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Yes it is. Normally, we got it middle to end of July. I guess Target is eager for the results.
Who get's to see bts results anyways? Last year they never even discussed them so I can only imagine they were bad. This year I imagine they're going to be worse, if that's at all possible.
They weren't discussed at my store either, other than to say they were good. Yup, kool-aid is so good, everything is wonderful...
Nothing was said at my store either but we did not have a huddle today, (that was a fricking miracle) and our STL is on vacation so.....maybe we'll get info when he's back. I'm sure he and the ETL's will need to figure out a way to positively spin what ought to be some pretty bad scores.
My guess is that they have to look at them, discuss them, and then toss them aside (or disseminate the results to the team, depending on your store).
These are the new commitments from BTS. Blank, blank, and blank. Nothing changes.
I hated this years survey. I really dislike how my store handles almost everything, but my leader is awesome. They removed all of the specific leadership questions where I could have praised her. My whole team is super unhappy about the way things are going, but none of us blame her. However our survey results are not going to be good and I am worried she will take the flack for it.
A couple of years ago a member of the executive team came on the site to explain that the survey went to a separate company and not to Target.
They are the ones who collate the numbers and supposedly there is a firewall between them and Spot.

Now is that true?
The exec who provided the info sure seemed to believe it was.
I can't confirm it one way or the other.

I work in the HR department of a hotel chain now.... We are doing a "team enagement survey" that's like the BTS.

A third party vendor handles our survey. They are responsible for hosting and compling the results. They will then forward the results to us, sans personal information. Additionally, if a supervisor has less then 5 reports, they won't provide the results of the leadership-specific questions to us to protect employee privacy.

We provide the company with a list of employee names, but it's used to generate login/password information for the employees. They login to prevent a single employee from accessing the survey multiple times to sabotage a supervisor. All logins are randomly assigned and sent directly to the employee. We do not get a list of login ids or employees who took te survey... It's just a percentage.

All analysis is completed by the company. We don't see raw data.. It's all aggragrated by leader, department, and property.
Leadership had their meeting about this today. Went these times as long as the stl thought it would....bwahaha. Can't wait to see how they handle this.
ETL-HR will be having a chat session with BR TMs next week to go over the results and get some commitments for this year.

I'd rather go to the Flow one...Its much more fun when there are 20+ TMs all at once telling ETL-HR about how much they dislike the ETL-LOG and everything he does.
ETL-HR will be having a chat session with BR TMs next week to go over the results and get some commitments for this year.

I'd rather go to the Flow one...Its much more fun when there are 20+ TMs all at once telling ETL-HR about how much they dislike the ETL-LOG and everything he does.
our tls are deciding how to do the chats, likely to minimize getting blasted by entire rooms full of angry tms.
our tls are deciding how to do the chats, likely to minimize getting blasted by entire rooms full of angry tms.

This ^ . I was just talking to a team member how I'd love for them to have a sit down with our whole softlines department and we can talk. But they'd never do this. They'd 1. wouldn't want to leave the floor empty and 2. would get an ear full. Not that it matters. We've all talked to them about the same thing and nothing changes.
I was told that our scores were better than least year's. The only reason I can think of why that would be is because half of our experienced TMs left and so we had a ton of new people taking the BTS and not caring, just spamming positive responses.
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