than scramble at minimum wage to get unrealistic workloads done. The positive attitudes/energy/whatever will come if everyone is well-compensated and the store is adequately staffed.

Like, you can requisition the shit out of the candy aisle, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm taking home minimum wage and can barely afford groceries at the end of the day.
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If corporate wanted the BTS to mean something, then it would produce actual results. Each TL and ETL should be scored *individually* rather than as a group, and overly negative scores for any one TL/ETL should result in formal coachings about improving themselves as leaders. But as things currently stand, you could have a TL who everyone hates and everyone rates down and nothing would happen. It's all just for show, to make it seem like our opinions matter.
There's definitely "worry" from the leaders about survey results, so it's not entirely without teeth. And don't tell me that when the DTL comes to visit with the STL and "chat" about survey results, he/she doesn't tear the STL a new one if they had a poor survey.

But, like paidtosmile said, it doesn't dig deep enough to be effective at fixing anything. Like a lot of things with Target, they end up looking at the equivalent of a Green/Yellow/Red score, and ignore why it ended up that way. Just fix it.
If corporate wanted the BTS to mean something, then it would produce actual results. Each TL and ETL should be scored *individually* rather than as a group, and overly negative scores for any one TL/ETL should result in formal coachings about improving themselves as leaders. But as things currently stand, you could have a TL who everyone hates and everyone rates down and nothing would happen. It's all just for show, to make it seem like our opinions matter.
It does have an affect. If through the survey, your store is deemed a problem store, the DTL will be required to visit weekly until the problems are solved. This usually results in chat sessions occurring, though they aren't automatic now. The usual problems I've seen from past surveys were always; people aren't doing their fair share of work and compensation. The other issue was with management having the kind of turnover it does, the BTS doesn't always reflect on the right leaders.
It does have an affect. If through the survey, your store is deemed a problem store, the DTL will be required to visit weekly until the problems are solved. This usually results in chat sessions occurring, though they aren't automatic now. The usual problems I've seen from past surveys were always; people aren't doing their fair share of work and compensation. The other issue was with management having the kind of turnover it does, the BTS doesn't always reflect on the right leaders.

And new leaders always "well that was them I am new so we will just throw that in the trash and start fresh" so nothing changes.. And the next year the results still suck..
My store is a yellow. Mgt changes have happened at my store. My new stl is smart & wise. They are checking out tm's & tl's, which is great thing. It gives the team hope for sure. I am thinking the new stl is proactive & cares about the team. The etl's are on the floor even more(at last).
After BTS last year in my store, my STL was gone. We were bleeding red and a focus store for quite awhile. Under our new STL's direction we are green and run either 1 or 2 in our district. Don't really know if it was survey results or not.
How do you know what color your store is? Is it posted somewhere?
In the past I have not had a problem with the store management. It is now a big problem. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
I have always answered the survey honestly. Sadly for my store I will be doing the same thing this year.
Can you really take the survey more than once?
You will know when food events increase a ton and there are a shit ton of visits. Your HRBP and DTL will live at your store and have chat sessions with you guys. And, yes you can take it as much as you want. TLs and ETLs cannot, because it is sent to them via email.
I've never left any comments before but am seriously thinking of it. Trying to word things to sound professional but so far everything is so sassy and sarcastic because it shouldn't have to be said. -_-
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