Archived Best Team Survey

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Well I had my chat session. Weirdly it focuses mainly on my newish, current TL even though my Survey was done for my TL who quit a month before the BTS was taken. It has me wondering if they are trying to "performance him/her out".

It was mostly like "We know you aren't one to throw someone under the bus, but..."(I am Paraphrasing)". I mean it is open discussion amongst team members about how he/she is terrible, etc and I had conversations with other TLs about how his/her move from backroom to CTL, were all about performancing them out before they even took over. I was even told literally that having been to different stores CTL is the position where Team Leads go to die, which is funny because I have always thought this as well (I'm a PA in Market).

We just transfer TL's and ETL to a sister store they never come back.. Its a dump in a mall that always looks like crap, they send people there to not be able to make a difference and out the door they go.
My chat session was with an ETL as well. It wasn't BTS though, something else.
We still haven't had a chat yet...hell you ask my etls/stl about the best team survey and they get this What is this best team survey thing you speak of ?.....last year I think they waited till sept to do it
We were supposed to have our BTS chat session a couple weeks ago. We had a lot of issues recently occur and it was conveniently forgotten about by our HR and STL.
Last year they kept forgetting ours as thought process is if you are going to say we have to take the damn survey then at least give the results and your action plan etc
I was not chatted with. I'm almost always in the CO, though- it's not like it's easy to get ahold of me. Better that way- no opportunity to put my foot in my mouth.
Chats? We're really good at chats! We're so good, we get to have them with the HRBP, DTL, and STL. Cheers to the focus among us!
Hmmm, what would I say if I was asked to have a chat? Not that anyone would ask me to chat with them, or care what I would say. What are the chats about? Do they want to know what I would feel they are doing right or wrong and what I feel would make things run more smoothly in the store?

I think all I would say is - if everyone did their job, there wouldn't be any problems...

Oh and can someone tell me what a 4x4 is - I've heard gstl's talk about 4x4, but I never we are just trying to push guests through the lanes with practically no staff. No time for anything else.
I was not chatted with. I'm almost always in the CO, though- it's not like it's easy to get ahold of me. Better that way- no opportunity to put my foot in my mouth.
Jillofalltrades how long are you in the cash office? Our gsa's get yelled at if it takes them more than 4 hours.
It takes me three hours, generally, but they schedule me 5 hours most mornings. I spend the extra time covering GSTL breaks and helping out the service desk if they're getting hit hard. I work that sort of shift about four or five days a week, plus I do the comp shopping. It's rare that I get a shift that is a dedicated GSA shift. (and when I do it's ALWAYS saturday close!) I have a restriction on the hours I can work per week so five hour shifts work better than 8 hour shifts, plus it gives them more consistency in the CO. I was a little insulted at first- I thought I was getting this schedule because I was somehow failing at being a GSA- but then I realized that it's a great schedule to work, and they have me doing it because I can be trusted to work independently.
Oh and can someone tell me what a 4x4 is - I've heard gstl's talk about 4x4, but I never we are just trying to push guests through the lanes with practically no staff. No time for anything else.

4x4 is going section by section through the entire store. Spot is using it to make sure that things are clean (ha ha ha - Sarcasm font needed), labeled, signed, zoned, and generally looking good and right for the guest.
Ahh..lately all our signs have been up, but unfortunately not correctly. They haven't gotten any new signing people, so I'm not sure what the deal is. It's not like guests are changing them either. Just many items in the wrong spots.
Hmmm, what would I say if I was asked to have a chat? Not that anyone would ask me to chat with them, or care what I would say. What are the chats about? Do they want to know what I would feel they are doing right or wrong and what I feel would make things run more smoothly in the store?

I think all I would say is - if everyone did their job, there wouldn't be any problems...

Oh and can someone tell me what a 4x4 is - I've heard gstl's talk about 4x4, but I never we are just trying to push guests through the lanes with practically no staff. No time for anything else.
We had our chat last week. The chat is basically asking what the leadership team can do better for us. At first our group was silent, then one spoke and then everyone lit in on what they didn't like. They attacked our ETLs & STL about how they act and treat, and say things. Kind of made me mad because I absolutely love my ETL. I kept my mouth shut the whole time. I read about the chat sessions on here before our chat happened, so I knew to basically just listen and not say anything.
I never got to do the most recent one, but last time they asked me if I would rather work somewhere else for the same pay. I said no. Not sure why. I would rather work anywhere where the products cost more. That would be less embarrassing.
They did their list of team commitments today...and are all proud of them. Considering they didn't discuss the survey results with half of the store, I fail to see how our interests could have been addressed. But oh, wait...the sales floor and front end don't actually matter. Silly me.
Our ETL staff is not doing any feedback meetings with the team. In fact, the results have been completely hidden from the staff.
We've heard no mention of it in our store since we took it in May. We had chats last year to discuss it back in July, the one I was in included the ETL HR and STL, but as far as I know nothing's been said or done about it this year. We did just get a new STL (previous one resigned) so maybe they deemed the results irrelevant or something. And not that they have any meaning, but I'd be curious to know what the results were since we took it during an um...difficult, to say the least...time in the store.
We recently got our results. Our STL was fired. Thank you
I wish that would've happened at my store. Every team gave bad scores across the board except the front end. The chat sessions about it consisted of our angry STL explaining why the survey results were incorrect while the ETL-HR took notes.
You could see the writing on the wall. Totally disengaged. Store went from green to red. Too bad, I liked him when he first came. Don't know what happened. Glad it was taken care of before 4th quarter. Never got to say goodbye, boo hoo. Lol
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