Well I had my chat session. Weirdly it focuses mainly on my newish, current TL even though my Survey was done for my TL who quit a month before the BTS was taken. It has me wondering if they are trying to "performance him/her out".
It was mostly like "We know you aren't one to throw someone under the bus, but..."(I am Paraphrasing)". I mean it is open discussion amongst team members about how he/she is terrible, etc and I had conversations with other TLs about how his/her move from backroom to CTL, were all about performancing them out before they even took over. I was even told literally that having been to different stores CTL is the position where Team Leads go to die, which is funny because I have always thought this as well (I'm a PA in Market).
We just transfer TL's and ETL to a sister store they never come back.. Its a dump in a mall that always looks like crap, they send people there to not be able to make a difference and out the door they go.