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That happened to me, too.🙁
I didn't get to go to one last year. But I've been relatively good most years as I've always had the opportunity to talk to my STLs and ETLs about the problems I see one-on-one. No need to tongue lash them in front of an audience....usually.
My TLs had a chat session with the like district hr guy last week. I overheard some whispering among TLs after the session and apparently everyone had something negative to say. From what I heard, I get the idea that in past years even if things weren't great, not everyone spoke up.

I've never been to a chat session. I just get those walking chats with the etl hr and a clipboard. We never have many people in the floor so I don't think they have a choice lol. If they had multiple Tms away for a chat session, who would do all the work?
We didn't even have chat sessions last year. I doubt we have them this year either. "If you have any concerns please talk to your ETL or HR- ETL" I can already hear it. But I'm pretty sure we got our results because our ETL's have been so rude lately. Or maybe sh*ts just rolling down hill. Either way, it's making going into work even worse.
Any chat sessions for anyone yet? Haven't heard one word about the BTS at our store...must have been pretty bad.
I don't get invited to the chat session. Any answers that I give on the survey instantly gives away my position. There's only one person that does my classification within the back room.
I had a chat session a few weeks after the results came back. It was myself and two Backroom TMs (including a TM who was new and didn't even take the survey and has since quit), and our STL.

It was very awkward...The STL basically went over every negative result and asked us why we felt that way. And we pretty much just said "I don't know" to everything.

I never heard of any other TM chat sessions (not even with the other Backroom TMs).
Any chat sessions for anyone yet? Haven't heard one word about the BTS at our store...must have been pretty bad.
Was just reading an old playbook link the other day. They should have already happened...looks like they are just skipping them. Tempted to ask the stl if I missed them...
Group director showed up followed by the DTL then there was a virtual HR visit and the new APBP came by an hour later
Womp. I guess my store had good scores. The stl and etl hr tweeted that we're finally not a focus store. Yay.
Any chat sessions for anyone yet? Haven't heard one word about the BTS at our store...must have been pretty bad.
I remember reading in a playbook or something last year that if your store scored high enough on a couple questions regarding employee retention; ie, the 'would you leave target for a similar job' question, your ETLs could opt out of doing chat sessions. I haven't read anything this, so I'm assuming the same goes for this year.
Scores were terribly low at my store. The DTL told our STL to have individual chat sessions with team members instead of as groups this year.

That was two months ago and no one has had a chat session yet, but I know everyone was checked off as having one as the DTL and HQ had required.
Never heard anything back about our BTS results. I'm sure they were terrible. I took their bribes while rating them poorly.
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