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Yea, it's anon, but apparently some people have unethical leaders who hover around as they take the survey. That doesn't happen in my store, though.
Yea, it's anon, but apparently some people have unethical leaders who hover around as they take the survey. That doesn't happen in my store, though.

we have yet another visit tommorow, so the dam DTL will most likely be the one hovering lolol
Yeah, they tried to bring us back in groups and sit over us. Weren't too happy when I told the hrtm I've done it without help every year and didn't appreciate being asked to take it with others around, as that compromised the whole idea. I got a computer by myself, lol.
Second Best Team Survey for me, looking forward to it this time. Last year I answered it like I do most all surveys, pretty much neutral/mostly satisfied. This year? Going to put a little more thought into how I answer. Is there a comment box on these?

"How satisfied are you with the equipment you are provided to do complete your job?"

Equipment? What's that?
I was nice to my ETL HR last year because I liked her, but she quit. So it's strongly disagree for everything.
Comments would be nice, but no one is going to read all of them. The truth is that they can glean some useful information from the questions they ask, but some questions are so vague and there's some that don't really make sense.

I noticed there were more questions about "Senior Management" (DTL, Group Directors) than in the past. Felt like less questions overall. There was one question, at least for TLs, that had you choose three things, from a list of maybe 12 items, that were the most important things you needed from your STL. Accountability, recognition, fair and consistent treatment, clear direction, motivation and inspiration, etc. then you rated your STL on how well they met the needs you selected. That was kind of cool. The comments section was much more geared towards a total company focus than on a singular store focus. It's almost like they want their whole team to have a macro view when it comes to the company and BTS. Or maybe it's just the way I read the questions.
so who's your favorite member of "BTS" ??

K-Pop Rules !!
K-Pop is Korean Pop Music for those not in the know !!


I just took the survey! I was answering pretty honestly for the first couple of pages, then I looked up and saw that I was only 43% done. So from then on I just skimmed. I know my answers don't really matter anyway.
"Target uses the best team survey to make improvements." DISAGREE.
"Team members are given a reasonable amount of work." STRONGLY DISAGREE.
Link exclusive to you. Password and login ID included.

Someone, somewhere will know your answers.

A couple of years ago a member of the executive team came on the site to explain that the survey went to a separate company and not to Target.
They are the ones who collate the numbers and supposedly there is a firewall between them and Spot.

Now is that true?
The exec who provided the info sure seemed to believe it was.
I can't confirm it one way or the other.
A couple of years ago a member of the executive team came on the site to explain that the survey went to a separate company and not to Target.
They are the ones who collate the numbers and supposedly there is a firewall between them and Spot.

Now is that true?
The exec who provided the info sure seemed to believe it was.
I can't confirm it one way or the other.
The info gathered is done by a 3rd company. But, spot could ask for more detail. So, change your Id from tl to tm, guy to a girl, & 3 years of service .
One of the funny parts to me is they say it's anonymous but... every computer we have is on camera. So if they REALLY wanted to know what you wrote they could just watch you fill it out.
Our old stl broke it down for us when he got the results back and it all came back to us. For example the question about equipment: the store doesn't have any because WE didn't wear holsters and dropped them.WE didn't return them every night and WE hid them. (Reality- there weren't enough holsters, we do drop things being human, and people felt they had to hid them so they could have one the next day to do their work) The question about compensation: sorry you feel that way, look at what Wal-Mart pays essentially, move up or out.
He was hilarious he could diplomatically spin any of the questions back to our fault.

Hiding equipment only exacerbates the problem though. As much as not having access to stuff when you need it is.
I honestly think BTS are pointless. I fill them out every year and nothing ever changes:/ I wasn't even honest this year I just said everything was great when in reality it was so-so because I just knew it wasn't going to change.
Someone should go on eHR at their store and right click the "opinion survey" link, go to propoerties, then write down the URL to the BTS. We might be able to take this at home since it's a third party site.
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