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The LOD tried to have me take it one day last week, only for eHR to be down at the time. That's okay, I'll just go take it at a time when you're not going to hover around me! But I can't imagine anything coming out of this year's survey for my store being positive, our STL is universally despised and has been with the store for less than a year, so this will be their first BTS. All the ETLs are in for a big wake up call when they discover it's not all sunshine and roses like they think it is. Those cold hamburgers and hot dogs you left for the closing team sure didn't buy my love.
I look at it this way......

They give us reviews that for most people are not true assessments of our work. Almost everyone is downgraded to make the budget. So me taking a survey and downgrading the score I would have gave them is really no different.

It didn't help they gave me my review right before it was time to take the survey. Poor planning on their part.

Poor planning or a well orchestrated event to extract how you really feel?
I don't feel comfortable doing the survey when I make up fifty percent of my 'workcenter' (HR) plus the other half is all buddy buddy with the ETL. They always have meetings together, and afterwards never loop me in on changes they implement. It's a great team we have going on.
The other night four of us were closing (all regular TMs) and I asked if anyone had taken the survey yet.....all said "No." Then I asked if any of them were going to take the survey and again they all said "No."

I don't think that my store is going to get the expected number of BTS done by the deadline.

If the numbers are too small for the number of people taking the survey, what happens next?
Best team survey? Shouldn't it be called "tell us your opinion of the store you work at and we will find out if you said shit about the store you work at"?
I wouldn't even call DTL visits a penalty just because it was nice to see the etls on their toes and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. But it was annoying when they'd be all "zomg softlines pick up shoes! [Cruella's] on her way!" Name obviously changed.

Funny enough, when I got in yesterday morning, the lod told me we were having a visit and that I needed to clean shoes. That lod was lying, though... I guess she thought it would motivate me?
That would motivate me to kick lod with my dirty shoe

I don't trust that woman. She's new to my store and just yesterday I heard two lies from her (in attempts to motivate me, I think). The visit one is the only one I have proof of. I might have a talk with hr about it, but idk that it'll effect anything. In attempt to get back to topic (lol.. Sorry) the question about the etl hr is probably the only one I had a positive response for on the survey.
I don't trust that woman. She's new to my store and just yesterday I heard two lies from her (in attempts to motivate me, I think). The visit one is the only one I have proof of. I might have a talk with hr about it, but idk that it'll effect anything. In attempt to get back to topic (lol.. Sorry) the question about the etl hr is probably the only one I had a positive response for on the survey.
She is just getting it backwards. TMs don't give a damn if there is going to be a visit. ETLs on the other hand, they panic and suddenly there are hours to fix stuff that should have been done weeks ago.
Funny enough, when I got in yesterday morning, the lod told me we were having a visit and that I needed to clean shoes. That lod was lying, though... I guess she thought it would motivate me?
What probably happened was that their was a visit in an area store/or that they knew "vistors" were going to be in the area that day. Either will send people into clean up mode.
What probably happened was that their was a visit in an area store/or that they knew "vistors" were going to be in the area that day. Either will send people into clean up mode.
Yup. Steritech was at the nearest store one day so we ran around fixing crap. They came the next day. Cause our person is an evil genius...
They're probably throwing out the survey this year anyway. So I wouldn't be all that concerned....
Nooope. A coworker asked the etl hr when the visit was gonna be and she was like "what? There's no visit"

Also we had 6 z racks on the floor not being worked. If she thought the shoes were that important I would've just done it if she said it even though it was dumb because they don't pay me to make decisions so I follow orders lol no matter how dumb.
Took it yesterday. Maybe it's because I'm in AP, but there was very few questions about in-store leadership, other than asking if I felt comfortable talking to the ETL-HR and or STL about any problems, but it had several questions about how I felt the direction of the company was going and about upper leadership (DTL and up) which I absolutely ripped them on. Most of my answers for in-store were "mostly agree" or indifferent, but only one question of the ten about corporate level was above "Strongly disagree," and it was "mostly disagree".
Took it yesterday. Maybe it's because I'm in AP, but there was very few questions about in-store leadership, other than asking if I felt comfortable talking to the ETL-HR and or STL about any problems, but it had several questions about how I felt the direction of the company was going and about upper leadership (DTL and up) which I absolutely ripped them on. Most of my answers for in-store were "mostly agree" or indifferent, but only one question of the ten about corporate level was above "Strongly disagree," and it was "mostly disagree".
I noticed that there were not nearly as many questions...about the store level. Most like you said were dealing with the Company itself
Had to do my survey today......HR clerical is making sure that TMs take the BTS. So, I did it. don't think they'll like my answers.
The other day when I'd asked several TMs about the survey they weren't planning on doing it. However, just like me one of those TMs was asked to do the survey. His responses were pretty negative too. Neither of us answered the "voluntary" questions about race, sex, and age.
I also didn't answer the question about how long I'd been at Spot.
I pretty much answered neutral on all. This survey irritated the hell out of me because pretty much every question focused on the DTL/regional people, like I even know who half of them are much less what environment they promote. I gave my STL positive ratings, but I was irritated that there were no sections for "additional comments" or specifically my TL. What the hell is the point of this thing if it's not actually measuring anything important?
I feel as though this years BTS (going in with a new CEO) was based A LOT more on the company as a whole rather than being store specific. There were store specific questions, but I feel as if the "vibe" was trying to gauge the moral as a whole of the TMs in the store.

I feel as if my ETLs knew this would be the case as they explained to us numerous times to be as honest as possible.
My answers were mostly neutral, except the one about equipment. I gave them a flaming red on that one because it's pointless to have ALL the equipment (walkie, keys, mydevice, PDA, printer) locked with a cabinet only ETLs can get into unless the ETLs respond to requests for equipment in a timely manner (or respond at all). And they call for you over the walkie, you don't answer because you don't have one so you borrow someone else's and they ask what you're working on, after you asked them for equipment twice in 20 minutes. Well, I WOULD be pulling my print kits and pushing a CAF or stray but I seem to lack a few things that I need to do such things. Waiting 10 minutes before your shift and 20 minutes after you've clocked in for one of the many ETLs in the store to drag themselves into TSC is unreasonable, and they complain about us not finishing our tasks or wasting payroll.

At least recore the lock so it's a 6 key, whatever jewelry is, or some other sub-master number and give every TL one of those and HR since they're RIGHT THERE for their ENTIRE SHIFT so that not just ETLs can get equipment.

Funnily enough, my store received poor scores on equipment control last year, so they recently installed locking display cases to store everything in. Then it was cited as a positive improvement over last year on the list of so called positive changes over last years BTS (posted all over TSC and the breakroom).

But these cases are useless because they sit unlocked most of the time (our flow TL used to leave the lockbox open too while he was close by). Or everything is locked and nobody will come up to lock things up. I would just add my PDA and walkie in the pile on the desk if I didn't have keys to lock up too.

GSA/GSTL's have keys to equipment cabinet too. Least they do at my store.

GSAs are usually busy backing up or helping a cashier at my store, but I always check before calling out for a keyholder on the walkie.
What probably happened was that their was a visit in an area store/or that they knew "vistors" were going to be in the area that day. Either will send people into clean up mode.
My STL freaked out when she saw the corporate jet at our local airstrip recently. All of the ETLs were in panic mode for days, and in the end, the visitors only stopped by for a few minutes.
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