Archived Best Team Survey

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We recently got our results. Our STL was fired. Thank you
I wish that would've happened at my store. Every team gave bad scores across the board except the front end. The chat sessions about it consisted of our angry STL explaining why the survey results were incorrect while the ETL-HR took notes.

How can the be incorrect if they are what the people are feeling?
WTF right does the STL have to jump anybodies shit for expressing their dissatisfaction?

That's exactly the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing with the damned things.
Well, I would ask my e h r about our bts chat.....but she is clueless and pretty much lets you know shes clueless
Thanks to this thread I had the heads up about bts scores... our DTL came and asked very specific questions in our department... it was obvious she was visiting for this reason. The bad thing is, the survey was taken in January when heads were rolling and leadership was moving around. The good thing is, our current "TL" may as well not be a TL over the department I am in, she is so disengaged; that the results are still the same.

How can a team member be completely honest when asked, "are you happy working for Target" in FRONT of the entire leadership team??

I will be looking for a chat session.
we had our TL results meeting.. noone would speak up but me.. kind of disapointing. our HR asked a few questions...
" do you feel we make improvements based on the BTS"
I said.. the month before and the month after yes... the rest of the year no.. ... "ut oh BTS is coming! lets feed them and give them stuff! here have a t-shirt! here have some pizza!
"Do you feel comfortable coming to me (hr) about any issues?" uhm.. i can come to you or any exec to vent but I dont expect anything to change cause it doesnt and hasnt in the last 10 years ive been here!
Just two examples.. our STL will never be fired.. and hes the reason our store morale is so low... every year we tell them and it never changes
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