Archived Best Team Survey

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Yes! The huddle form is useless. Oh, so and so got promoted or is leaving? Oh, we are having a fundraiser or volunteer event? Oh, the store is on fire? Just check the huddle form!

Yup. Our HR at least is good about putting promotions/new hires on the reader things in the breakroom, but that's once a month. They sometimes put people leaving as well. Fundraisers yes, volunteering I think we have a board for. If the store is on fire just talk to your friendly leaders about our new buy one get 3 free on burnt or singed merchandise (supplies limited, no rain checks).
Well apparently the result from my store came back and we're due for a volunteer chat session with our DTL sans hr and stl in the building. I'm guessing it was abysmal.
Well apparently the result from my store came back and we're due for a volunteer chat session with our DTL sans hr and stl in the building. I'm guessing it was abysmal.
Wow....I wish that was the protocol for my store's chat session. I'm sure our ETL-hr or stl won't be in the room but out of the building? Wow!
They have a sign by the time clock with the time and dates for 3 chat sessions. It says they will be doing "walking chats" during tax free weekend. Huh? TFW is like having the first couple hours of Black Friday last 3 days! They are going to do "walking chats?"
They never put up sign ups for us to chat. Never have in the past, I would have been surprised to see them now. At least my store doesn't even go through the facade of caring.
Oh yes walking chats.
I'm pretty sure one of those was the beginning of my end when as I was doing a rather nasty bit of signing the perky new ETL HR, came over and announced she wanted to chat.
I told her it was not a good time, cause I knew what kind of mood I was in, but she insisted it was just a couple of questions.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with Spot's mission statement.
I'm not going to type the damn thing out but here's a link.

She asked me what I thought of the mission statement and I told her in no uncertain terms that I thought it was bullshit.
That if they truly meant what they said they would put enough people on the floor to give an exceptional guest experience.
That innovation wasn't doing what every other store in retail was doing.
And that these mission statements were just a corporate circle jerk that really didn't mean anything.

After she walked away, totally ashen I asked my PTL, "To much?"
He shrugged, "She asked you to be honest. "
I asked a co-worker if they had heard anything about the scores and it turns out the scores came in like 6 weeks ago and they just haven't had time to go over them. Yeahhhh. Not sure if I believe that or not.
Commie I like how that site grades it and they got a 1.6/4.5 lol. There is one grain of truth to be found in the statement itself though, although more in what's omitted. They do attempt to be entirely customer focused, they just have little idea what their customers want, so they just go for what's popular elsewhere and try to half-assedly make it fit into some solution they can roll out in stores. The omission of employees is huge, since they really don't give a crap about us, we're just replaceable drones to them at a corporate level.
Commie I like how that site grades it and they got a 1.6/4.5 lol. There is one grain of truth to be found in the statement itself though, although more in what's omitted. They do attempt to be entirely customer focused, they just have little idea what their customers want, so they just go for what's popular elsewhere and try to half-assedly make it fit into some solution they can roll out in stores. The omission of employees is huge, since they really don't give a crap about us, we're just replaceable drones to them at a corporate level.

I wish I'd known about the site when she was talking to me.
Oh yes walking chats.
I'm pretty sure one of those was the beginning of my end when as I was doing a rather nasty bit of signing the perky new ETL HR, came over and announced she wanted to chat.
I told her it was not a good time, cause I knew what kind of mood I was in, but she insisted it was just a couple of questions.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with Spot's mission statement.
I'm not going to type the damn thing out but here's a link.

She asked me what I thought of the mission statement and I told her in no uncertain terms that I thought it was bullshit.
That if they truly meant what they said they would put enough people on the floor to give an exceptional guest experience.
That innovation wasn't doing what every other store in retail was doing.
And that these mission statements were just a corporate circle jerk that really didn't mean anything.

After she walked away, totally ashen I asked my PTL, "To much?"
He shrugged, "She asked you to be honest. "

Bullshit is what I called the mission statement as well. If they truly wanted to make this a better place they would want to elevate their employees instead of cutting us to the bone an expect miracles with trashed equipment and no support. And Stop lying to us about actually training employees and holding other teams responsible for mistakes they are making. Instead you bring them pizza.
Bwaahh yeah I don't think we non-Team Leader types are going to get a chat session to go over the results. Last I heard from our STL is that they are planning a meeting to plan out when the chats will be…… wha?
Have yet to hear our results. The STL still hasn't gone over it with the ETL's yet.

My store is awesome...LOL
That's not a great mission statement. One of the problems at my store is that we don't have a leader with a strong vision for where we want to be and what we want to accomplish. Sounds like HQ doesn't have a strong vision for where the company is going and what it is striving for. Without a a focus or a clear mission statement/vision, you end up where Target is at now. We're just kind of floundering, bouncing back and forth from one blunder to the next, and have gone from being one of the leaders in retail (discount retail anyway) to trailing behind the rest of the pack. It's time for corporate to get its act together and give us some strong leadership and support! It'll be hard work, but this company is capable of so much more than where we're at now. There are talented team members deserve better than the leadership we were getting. I know there are talented and capable people at HQ too. This company just needs some great leadership to get back on track.
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Our results weren't good, but we have a new ETL-hr, ETL-log, ETL-ge, lost the ETL-hl (not replaced. Now have ETL-sf) and our stl resigned last week and his replacement isn't in yet. So some parts of the survey are now irrelevant because the changes happened after the survey was already done. The new ETL hr did the walking chat sessions, though and I was honest. I was honest with the old hr guy and nothing happened. I think the compliment sandwich helps when giving criticism, so it doesn't sound like I'm hateful.

We're supposed to have chat sessions soon, though. I'm probably just gonna be honest and risk it. I told some other sl TMs what I said about one of our tl's style of "leading" and they were all in shock that I said it. Sooo, I'm guessing I'll probably be alone in my honesty.
Now they know where the bad score came from.

Oh our store knows where they came from. But we make the store green.. You get one or the other... Grumpy people who can work, of the clueless who don't.. You want a green store or a red one? Take your pick.. They are trying to figure that out.. Cause several of us have said 4th quarter, we may not be here..
None of us gave good scores (hence the overall poor scores for the store). No one is willing to fess up, though... annnd I don't care, so I did. With so much new leadership, who's there to be offended? Just the one woman and even she has positive traits. Last year, it was the same thing. Terrible scores, then near silence in chat sessions (from what I heard... I didn't go to any last year). They haven't retaliated yet and they haven't in the near two years of me complaining and sending integrity emails with my full name in the email address, so I'm not scared haha. Only once did they actually approach me about an integrity email.
So is there any discreet way to view BTS results/notes without being specifically talked to or asking an ETL? Because I'm leaving in a few weeks, and everyone knows it (turned in my notice already), so I know they won't bother to come to me with info. But I'm still insanely curious. The only place I "know" of to get any sort of result is on Store Fact Sheet to see if we made it as a BTS Focus store (I wouldn't be surprised if we did); but that hasn't updated yet.

I know I could always ask around, but I'd like to avoid the appearance of gossiping/being nosy...I'm just super curious!
Well I had my chat session. Weirdly it focuses mainly on my newish, current TL even though my Survey was done for my TL who quit a month before the BTS was taken. It has me wondering if they are trying to "performance him/her out".

It was mostly like "We know you aren't one to throw someone under the bus, but..."(I am Paraphrasing)". I mean it is open discussion amongst team members about how he/she is terrible, etc and I had conversations with other TLs about how his/her move from backroom to CTL, were all about performancing them out before they even took over. I was even told literally that having been to different stores CTL is the position where Team Leads go to die, which is funny because I have always thought this as well (I'm a PA in Market).
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